"Ha ha, it's better to be a military master Wen Ruo. You are a good man. By the way, does your son have a wife? My old Zhu just got a daughter at the beginning of the year. Let's get married... "

Zhu Ye puts his arm around Xunzi's shoulder. How strong he is, Xun suddenly shows his teeth in pain.

Seeing that Zhu ye had taken the lead, Guan Yu secretly regretted. He secretly glanced at Cui Jun and Xun you, and wondered whether to marry them so that they could speak for themselves?

However, on second thought, such words were not what he could say. After holding his throat for a long time, his face turned redder and finally gave up.

Liu he said to Zhu ye with a smile and curse: "come on, you all hurt Wen Ruo Le, don't let go. Your daughter and the eldest son of Wenruo were born in the same year and the same month, and they are well matched. However, you sold your daughter so easily for the sake of a battle. It's funny enough for your father to treat this matter later. Since Wen Ruo also thinks that the time has come for the expedition to Xiliang, then discuss the matter of going out for the war. "

Seeing that Liu he agreed, Guan Yu said in a hurry: "if you can't take Han Sui's dog head back, I'd like to replace him with my own head!"

Zhu Ye is not willing to fall behind: "my little brother is the same!"

Liu he saw that both of them were committed and determined to win. No matter which one he promised or refused, it would be difficult to deal with, even with Guan Yu as commander-in-chief and Zhu Ye as deputy general. Although they would certainly agree, after the war, with Guan Yu's temper and now his towering war spirit, he might have been a deputy general Even if the pioneer's work has been done, then Zhu ye will not be able to make trouble when he comes back?

When he was hesitating, Gong saner came to report.

"To your majesty, General Ma Chao, bring pound, Ma Dai, Ma Xiu and Ma tie to meet outside the palace."

Liu he was stunned: "Oh? Why are they here? "

Cui Jun said: "they must have known that Guan and Zhu came to Beijing and thought that their majesty had called them to deal with Han Sui on their own initiative. After all, Han Suigang was bold enough to attack Guanzhong, and His Majesty was reasonable to attack them at this time. The Ma family and Han Sui had a deep feud like the sea, and they must have come to seek the vanguard position. "

Liu Hexian first said: "in this case, let them come in."

Before long, Gong saner came with Ma Chao.

"I will see your majesty!"

"Aiqing, please get up. I don't know what happened when I suddenly entered the palace?"

When Ma Chao hears the speech, he sees Guan Yu and Zhu ye on the side, and is even more pleased.

"I beg your majesty to send troops for the western expedition to exterminate the traitor Han Sui. I would like to be a pawn and report the national favor and revenge to your majesty. I sincerely hope your Majesty's permission will be granted."

"Your grace, please!"

Liu hexu helped him: "you should get up first. My second brother and I are discussing this matter. Since you are here, it's just right. Liu Yan, a traitor, was a traitor. Han then opened his eyes to the traitor. Xiliang was the gateway of Yizhou to the north. If you want to take Yizhou, you must decide Xiliang first. Therefore, I have made up my mind to send troops to kill the head of Han Sui. "

Ma Chao's five were overjoyed: "thank you, your majesty."

Zhu Ye suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Ma Chao: "ha ha, Meng Qi, your shooting skill is very open and close. It's very different from Zilong's dexterity and dexterity. It's just the spleen and stomach of my hammer technique. It's said that after you came to Luoyang, your shooting skills are very advanced and rapid. In this way, if elder brother sends me to fight, you will be my vanguard general. How about that? "

Ma Chao didn't know what they had discussed before. After listening to Zhu ye, he thought Liu he had appointed Zhu Ye as commander-in-chief. If Zhu Ye wanted to be a pioneer, would Ma Chao refuse?

"That's great. Thank you for your trust. I'm sure you will live up to your trust."

"Oh, fifth brother, you are not right." Guan Yu came over.

"You have only five hundred thors under your command, and there are no more cavalry. Meng Qi's riding skill is first-class. He is good at commanding cavalry and fighting with you as the vanguard. Isn't that a great talent? Guan's purple and gold dragon riding can be called the best in the world. Meng Qi still serves as an adjunct general for me to go out to Xiliang, which is the best policy. "

Ma Chao and others are completely confused. Who is the commander-in-chief of the western expedition? The five of them are completely confused. Now they are not good at speaking for anyone, so they can only ask Liu He for help.

Liu he couldn't cry or laugh: "second brother and fifth brother, don't argue. If you fight again, I will let you both fail."

