Not long after taishici robbed the camp, Xia Houyuan entangled him, while Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Yu Jin, Le Jin, Li Dian and other generals led their troops to kill them.

Three thousand cavalry originally set fire to each other, but soon they were surrounded by Cao's army from all directions, making the position smaller and smaller.

Xia Houyuan was proud of himself: "Tai Shici, I think you are good at martial arts. I can use my plan better. I follow a little Liu Bei. I can't help but bend my talents. Why don't you join the command of my Lord and I'll live up to your ability."

Tai Shici yelled: "stop! Uncle, it's a long time for you to see your mother and son

He shot an arrow. Xia Houyuan believed that he had already seen through the other side's arrow path. When he was about to block it, he saw that Tai Shici's bow and arrow suddenly changed its direction and shot the sharp arrow to the other side.


A soldier not far from XiaHouYuan fell to the ground.

"You How do you deal with these ordinary soldiers

Xia Houyuan was very angry, but Tai Shici sneered: "you and I are enemies. How can I not fight against your soldiers? It's ridiculous."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and shot another soldier.

"Oh, dear thief, I swear to kill you!"

Xia Houyuan took out a sharp arrow, put on the bow string, aimed at Tai Shici and shot it.

After Xia Houyuan's arrow flew by, he quickly got up and shot.

"System Tip: Tai Shici launches the special effect" serial fire "to hit the enemy twice in a row. The shooting skill increases by 2 points, and the shooting skill reaches 98 points at this time."

Xia Houyuan was about to swing the arrow with his long bow. However, the moment the bow and the arrow touched each other, a strong force shocked his mouth and made him startled.

"How can he get this arrow stronger than before? Is it not that he was hiding his clumsiness before?"

When he was thinking about it, Tai Shici shot another arrow. The speed and the short interval between the two arrows surprised Xia Houyuan.

In a hurry, Xia Houyuan was just about to turn around and dodge. The arrow had already flown in front of him and flew over his shoulder.

"The shooting skill of this man is still above me. I can't wait to die. I'll take him close and give it to Mende."

He made up his mind, took up his long bow, raised a long gun, and rushed to Tai Shici.

The two men were not more than a hundred paces apart. They were riding on horseback. In a flash, Tai Shici saw that he had killed him. He was not surprised. He took down a double headed halberd from the side of the horse's back. The halberd was more than seven feet long. Both ends were halberd blades, which were rare weapons.

One halberd, one shot, one kill.

"System prompt: Tai Shici and Xia Houyuan are engaged in close combat, Xia Houyuan's basic force is 94, weapons, armor and mount are increased by 3 points, no special effects bonus, and comprehensive force is 97 points."

"Tai Shici's basic force is 95 points, weapons are increased by 1 point, no special effects bonus, and comprehensive force is 96 points."

The two men played on the first day of the match, less than ten times. Xia Houyuan saw that the other side's close combat martial arts were slightly inferior to himself, and he was immediately overjoyed.

"Ha, your halberd method has not been completed yet. If you are not a rival, why don't you come down early?"

Tai Shici spat: "bah, don't talk nonsense, look at halberd!"

The spear halberd flies up and down, just like two dragon fighting each other. It's wonderful.

Xia Houyuan saw a flaw, the long gun suddenly stabbed out, and saw that he would stab the other side.

Unexpectedly, Tai Shici suddenly took down the long halberd and turned it into two short halberds. When they crossed together, they clamped the long spear. No matter how hard Xia Houyuan tried, it was difficult to take it back.

At this time, the surrounding shouts of killing suddenly became very noisy. Tai Shici turned his head and saw that his 3000 cavalry were surrounded by several troops. The shield soldiers in front and the bow and crossbow soldiers in the rear were killed in disorder.

"Ha, this is the time!"

Xia Houyuan saw that he was distracted, and his hands turned violently, and he broke away from the shackles of the halberds.

"Not good!"

Tai Shici quickly dodged, but his left arm was still cut by a long gun.

"How could Cao Jun react so quickly?" Tsz is a little bit unbelievable. It's less than a quarter of an hour since he launched his own sneak attack. From bows and arrows to spear and halberd battles, Cao's army can send out such a neat formation of troops to besiege. It's incredible.

At this time, Xia Houyuan burst out laughing: "ha ha, your plan of attacking at night, my Lord has already predicted. When will you wait until you are surrounded, and you do not get off your horse and be bound? "

"General Xia Hou, I will help you!"

Another general killed him. He waved a big knife and chopped at Tai Shici's head.

Tai Shici cheered: "Tiao Liang clown, dare to show his fierce

He held a short halberd in his right hand and met him up. After swinging the sword, his left hand cleaved along with the situation, and the head of the general fell to the ground.

Xia Houyuan could not help but be angry: "dare to kill a fierce general under a certain family. You can't stay here. Look at the gun!"

His long spear repeatedly stabbed, the offensive than just now, more murderous.Many of the cavalry had been forced back to taishici.

