The next day, Guan Yu's army arrived and saw that the city was captured. When he saw Ma Chao and other people, they were all recorded in the meritorious service book.

Later, after placards were posted in the city to appease the people, the army, after lunch, moved on again.

However, after leaving the city of Puyi, the garrison only resisted a little, then quickly opened the city and surrendered to meet Guan Yu and others.

In just three days, Guan Yu's army went down to Luan Niao, Cangsong, Zhangye, taici and guzang.

Guan Yu was very happy about this: "ha ha These Xiliang rats are really not worth mentioning. Seeing the prestige of our army, we have no desire to fight. It seems that in three days at most, we can recapture the whole county. The fifth younger brother will never catch up with them. "

"Yes, general Guan's reputation is well known all over the world. Although these incompetent people are at the helm of the wind, they still know how good or bad they are."

"Now that guzang city has been captured, it is XiuTu city. If you leave XiuTu city and go west, you will enter Zhangye county. "

Qian Ning and Yan Quan said respectively.

Guan Yu stroked his long beard and saw a sand table in front of him. He just glanced at it.

"Hum, there are only XiuTu, XianMei, Xuanwei and Wuwei. My general intends to divide the troops into four routes. Tomorrow morning, we will march towards the four cities at the same time. In this way, the whole county can be restored in just one day. "

Zhang Liao frowned and said, "I just don't know which city Han Sui was in. Our army moved in too fast. The scouts who inquired for information did not reply. This time, Han Sui asked Qiang people to help. I don't know how many troops they brought. If the soldiers are divided into four routes, and one of them meets Han Sui and the main force of Xiqiang, I'm afraid it's not optimistic. "

Guan Yu didn't care: "just Han Sui, there are a few barbarians, how many skills can you have? There is no need to wait for the scouts to return. It is certain that Han suiding has already fled back to Zhangye County in a hurry. Our army should quickly occupy Weiwu County, and then attack Zhangye as a whole. "

Yan Quan nodded and said, "general Guan is right. In the past, Weiwu county was the garrison of Ma Teng, but Han suixiang was in Zhangye county. Only when he returned to Zhangye and took advantage of the local conditions, could he have a three-point chance of winning. He stayed here in vain and consumed his strength. "

"Well, Luning's words are not right. If he takes advantage of the land or teaches him to occupy the time, is it our army's opponent?"

When Qian Ning said this, Guan Yu's face also showed a smile. Yan Quan and others even said yes.

Ma Chao was even more excited: "father, the child will soon be able to avenge you!"

Behind him, pound and other four people, together with him, saluted in a certain direction.

Among them, Zhang Liao was the only one with a melancholy look.

Seeing this, Guan Yu asked, "what is Wenyuan thinking?"

Seeing his question, Zhang Liao said, "general Hui, I'm not thinking about it. My lord once told him that Han Sui was a treacherous person. Our army's journey was too smooth, and the general felt something was wrong. Moreover, the Qiang people's reinforcements he invited have not appeared yet. Only a few Qiang generals once fought with Meng Qi and others and asked for reinforcements, but they didn't need to. They watched the territory of a county lose like this. It's not like Han Sui's style. "

When he said this, pound also thought of something: "General Zhang Liao is right. In the past, the old lord had a close relationship with the old thief Han Sui, and we have heard a lot about him. Han Sui is cunning in mind and treacherous in temperament. He is also haggard and forgets righteousness. It's really strange to ask him to give up the county he won so easily. "

Hearing the speech, Qin Chu said, "if so, I'm afraid that the old thief will lay an ambush in the last few cities. I don't know. I'd better be careful."

Guan Yu seemed reluctant, but his eyes suddenly focused on this expedition. Liu He gave him the Fu and gave him the right to fake the festival. His pride in his heart was also immediately suppressed by three points.

"In that case, there will be only two routes tomorrow, just in case. Since the general led the army to attack XiuTu all the way, Wenyuan and Meng led 10000 cavalry and 20000 infantry to attack Xuanwei. Wenyuan was the general and Mengqi was the pioneer. After seizing the two cities, they will take this as the basis and go to XianMei and Wuwei respectively

With such an arrangement, Zhang Liao and others had no opinion. It is expected that although there are not many troops on our side, they are all the elite among the elite. With the help of powerful siege equipment such as fire beast and Jinglan chariot, the troops are divided into two routes, which should be enough to maintain a strong combat force, even if it meets the main force of Han Sui, it is enough to fight.

"Well, it's late at night. Everyone go back to have a rest and get enough energy. Tomorrow..."

Guan Yu half said, suddenly stopped, Zhang Liao, Ma Chao and others do not know, so, about to ask, Guan Yu suddenly said: "no, there is movement outside."

He moved his ears up and down, bringing all kinds of sounds into his ears.

Qian Ning listened carefully: "at the end of the meeting, I didn't hear anything."

As soon as the words fell, a soldier came running in a hurry: "general Guan, a large number of enemy troops suddenly appeared outside the city, and they were storming the north gate. Judging from the number, it was no less than 100000."

Zhang Liao immediately stood up: "needless to say, it must be Han Sui's old thief who came to attack at night. General Guan, the last general to fight!""At the end of the war Ma Chao and others stood up.

Guan Yu's face was calm: "it's OK, just Han Sui, don't say 100000 soldiers and horses, that's 200000, so what?"

"But, general..." What else did Zhang Liao want to say, but he was stopped by Guan Yu.

"Wenyuan, Luning, you two take 5000 cavalry out of the east gate and attack the enemy's left wing in a roundabout way. Meng Qi, you lead the three brothers of Ma Dai and lead 5000 cavalry out of Ximen to attack the enemy's right wing. The rest of the officers and soldiers will follow a certain pass to guard the city. When the enemy forces are in disorder, they will kill them together and capture the old thief alive. "

Pound was injured two days ago and is still recovering. Naturally, he can't play.

After hearing Guan Yu's arrangement, everyone was relieved.

"I will obey you."

Guan Yu led the generals of qianning, Qinchu and Zhouyuan to climb the tower. The full moon was on the night, and the bright moonlight cast down, which made it possible to see the battle even without torch.

Under the city wall, tens of thousands of soldiers are frantically attacking the city, bumping into the city gate and climbing the ladder. On the dense row of ladders, the enemy troops have been one after another. They have just been beaten down by the soldiers guarding the city, and then they are climbing up again.

Hundreds of paces away, several figures were on horseback, and a large group of cavalry followed behind them. They did not know what they were going to do.

"Looking at the siege, it is obvious that the enemy has been planning for a long time," said Qian Ning

"Well, even so, what? As long as Wen Yuan and they go around the two wings and attack, the enemy will be defeated. " Guan Yu snorted coldly.

Qian Ning and others are confident.

Han Sui and others in the distance, however, look the same as Guan Yu at the moment.

Yan Xing said, "the Lord is really wise. If he has such a clever plan to attack the city, Guan Yu will surely lose tonight."

However, Han Sui listened to his compliment, and instead of being happy, he scolded him: "are you too incompetent? A city of Pui can't stand it. It also annoys three strong men of Xiqiang, which leads to the death of general Danghuo. If two patriarchs did not intercede, I would have beheaded you. "

Chang lie and Che Nuo'er also sent out a cold hum from his nostrils. Yan Xing's face was angry, but he didn't dare to attack. He had to say, "it's the end of the general's incompetence."

"Well, don't blame general Yan, brother Han. Now our army has done its best. According to your plan, we will win a great victory tonight. When the time comes, we will seize the materials in the city and give more points to us, that is to say."

The head of the shaodang clan was not polite.

"Ought to be, ought to be." Han then said with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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