Several people walked into a hall in the school yard, and Xi Zhong immediately began to report.

"My Lord, the four Route Army's strategy to harass the border, which was decided on that day, has now failed."

When this was said, all four were shocked.

"How long has it taken for the court to resolve the three route rebellion so quickly? It's impossible. "

Cao Ren has a big mouth.

Cao Cao was also a little surprised: "yes, I haven't heard the news that Luoyang has sent a large army. On the contrary, a few days ago, some good news came from several places. Han then sent out 80000 troops to attack Guanzhong. Xiongnu succeeded in plundering beidijun. Shanyue was also successful in Yuzhang county. Miaocai and Zhongde successfully led their troops into the boundary of Donghai County. How can we not only take advantage of this opportunity to win back the army from Luoyang

"Yes, can the army of the imperial court fly away from the earth? Otherwise, how can they appear in all places without being aware of it? "

Cao Hong is also confused.

"The imperial court did not send a large army," Xi Zhong said

When he said this, the people were even more surprised.

"No troops? So how to put down the three rebellions? "

Speaking of this, Xi Zhong also has a dignified face.

"During the Shanyue rebellion in Yangzhou, the imperial court conferred Sun Jian general Pingnan, and promoted his eldest son, sun CE, who was just 19 years old, to be the commander of Yuzhang. As soon as the imperial edict arrived, Sun Jian and his son led 30000 soldiers to fight in Yuzhang county. They soon defeated the Shanyue rebels and killed more than 20000 enemies. All the major leaders of the rebellion were beheaded and none of them escaped. "

Cao Cao was a little surprised, but soon figured it out.

"That Sun Jian claimed to be a descendant of Sun Wu, a soldier saint. He was really brave. When he was in charge of the Dong League, he made many achievements in the war. The emperor could even think of using him to deal with the people of Shanyue."

Guo Jia also said: "after Sun Jian left Yuan Shu, he helped quell the rebellions in Yangzhou for many years. He had already dealt with Shanyue people, so he was very handy in dealing with them. It is just that although he has made great contributions, he has not been able to grow up in the troubled times. Over the past few years, he has actually occupied only one Lujiang County. Yuzhang County borders Lujiang County, and naturally he will lead the army in person to lay down the territory for his eldest son

Cao Cao nodded: "although this Sun Jian has some skills, but his power is too weak, I should ignore him, so that his success is imminent. It is really a pity."

"Don't blame yourself. There are so many princes in the world, and Sun Jian has always been ambitious. Last year, when the emperor summoned the princes to Beijing to pay homage, he did not go there. Unexpectedly, Liu He, with his unfaithful blade, took advantage of his unfaithful edge to get rid of the great trouble of Shanyue. "

Cao Cao did not continue to entangle on this issue: "what about the other two?"

"As for the Hun Shan Yu, he did send the king Youxian to plunder beidijun. After that, they led cavalry to invade the new Yunhai county. As a result, he was ambushed and defeated. Even the right king followed the example of the left king and died in the desert

"How could it be? King Youxian led 560000 Xiongnu cavalry. Although Yunhai county is heavily guarded, the distance between the cities is far away. Each city is only a few thousand troops. How can we defeat it? Are there any secret reinforcements coming? "

Cao Cao was puzzled.

Xi Zhong put up a finger: "the court only sent one person, with a thousand troops to reinforce."

"What? Even Guan Yu's heavy cavalry would never have a thousand enemies, fifty or sixty thousand

Cao Cao didn't believe it at all.

"My Lord, it is. This man is not a famous general such as Guan Yu, but an assistant general of Ye Xiang of the Shenji camp, named Qu hang. He took only a thousand Shenji battalions to reinforce him. He shot and killed the Hun cavalry on the wall, which dampened his spirit. Then, bu Dugen, the leader of Xianbei, led a large group of cavalry to kill him. When the right king of Xiongnu came back to fight the enemy in a hurry, Qu hang and the general in the city then led his troops out of the city to attack each other. After a day and a night of fighting, the Huns were destroyed and no one escaped. "


Cao Cao was one of the most astonished people.

"This is more unexpected than using Sun Jian to deal with Shanyue. Xianbei has been subject to many years, and there has never been any business contacts in Hu City. We have almost forgotten the existence of Xianbei

Guo Jia said with emotion.

Cao Cao's face was a little dark and heavy: "a good hu system, really clever."

Cao Ren asked, "what about Han Sui? He had 80000 troops, and all of them were brave men who had been fighting in Xiliang frontier for a long time. How could he fail soon after he was sent out?