"General, we are ambushed..."


A sharp arrow came and took the soldier's life.

Tai Shici watched the soldiers fall in front of him, and his eyes were round.

"Good thief, I want to kill Tai Shici. Let's see if I have such ability! Soldiers, break through with general Ben

With a feint move, he forced Xia Houyuan to retreat. Then he pulled his horse and took off his long bow. With an arrow, he shot through a shield soldier of Cao's army who had just revealed half of his head. This series of actions were completed in one go, almost in the blink of an eye.

The remaining two thousand cavalry, originally depressed morale, were suddenly able to revive, all surrounded by Tai Shici, and rushed in a direction.

Not far away, Cao Ren, riding on his horse, issued a new military order to the heralds around him.

As soon as the flag was waved, the shield soldiers in front of Tai Shici were surrounded more closely. Moreover, a spear was stabbed out from the back. The sharp spear head flashed cold light and was ready to swallow people's lives at any time.

Taishici took the lead, rushed to the enemy, a few spears, immediately stretched out longer, trying to stab him, and his mount.

"Come on

Tai Shici gave a big drink, lifted his halberd, and cut off the wooden poles of several spears. The heavy shield soldiers were not afraid at all. Instead, in an instant, they advanced a step forward and almost hit the hoofs of his horse.

Tai Shici tried to hold the horse to avoid being hit by the heavy shield, hurt the horse's hoof and even trip over it directly. However, the cavalry behind them did not have such riding skills. Many of the fast-moving cavalry bumped into it at that time, and then turned their horses upside down. Then, they were chopped into flesh and mud by the big sword suddenly appearing behind the heavy shield.

"Hateful!" Tai Shici glares at the front, and merges the two halberds into one again and stabs forward abruptly.

How powerful was his stab. Although the heavy shield was made of heavy wood and was extremely hard, it was only a little inferior to the iron shield, but it was still pierced by the point of halberd under Tai Shici's angry strike.

"Give me a start!"

He lifted up the heavy shield with all his strength.

"This Is this a monster... "

"This heavy shield is more than 70 Jin. How powerful he is to lift it from afar with a long halberd..."

Those who stopped in front of Cao Jun were stunned.

"Go!" With a wave, Tai Shici smashed the heavy shield out and fell into the long spearmen camp behind the heavy shield soldiers.

Two unfortunate spearmen were directly hit by the heavy shield, and at the same time, the heavy shield array was also broken by Tai Shici.

"Make it up, come on!" Cao Ren exclaimed that with the waving of the flag, the heavy shield soldiers on both sides would move closer to the gap. However, would Tai Shici let them do so?

He drove his horse forward and directly occupied the position of the gap. At the same time, the halberd was split into two again. He opened his bow to the right and left. In a flash, he killed two heavy shield soldiers on both sides and three spearmen in front.

"Kill out!" Tai Shici summoned his arms and saw that he was so brave that he fought his way out. The cavalry were all brave, just like a group of tigers and leopards. All of a sudden, the heavy shield array was scattered.

Sometimes, Tai Shici exchanged his bow for halberd, shot and killed the enemy troops in the distance, and sometimes changed back to the long halberd to kill the surrounding enemy soldiers and open the way to break through the encirclement for himself.

Soon, not only Tai Shizi himself, but also his cavalry troops almost all rushed into the enemy's line. Now the two sides fight, the cavalry's lethality can be exerted, and the encirclement is rapidly disintegrated.

"If someone leaves today, his disgrace will be returned ten times in the future!"

after shooting six enemy troops in front of him, the remaining enemy troops dare not fight against the fierce enemy general, and they retreat automatically.

Thus, Tai Shici, with less than 2000 cavalry left, fled quickly and disappeared into the mountains and forests.

Xia Houyuan yelled: "where is the cavalry? Follow general Ben

"No need to chase." A short man, who looks more than six feet long, comes slowly. Although he is not tall, he can walk like a dragon and tiger with extraordinary momentum. It is Cao Cao.

"Monde, why don't you ask me to pursue? That taishici only has less than 2000 riders left, and there are many injuries. As long as he catches up, he will be able to capture him alive

Xia Houyuan went to ask.

Cao Cao said with a smile: "I think this man is a nobody, but he is brave and resourceful. If he uses few people to attack the public, will he not prepare for the retreat in advance? If you pursue, you must ambush, but it is not beautiful. In addition, Zixiao, the war you built by imitating Gao Shun and ye Xiang is still not proficient enough. You still need to be trained. "

Cao Ren immediately accepted the order, and at the same time his face showed a look of shame. And Xia Houyuan also looked suddenly: "no wonder he chose to break through the direction, so fast, almost no hesitation."At this time, Guo Jia said, "I'm afraid this is just one of them? The Lord didn't want to kill him. He wanted to love talents. He wanted to leave a good impression on Tai Shici and let him know who was the most promising leader to show his ambition. "

"Ha ha ha, if you know me, you should be filial." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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