At the gate of Kuai mansion, Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue sent Liu Yu out of the house in person.

"Today, thanks to the instruction of uncle Liu, we have benefited a lot."

"Ah, you are talented and talented. Today, I have gained a lot. If you have leisure in the future, please come to Luoyang and wait for me."

"I dare not. If I have a chance, I will ask Uncle Huang for advice."

"Well, you don't have to send them far away. Xiangyang City is very prosperous. Compared with Luoyang, it has a special flavor. I'll wander around the city for a while and then go back to the post."

Liu Yu and the two men bowed their hands to say goodbye, then turned and walked into the street.

Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue looked at his back and didn't go back to the house for a long time.

"Elder brother, what do you mean that the emperor's uncle suddenly came to Jingzhou alone? He came here for 17-8 days, either for sightseeing or for visiting friends and scholars. He is one of the current nine ministers. Is it really just for recreation

Kuai frowned more and more, his face puzzled.

Kuai Liang was relaxed: "what do you care about him? Just understand that he has no malice to my Kuai family. Otherwise, why come to visit and discuss knowledge with you and me for half a day? "

Kuai Yue's eyes brightened: "big brother said it well. No wonder that when the elder brother talked to him just now, he often mentioned his admiration for the son of heaven. It was out of such consideration. No matter what kind of ideas Liu He makes, I think it will be enough to save my Kuai family. "

Liu Yu strolled all the way through the city. He was very pleased to see that everything was in order and his business was prosperous.

"Although Liu Jingsheng has no ambition, he still has a lot of talent in governing the local area. Although Xiangyang City is no better than Luoyang City, it is enough to compete with Jinyang city. Compared with Jixian County of Youzhou ruled by Laoshi, it is half a point stronger. But it's a pity Unfortunately... "

He didn't know what he was talking about. Unfortunately, he shook his head. On such a walk, Liu Yu unknowingly came to a corner of the city.

"Well? I've come here in this way. "

Looking around, Liu Yu found that it was a dead end alley. He could not see a figure around him. He turned around and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, at this time, suddenly from the entrance of the Hutong, a few people flashed out, all of them covered their faces, with big knives in their hands, and slowly came towards him.

Liu Yu was shocked when he saw the situation: "wait Who are you? How dare you rob your family in Xiangyang City

The first man on the opposite side lowered his voice and said fiercely, "old man, blame yourself for meddling and offending those who should not have offended. Don't come to take revenge on my brothers after death."


Without waiting for Liu Yu to shout again, these people suddenly rushed over.



After two short shrieks, the movement in the lane came to an abrupt end, and there was no more sound coming out.

In the governor's office, a servant ran to the main hall in a hurry. He tripped over the threshold and fell into the mud.

Liu Biao, who was dealing with government affairs, was surprised by the man's movements and looked up discontentedly.

"It's not proper for you to be so alarmed."

The servant came in flustered and said, "master, it's not good. Uncle Liu He... "

When Liu Biao heard that it was Liu Yu's business, the whole person immediately sat upright.

"What's wrong with Uncle Huang? Didn't he go to Kuai mansion? But what happened to you? "

The servant shook his head and said, "no, he wandered in the city after leaving Kuai's house. As a result As a result An assassin


When Liu Biao heard this, his face "Shua" turned pale. The whole man stood up in an instant and walked quickly to the servant.

"What's going on? How can an assassin go to assassinate uncle Huang

The servant said, "this I don't know about it. It's just... "

Liu Biao listened to the first half of the sentence, the heart has already mentioned the voice, where there is the heart to listen to his "just".

"Come on, get your car ready and go to the post office..."

Not too close to follow, he suddenly thought of something.

"Well? Assassin, and it's for uncle Huang. I accompanied uncle Huang for half a month before. Today, I took an excuse to leave. Only a few people know about it. It's impossible to let it out in a short period of time. Can you say... "

His expression was a little shocked, and then turned into boundless anger.

"Come on, pass on Oh, no, bring me Cai Mao

The servant seemed to have something to say: "master, but..."

Liu Biao kicked the past: "but what? Didn't you hear me? If it's half a minute late, I'll cut off your dog's head! "

The servant was so frightened that he rolled out.

"Damn Hateful

Liu Biao in the hall, angry, casually picked up a few things and fell out."Cai Mao, how dare you harm me like this!"

Cai's house was not far away from the governor's office. In addition, Liu Biao was so angry that Cai Mao didn't dare to neglect him even though he felt "cluttered" for a while, so he didn't even need to prepare his horse, so he trotted all the way.

"I've met the Lord..."

He didn't finish saying this, but he saw a bamboo slip directly smashed on his face. He didn't hide, he didn't want to hide. He had to brave his head and get the blow.

"My Lord, you are..."

He was about to ask what was going on, but Liu Biao kicked him hard and fell back.

"You thief, you ask yourself, how have I treated you since I entered Jingzhou for many years?"

Cai Mao got up again, knelt down on the ground, and said, "the Lord has great trust in his subordinates. He has promoted him. He has married my sister as his wife. He has been greatly favored."

"You know that!" Liu Biao heard his words, not only did not calm down, but became more and more angry.

"Where has your husband offended you? If you want to hurt me like this, you have to kill all my family before you give up?"

Speaking of this, he said, "what's the surprise of CAI GONGMAO? The Lord's great kindness is great. Even if his subordinates go through fire and water, it is difficult to report in case. How can it harm the Lord's heart? "

Liu Biao had expected that he would not admit it and said coldly, "do you think you sent someone to assassinate uncle Huang? He is the emperor's uncle of today's emperor, and Zongzheng, one of the nine ministers of the imperial court. Somehow, he died in our Xiangyang City. I would jump into the Yellow River and be washed away. When the imperial army comes close, I will be killed by you. "

Cai Mao was surprised that Liu Biao got the news so soon, but how could he admit it?

"The Lord is wronged. How dare I do such a wicked thing? So? Uncle Huang was assassinated? Who is so bold? "

"You dare to pretend!" Liu Biao was very angry and kicked the past.

"Uncle Huang has been in our Xiangyang City for nearly 20 days and has been safe and sound. Only today, when I didn't accompany him, he was assassinated. The murderer was clearly aiming at him. Up to now, only you and Kuai brothers know that he is alone today. But Uncle Huang has just come out of Kuai's house. Who else can you be

"Since the news of Uncle Huang's coming to Jingzhou, you have repeatedly expressed your dissatisfaction with Uncle Huang. Besides you, who else in Xiangyang City has such a motive and is so bold?"

Liu Biao Yue said that he was more angry: "come on, put the thief in jail. Tomorrow, I will escort him to Luoyang and plead with his majesty."

Cai Mao's face turned white: "my Lord, I'm wronged. I can swear to heaven that I have never done such a bad thing!"

At the same time, he scolded the assassins in his heart: "some fools, this little thing can't be done well, can't we wait for him to come out of the city and pretend to be a mountain bandit? Now, how can I get rid of the suspicion in the city and really kill me! "

However, no matter how he cried for mercy, Liu Biao had already identified him in his heart. Facing his cry of injustice, he directly turned his back and ignored it.

Several guards ran over and set up Cai Mao. He was about to drag down when a voice came.

"I see who dares to move!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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