Without waiting for Xi Zhong to reply, Cao Cao sighed, "is that still necessary? After tens of thousands of cavalry of budugan swept the Xiongnu Youxian king, they galloped all the way south on the grassland. In a few days, they could get to Guanzhong. Han Sui was attacking the city and was trapped in a stalemate. How could Han Sui be invincible? He did not repeat the mistakes of Youxian Wang. He had some skills."It's just like this. Han then injured about 20000 soldiers and fled to Xiliang in a hurry. "

For a moment, there was silence in the lobby.

After a long time, Cao Cao sighed: "well, although today's son of heaven is resourceful and resourceful, with little effort, he has disintegrated this disaster, but in the end, our army has broken into Xuzhou. Once the Donghai County is occupied and Xuzhou is divided into two parts, the whole territory of Xuzhou will be readily available. "

"Yes, as long as the Lord occupied the three prefectures of Xu, Yan and Yu, he would be able to fight against the Luoyang court. After he fought with Liu Yan of Yizhou and hurt his vitality, our army would attack Luoyang in the name of "King Qin" for treachery. In this way, great things can be accomplished

Guo Jia's words made Cao Cao smile and his mood improved a lot.

At this time, a soldier came in.

"My Lord, general Xia Houyuan is here to report..."

Cao Cao raised his head in an instant, then got up directly, stepped out and took over the memorial in person.

When they saw his face getting darker and darker, they knew that there must be bad news in the memorial.

Guo Jia came forward and asked, "my Lord, I don't know the general of Xiahou..."

Cao Cao looked at him and said, "three days ago, he led his army to Lanling County, Donghai County. He got the grain and grass sent by Tao Qian and was able to stay in the city for rest."

"That's a good thing. With Lanling County as the foundation, it will gradually expand outward. It will not be long before all the counties in Donghai County will be included. Why is Meng de so sad? "

Cao Ren was puzzled.

Guo Jia said, "I'm afraid that's not what I said in the letter."

Cao Cao nodded: "our army has just been stationed in the city. On the same day, Liu Bei of Donglai County suddenly led 40000 troops and took a detour to Chengxian county."

"It's bad!" Guo Jia and Xi Zhong change their faces at the same time.

Cao Hong also a face puzzled: "how bad?"

"Cheng county is to the west of Lanling county. From Yanzhou or Yuzhou, you must go through the boundary of Chengxian county to get to and from Lanling County," Xi Zhong explained

Cao Cao said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect to be treated in his own way. Our army wanted to cut off Tao Qian's contact with the imperial court, but it was first cut off by the imperial court that miaocai's contact with us was cut off. "

"Oh, it's troublesome. Now miaocai's retreat is blocked by Liu Bei. If Tao Qian cuts off his food and grass again, will tens of thousands of troops starve to death? "

Cao Ren's face turned pale when he thought of this.

Xi Zhong frowned and said, "but according to the information that Liu Bei has been in Donglai County for nearly two years, he has recruited and recruited more than 60000 bandits. He is willing to send 40000 troops to Donghai County at one time? It seems that he is a royal relative who is loyal to the Han Dynasty. "

But Cao Cao shook his head and said, "it's not true. The court made Liu Bei a general of Zuo Zhonglang, Jiang Huan, his second younger brother, as governor of Chengyang, and Zhang Fei, his third brother, as governor of Donghai. So he went all the way from Donglai county to Donghai County through Chengyang county. "

"It's really troublesome. They were appointed by the imperial court, and Liu Bei and Tao Qian had many contacts. It was reasonable and reasonable for Liu Bei to lead troops to take over. As a result, the army of general Xia Hou fell into an awkward situation. "

Xi Zhong's words made everyone sad.

"Newspaper Tao Qian, governor of Xuzhou, sent a letter... "

Cao Cao was stunned, then suddenly said: "needless to say, it must be that Tao Qian didn't want to have a grudge with our army, so he specially came to Yanzhou to send him down the steps. The content of the letter must be something to thank me for sending troops to help him fight the rebellion, and how much money and food are willing to give to the three armies, and then ask Miao to withdraw. "

"How can this work? Finally, he entered Donghai County and fought with Liu Bei. Meng Defa, please, send me 20000 troops. I'll send troops from Yuzhou and attack him on both sides. First, I'll kill Liu Bei's man who weaves mats and peddles shoes. Then I'll March south to Pengcheng and take Xuzhou! "

Cao Ren asked for instructions.

Cao Cao waved: "No. Now is not the time to fall out with the imperial court. Otherwise, would not all the previous efforts be wasted? Withdraw your troops. Fortunately, there is a secret game. Liu He, Liu He, is not the only one who can... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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