Outside the "encirclement circle" of the four children, there is a young man who is obviously half a head higher than the four. He has a thick eyebrow and big eyes, and looks at Zhang Yong with pride and a little anger. Needless to say, this is Zhu Ye.

"Er Gouzi, I am invincible. You have been beaten so many times by me. Why don't you accept it. As long as you kneel down and say, "Master Zhu is invincible in the world", I will not embarrass you any more and reward you with a catty of corn. How about that? "

Children's temper, where will consider so much, like is like, hate is hate.

And Zhang Yong was so disgusted with this young master Zhu that he could no longer hate him. How could he be soft?

"Bah! You are invincible in the world. I hit the ground and you call me grandfather Zhang on your knees

Zhang Yong's words immediately annoyed Zhu Ye. With a little wave of his hand and a cry of "beat him up for me", the four teenagers, who were also in their teens, rushed up.

These children are Zhu Ye's so-called "subordinates". They are just children of poor farmers. They are not as strong as Zhang Yong. However, Zhang Yong is empty handed. All four of them have sticks and sticks. In addition, he is outnumbered. Naturally, Zhang Yong suffers.

But even if he was beaten by sticks and sticks, he would not beg for mercy.

"Fight, keep fighting! I'll see if you ask for mercy

Zhang Yongyue is silent, Zhu Ye is more angry.

"Stop it!" Liu he arrived, saw such a situation, immediately cried out.

He was born with supernatural power. In addition, he practiced horse riding and boxing these days, which made him more energetic. Now, in a hurry, he called out loud, which really scared the children.

Seeing Liu he coming, Zhang Yong was very happy, but then he was worried.

"Go away, young master. Don't come here. They will beat you!"

Liu he saw that he could also think for himself at this time, and felt very pleased, but of course he could not turn around and ignore.

Although Zhang Yong was simple but not stupid, he saw Liu he still continued to come over, and surrounded by his four teenagers was just a roar to startle, he quickly took the opportunity to run out, came to Liu He's side.

"Childe, why are you here? Yes, I saw Ernie's stupid girl run away just now. I must have gone to find you. This girl doesn't know how important she is. She will teach her a lesson when she comes back! You go back quickly. The two dogs can handle these things by themselves. Don't hurt you

In Zhang Yong's eyes, Liu He's status is absolutely very high, and he is so good to his family, so he absolutely does not want anything to happen to Liu He.

But Liu He is not worried about the situation in front of him, but gives Zhang Yong a comforting smile.

Liu he steps forward and salutes Zhu ye, which is considered to be the first salute before the soldiers. If something happens, he will be reasonable. After all, etiquette is highly valued in this era.

"Mr. Zhu, I don't know what's wrong with my brother. I don't know if you are so angry. Can you tell me and let my brother judge. If my brother is wrong, I will let him admit his mistake."

Zhu Ye's one is to subdue people with martial arts, so he was ready for a big fight just now when he saw Liu He's momentum. However, he didn't expect that Liu He's appearance made him a little confused.

However, he is not stupid, after a brief daze, he came back to God.

"Well, these two dogs are not interesting. My young master is invincible and has excellent martial arts skills. It's a matter of recognition in all parts of the country. Just let the boy say a word of recognition. He has to fight with me, isn't it

Zhu Ye's eloquence reminds Liu He of some children who suffered from emperor's disease and princess's disease in his previous life. He thinks that he is conceited, willful and reckless, and is a typical bear child.

However, Liu he was a famous bear child killer in his previous life. With so many relatives, there are many bear children. As soon as Liu he comes out on New Year's day, these children will always be able to follow him obediently and let them go east instead of West.

"Haha, I can't believe that this unique skill of the previous life can be used in this era."

Liu he thought while giving instructions to the system in his heart.

"System, help to check the property of Zhu Ye."

"Inquiry, please wait Zhu Ye's current attributes are as follows: commander-in-chief 23, force 39, intelligence 29, and politics 17. "

Liu he couldn't help but take a breath in his heart.

"Indeed, Zhu Ye has two brushes. Even compared with me two months ago, this force is only a little lower than that of me two months ago. It is worthy that he was specially trained by a large family. Even today's Zhang Yong can't beat him."

Zhang Ye will be bullied by force for a long time, and it will not be easy for him to be bullied by all these forces in a year.

However, this kind of problem can not defeat Liu He.

He bowed his hand to Zhu ye and said, "this is reasonable. The world respects the strong. Whoever has the strength and the fist is the elder brother, and others should listen to him. "As soon as Liu he finished saying this, Zhang Yong and Zhang Jia's two elders changed their looks. What Zhang Yonggang wanted to say was stopped by Liu He with a wave of his hand. In the light of his trust in Liu He, Zhang Yong settled down.

Zhu Ye's face is beaming with joy.

"Ha ha, you still have insight! In that case, you can let the two dogs kneel down and kowtow to me, and I will reward him with this Jin of corn. "

With that, Zhu Ye takes out a cloth pocket from his arms and throws it directly on the ground.

At this time, the two Ni also ran back, see this scene, they automatically stood behind their brother.

Seeing this, Zhang Yong pretended to be angry and glared at his sister. However, Erni looked aggrieved, but Zhang Yong couldn't get angry again.

Liu He smiles and doesn't follow Zhu Ye's advice.

"Mr. Zhu is not right. This has not proved who is strong and who is weak. Why should my brother kneel and kowtow to you? If Mr. Zhu is better than us, it should be. But if the two dogs are better than Mr. Zhu, but they kowtow to you instead, we will not suffer a loss. "

Zhu Ye is stunned at first, then laughs. The four teenagers behind him also laugh together.

"Ha ha Ha ha ha Are you crazy? Do you think I, Mr. Zhu, can't beat such a stinky boy who can't even eat enough? Ha ha It's ridiculous... "

"That's right. I fought with ER Gou several times. Every time, I won. How can I prove it?"

Zhu Ye is quite confident in his strength.

Liu he did not directly retort, but said with a smile: "ha ha, the hero didn't mention his bravery. Now that Master Zhu trusted me and asked me to be the notary, I must see the young master with my own eyes. You can defeat two dogs. By the way, I can see Master Zhu's ability. What do you say?"

Zhu Ye touched his head and said, "well This You seem to have a point. Well, come on, two dogs. Let's have another match in front of everyone. I'm sure you will be convinced. If you dare to break the bill again, I'm sure you'll have all your teeth polished. I'll see if you can't accept it! "

"Well, who is afraid of..." Zhang Yong rolled up his sleeves and was about to move forward, but he was stopped by Liu He.

"Ha ha, Master Zhu, it's unfair to compare now. It's clearly a bully."

Zhu Ye is puzzled: "nonsense, my childe is most faithful. How can it be unfair and bully others?"

Liu he grinned.

"Hehe, in terms of martial arts, my brother is no weaker than Master Zhu. The reason why you can't beat you before is because Master Zhu always has enough to eat and drink. However, he works in the field every day. He is so tired that he has no energy. As a result, he can't eat enough. Even if he has great strength, he can't make it out! Do you think it's unfair for you two to compete in martial arts

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