As soon as he said this, it can be said that one hundred hits a hundred times. Guan Yu and Zhu ye are immediately silent. Zhu Ye runs to Xun Yu and secretly winks at him. Guan Yu can't pull down his face. He can only half close his eyes and brush his long beard. He pretends to be obedient and indifferent. However, the eyes that he often looks at Liu he betrays his inner thoughts.

Liu he was very helpless and turned to Cui Jun: "Zhou Ping, what's your suggestion?"

When he asks, Guan Yu and Zhu Ye immediately turn their eyes to him, which makes Cui Jun feel like a needle in a needle.

However, he was not an ordinary person after all. His eyes turned and he soon thought of an idea.

"Your Majesty, I'm not familiar with Xiliang, so I don't have any countermeasures. But the other two things need to be more urgent than Xiliang. "Liu He some wonder: "which two things?"

Cui Jun said: "first, the one-year agreement with Cao Cao has come. According to the agreement, the court should send troops to take over Yuzhou."

"Second, when he ordered budugan to send troops, his majesty once said that if he could drive away the Hun cavalry and kill the Hun right king, he would be given the title of Xianbei Dadan Yu. Now that it has been done, your majesty should also issue decrees to show the majesty of the court. "

"These two things?" Liu he was more puzzled after listening.

It is time to do these two things, but although they are not trivial, they can not be compared with the western expedition.

However, when Liu he thought about it, he saw Guan Yu's and Zhu Ye's eyes as if they were trying to eat people, and he understood immediately.

"Well, it's hard for the state to be even. It's not appropriate to support anyone to be commander-in-chief. If the fourth brother is OK, with the temper of the second and fifth younger brothers, if they can't fulfill their wishes, although they won't really be angry with their own brothers, Cui Jun, the middleman, will be in bad luck. "

He said slowly, "the matter of Yuzhou is not urgent for the time being. Although it was agreed that it would be limited to one year, now the use of troops in Xiliang is imminent, and uncle Huang has just appeased Liu Biao of Jingzhou. If the imperial court sent a large army to take over Yuzhou, there would be many border areas between Jingzhou and Yuzhou. It is hard to guarantee that Liu Biao would not be puzzled. What's more, Cao Cao was quite aware of the current situation and could know how to advance and retreat. He withdrew the troops that had entered Xuzhou. That would have given him a thin face, and put off taking over Yuzhou for a while, so as to deal with Han Sui wholeheartedly

"Your Majesty is wise, and it is most appropriate to do so." Cui Jun praised.

"As for budougen Since the court had made such an agreement with him, it should be done, and Zhou Ping should be responsible for it. "

After Liu he finished, Cui Jun followed him and asked, "if Qian man and Kui tou are angry about this, can we send troops to defeat the bandits?"

Hearing of another battle, Guan Yu and Zhu ye can't help but brighten their eyes.

But Liu he said, "no need. Now the court is powerful. The strength of Qian man and Kui Tou is not as good as that of Bu Du Gen. even if they try their best, they are only fifty or sixty thousand cavalry. How can they have the courage to fight against the court? I've sealed budougen. They are angry and will only go to budougen to prove that they are more suitable for big Chanyu. "

"Your Majesty, your majesty, will obey your orders." Cui Jun bowed back.

Liu He took a deep look at him and said to himself, "Cui Jun, it seems that he has been taught by his father Cui lie in recent years. He knows more and more about how to be an official. He has to be loyal to the country and avoid offending important ministers. Hehe, it seems that Cui lie is really like this, but I hope that Zhou Ping will stop here and never become the second Cui lie, Otherwise, it will be of no use to me. "

His idea flashed away, but Cui Jun suddenly opened his mouth again: "however, Wei Chen thinks that your majesty can add one item to the edict given to Qian man and kuituo. As long as one of them can take back the head of kebineng, he can also reward him."

Liu he heard, the corner of his mouth this appeared a smile: "well, this is a good idea, so do it. If we can kill general Antong, we can kill them

He thought to himself, "it seems that although Zhou Ping is more tactful, he is still loyal to the country and is devoted to my consideration."

He was relieved to think of it.

However, Zhu ye did not give up: "Oh, these two things have been discussed, that big brother should decide the matter of commander-in-chief of the western expedition?"

Liu He's smile, one of the sudden stiffness.

Xun Yu looked at Liu He's expression, thought for a moment, stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I have a plan, which can not only solve the dispute between the two generals, but also win the first battle and pacify Xiliang."

Liu he was very happy: "Wen Ruo, tell me quickly."

"This is the plan of the minister..."

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