Han Sui and others went on for more than ten miles before they stopped.

"Well? It's not right. According to reason, Guan Yu should be chased into the mountain road where there is ambush. Why can't you hear any fighting? "

Han Sui listened carefully and felt that the mountain road in the rear was very quiet. There was nothing unusual about it. He could not help but wonder.

The faces of the two patriarchs also immediately cooled down: "brother Han, are you making fun of us?"

Han then immediately explained, "how can you be like this? Not to mention that I have always respected the two patriarchs, and I have no intention of deceiving them. What's good for me if I cheat at such a moment? "

"How do you explain the situation? Guan Yu clearly knows that he is only a few miles away from our army. Now he should have entered the ambush area. Why is there no response? "

"How can I know that?" Han Sui was also extremely aggrieved.

Yan Xing came up and said, "Lord, could it be Guan Yu, who saw that they could not chase and kill all the time, so they gave up pursuing and retreated back?"

Han Sui frowned: "if they go back by themselves, although it is difficult to annihilate them, it is not a bad thing. We can go back to Zhangye county and regroup."

"Nearly 30% of our Qiang tribes live near the Xihai sea. Brother Han, your territory is not far away from the West Sea. If you can go back and settle down, you can recruit more Qiang children to help, attack from the left and right, and even encircle on all sides. You can't believe that you can't kill Guan Yu."

Han Sui was overjoyed: "this is the best. I have heard for a long time that there are nearly 100 Qiang tribes, and there are at least a dozen tribes with more than 30000 troops. The two clan leaders are also highly respected among the whole Qiang people. If more tribes can be made to join forces to fight against Liu He and the son of heaven in Yizhou, they will be greatly appreciated. "

Dian Han was suspicious and unremitting: "or first find out where Guan Yu went, and then deal with it."

One of Han Sui's generals volunteered: "Lord, the last general asked to take a man and a horse and go to investigate."

Han then nodded: "well, it should be. However, it is not known that Guan Yu's troops and horses may not have retreated, they are resting and preparing to camp on the spot, and then attack the cities such as XiuTu and Xuanwei. In case of emergency, you and I will have three thousand cavalry and five thousand troopers. You should inquire carefully and return immediately if there is any change. "

"The last general will take orders!"

The man ordered the troops, turned and ran back toward the mountain road.

"The two patriarchs were relieved that whether Guan Yu was advancing or retreating, it would be of great benefit to our army. Although our army lost a lot in this battle, many of the enemy generals, including Guan Yu, were injured slightly or severely, and could not be cured in three or five days. After XiuTu city and heading west, we will arrive at Fanhe city in Zhangye county. By then, we will have enough time to prepare for the war carefully, and then we will have a fight with Guan Yu. "

Han Sui's confident appearance made the two patriarchs feel at ease a little, and the faces of all the people showed a long lost smile.

However, after a while, their smiles were frozen on their faces.

Hearing only the mountain road behind, suddenly came bursts of shrill screams, Han Sui and others immediately changed color.

"What's going on?" Han then flew into a rage. Although it is difficult to tell who was attacked by the screams alone, almost all of them felt that it was the voice of the thousands who had just been sent out to investigate.

Yan Gongyu is afraid to be ambushed again

Without waiting for Han Sui to react, the two Qiang clan leaders, without saying a word, fled quickly with their own troops.

Han then saw the situation, but did not care much, and quickly followed up.

At the same time, there were corpses all over the mountain road. The general sent by Han Sui had been smashed into his head by some heavy object. As for the thousands of soldiers and horses he brought, they would either bury their bodies here or surrender.

Guan Yu slowly rode his horse and looked at all this. His face was full of joy.

He looked up at the mountains and forests on both sides, and saw several figures coming out of them. After seeing the strong man headed by Guan Yu, he took the initiative to welcome him up.

"Dehui, it's really you, ha ha..."

It was Zhu ye and his five hundred thors.

Zhu Ye quickly runs down the hillside. The brothers get off their horses and embrace each other.

"Hey, second brother, didn't you expect that? I'm still a step ahead of you, little brother

Zhu Ye is very proud.

Guan Yu said with a smile: "just now you specially sent someone to inform me that there was an ambush here, and told me to suspend the March. At that time, I was very puzzled. How could you suddenly appear here, younger brother five?"

As soon as he mentions this, Zhu Ye's eyebrows are flying.

"Ha, speaking of this, second brother, you have to take it. On that day, the second brother and the younger brother bet in front of the eldest brother to see who could advance Zhangye, who was the first merit. The second brother led the army all the way from Weiwu County, while the younger brother and Zilong led their troops and marched separately. They left Beidi county and crossed the vast desert to Zhangye. As a result, three days ago, my little brother bumped into the desert. Good guy, I looked around at the broken place. Besides sand or sand, I couldn't find any direction. "Ma Chao said: "yes, there is indeed a desert in the north of Weiwu County, stretching thousands of miles to the northern desert. Only around Xuanwei and Wuwei can there be an oasis."

