The chief commander of Xianbei was budugan, who had been active in the northwest of Shuofang county. He had experienced a lot of vicissitudes. Although he was less than 40 years old, he had white hair on both temples.

As he charged, budugan called out: "children, the Huns were expelled from the grassland by my Xianbei a hundred years ago, and now they dare to appear again. It's a suicide! Who can get the head of the right king of Xiongnu, reward a piece of silk, five pieces of gold ornaments, and the imperial court's imperial edict and glory

In recent years, with the prosperity of Hu City, more and more Han people's goods appeared in the tribes of Xianbei. Silk, gold, silver and jade were very rare in the Xianbei tribes. Even the leaders of the various tribes might not have a few of them. It was impossible for them to give them as rewards, and they were still several at a time.

At present, many Xianbei tribal leaders and senior generals in Tuohu city have more or less one or two silk dresses and several gold, silver and jade articles. But the more so, the more they think that the things produced by the Han people are really beautiful and precious. So, as soon as I heard that budugen was so generous this time, several Xianbei generals and many soldiers were behind him, Everyone was red eyed.

Seeing that the number of Xianbei cavalry was at least thirty or forty thousand, You Xian Wang was shocked and did not dare to be careless.

"The Han Army in the city is not enough to be afraid of. First fight Xianbei with my king, and then attack the city after winning the victory!"

Xiongnu and Xianbei had deep resentment. At his command, the Hun soldiers turned their eyes and turned their direction. The North Korean cavalry met them.

The two sides themselves were only less than ten miles away. Both sides were cavalry. Under the fierce charge, they naturally soon got to one place.

The so-called enemy meeting is particularly envious, not to mention the military strength of both sides is equal, everyone is aware of their extraordinary military courage, enough to annihilate the other party, naturally, everyone is courageous to move forward.

However, when Youxian Wang with several generals and bu Dugen and others came to the same place, a cry of killing came from behind.

When you Xian Wang heard the sound, he was shocked. When he looked back, he saw that the gate of the city was wide open. A Han general, waving a huge sword and leading thousands of soldiers, came from the rear.

"Hun dog thief, border guard General Chen lie here, come and die quickly!"

After Chen lie was promoted by Liu He, he was criticized for his merchant background. Later, his father Chen Qing and he Chang, who were brought by them, were knighted for their contribution to the city. People around him naturally looked down upon him as a county captain appointed by his majesty. He was always considered lucky.

Chen lie was depressed. He always wanted to find a chance to prove himself. A few days ago, he got the news that Xiongnu was going to attack the city. He immediately asked Xunzi to join him. He came to the city alone, led thousands of soldiers in the city, and cooperated with Qu hang properly.

Now that the scheme is successful, he naturally takes the lead and can't wait to rush out.

The Xiongnu had more than 40000 troops, stretching for several miles. The vanguard troops had already fought with the Xianbei people. However, the army had just run out of the city and was soon chased by Chen lie's troops.

He waved the huge sword in his hand and took the lives of several Hun soldiers.

All the 5000 soldiers he brought with him were the elite troops of Liu He who stayed in Yunhai county to guard the border. All of them could use one as ten. In a flash, the Hun rear army was killed and wounded.

Seeing the situation, the right Xian Wang immediately became anxious.

"Hateful, I was tricked by the Han people!"

Yuzhang County, outside Luling City, is a hilly and valley, the mountains are full of thick bamboo forest, swing with the wind.

In such a beautiful landscape, however, a group of mountain crossing rebels are trotting their way.

The leading leaders were very happy and satisfied.

One of them said, "ha ha, all the counties in Yangzhou are very rich, and the defenders are so incompetent that they are vulnerable to attack. If we knew that the court of the Han Dynasty was weak, why should we hide in the mountains and live so many years of hard life? "

"Isn't it? If someone hadn't come to give us a tip off this time, let's go down the mountain and copy it. Where can our brothers have such a good harvest? "

"In those days, Chen Wen, the governor, was a coward. Now, Liu Yao heard that he was still one of his royal relatives and relatives, but he did not see where he was. In a short period of time, we robbed three cities and killed tens of thousands of soldiers and horses they came to encircle us. It's very happy."

The leaders talked and laughed, causing one in the middle to show his color.

"You are right. This time we have enough food and supplies for us to use for a year. If we go 20 or 30 miles ahead, it will be Luling county. After we finish robbing this city, we will go back to the mountain, and then we will come out next year."

"Good, big head leader has a good plan. We will follow it to the death!"

"Grab money, food, women, ha ha..."

The big head leader laughed wildly, and several leaders around him were also very happy, laughing out of breath.

All of a sudden, countless arrows shot out of the bamboo groves on both sides. Just now, one by one, the mountain Yue troops were still smiling. In a flash, they were screaming incessantly, and I don't know how many people were killed in the rain of arrows."What's going on Don't mess up. Don't mess with the army... "

The big head leader panicked and blocked the arrows with his big knife. At the same time, he constantly yelled at the people. However, when he was attacked by surprise, how could he not be disordered by the morale and fighting quality of these mountain and Yue bandits?

After several rounds of rain of arrows, the soldiers of Shanyue were killed and wounded, and the remaining tens of thousands of bandits were also frightened and had no morale.

At this time, the rain of arrows suddenly stopped. However, before the thieves were happy, many soldiers in standard armor rushed out of the bamboo forest.


These soldiers were obviously prepared. They rushed into the valley and faced the soldiers who had no intention of fighting, they were like chopping melons and vegetables.

The big head leader saw this, and he was shocked. He didn't care about those people.

"Damn it, it's a trick. Run!"

At his reminder, five or six small leaders around him, as well as a small group of bandits, followed him one after another and rushed toward the mouth of the valley.

Strangely, the officers and men did not chase them, which made the big head leader a little relieved.

"Big head leader, we will be out of the valley at once. After we go out, we will be safe."

A little head leader cried out with some excitement.

The big head leader looks at the valley mouth not far from the front, and the big stone in his heart also falls down.

At this time, several figures suddenly rode out from both sides of the valley and blocked in front of them.

"Big head leader, there's an ambush, what to do..."

Several small head leaders are in a panic.

"What's wrong? A group of trash, see clearly, the other side is only four people, we rush out there are hundreds of soldiers and horses, still afraid they can not? I think these men must be the commander-in-chief of the Han army. They directly rushed to kill them, and today's crisis will be solved. "

He thought it was very reasonable.

A small leader volunteered: "big head leader, give it to my subordinates. I will take 100 people to take these four heads back."

The big leader nodded and said, "OK, I'll send you."

The little head led to order, took the white man, and killed the four men at the mouth of the valley.

Among the four, two middle-aged military generals and two teenagers looked at the soldiers in the opposite mountains. Instead of being afraid, they looked scornful and mocking.

One of the middle-aged military generals looked at a young hero around him and said, "ce'er, give it to you."

That young man was Sun CE who killed Yuan Shu Ji Ling that day. His eyes burst into light when he heard this.

"Father, don't worry. Just give it to the child."

As soon as he picked up a long gun in his hand, he clamped the horse in his crotch and went up alone.

A moment later, at the mouth of the valley, there was a cry of alarm and scream, which made the birds in the bamboo forests on both sides fly in succession , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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