"No, I ran around like a headless fly in the desert for two days, but I couldn't run out. The water bag I brought was soon dry."

At this time, Zhu Ye mentions that experience again, but Guan Yu is very worried.

Guan Yu said with concern: "what can I do? How did the fifth brother escape? "

"Hey, I'm very lucky. I've been looking for water all the way. Yesterday morning, I found a stream. After I had enough to eat and drink, I thought that in the desert, water is life. If you go along the stream, you can naturally find a city or a village. Hey, second brother, just keep going? After walking for a long time, the stream turned into a big river. If you go further, you will come to Wuwei city! "

"And such wonderful things?" Guan Yu was also surprised.

"It's more than that." Zhu Ye talks with each other, and the chatterbox can't stop.

"I saw that the enemy was right in front of me. I was going to attack the city without saying a word. As a result, the county magistrate in the city wanted to kill me by pretending to open the city and surrender. In fact, he wanted to do harm secretly."

Guan Yu nodded his head and said, "well, this is Han Sui's old thief's plan. We have also encountered it."

"Oh, it was the old thief's trick. No wonder." Zhu Ye suddenly realizes.

Guan Yu asked, "how did the five brothers break their plot?"

Zhu Ye's face is full of contentment again: "to speak of it, we should rely on the prestige of elder brother. Although the county magistrate was not a good thing, a few of the officials in the city were interested in the imperial court. They secretly told me about the county magistrate's plan. Without saying a word, I rushed into the county government and got the dog county magistrate with one hammer. "

"After that, some small officials led me to the south along the river. In the evening, they came to Xuanwei county. Under the pretext of being a messenger sent by Wuwei City, they stole into the city, drew gourds, hammered and killed the county magistrate, county magistrate and county captain, and captured Xuanwei City. After a night's rest in the city, in the early hours of the morning, my little brother set out to attack the city

Guan Yu and Ma Chao were stunned by this experience.

"Good fifth brother, elder brother often says you are a lucky general. This time you have opened my eyes to my second brother. The second elder brother worked hard for more than ten days. Many soldiers were killed and wounded. Most of the generals were injured, so they captured seven or eight cities. You can easily capture the two cities without any damage in half a day. You are much better than the second brother. "

Ma Chao raised his thumb and said, "I've heard of General Zhu Ye's reputation for a long time. Seeing him today, it's really heaven and man."

"Ha ha ha, it's easy to say." Zhu Ye is greatly benefited.

Zhang Liao doubts: "five generals want to go to XiuTu city. How can they get here and break Han Sui's ambush ahead of time? You know, it's still 20 or 30 miles away from XiuTu city. "

Zhu ye took this question as a matter of course: "I don't know the way here. Those small officials who have committed themselves are so slow that I don't want to take them with me. So I asked them for the route. They told me to go straight up the river to the east of XiuTu City. I followed his advice. I came to this mountain forest more than half an hour ago

"I was just about to go on and capture the city of XiuTu. Standing on the hillside and looking east from afar, I found a large group of soldiers and horses coming this way. When I looked carefully, there was another army in the rear. Although the distance is too far, I can't see the face clearly, but the second brother Zijin dragon riding, even people and horses are all black helmets and black armor, and I can't see the color clearly? Since it's the second elder brother's pursuer, even if it's not Han Sui, it must be the enemy. "

"So, I was going to lead the soldiers to ambush here. As a result, when I was looking for a suitable place to ambush, I found these rolling trees, huge stones, and many trees tied with ropes and pressed down and fixed them. Then I put on big stones. I'll see, isn't this the existing ambush trap? So when we did not give in, we were robbed. As soon as I took over some of the traps, Han Sui sent someone up. I didn't dare to frighten the snake, so I hid first. After Han Sui's army had passed, I would come out and kill the ambush soldiers sent by him, and then sent someone to summon the second brother. "

After hearing this, the generals admire Zhu Ye.

However, Zhu Ye sighed: "Alas, it's a pity that I don't have enough people with me. These traps can only be controlled by at least two or three thousand people. If I had enough troops, I would not have to hide and hide at that time, and I would have launched all the traps. In that way, I would have killed myself with Han Sui's trap. Ha ha ha, that's the natural logic cycle, and retribution is not happy 。”

Guan Yu said with a bitter smile: "you, you, are you not satisfied? Without any reason, you will find a ready-made one for you when such a great contribution falls from the sky. In addition, Han Sui sent a team of soldiers back to inquire about it, which was destroyed by you. It seems that the first merit of this western expedition must be the fifth younger brother. "

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