Ma Chao was seriously injured. Pound and others were also defeated. A thousand soldiers were killed in a flash. Although the rest were still used, they did not retreat.

Moreover, due to the narrow mountain road, the soldiers of both sides could not launch a bloody battle in all formations. With the help of the local advantages, pound stabilized the battle situation, so that he would not be defeated too soon. But after all, the defeat was determined and it was difficult to turn the tide back.

At this time, from the mountainside on both sides of the mountain, suddenly floated down countless colorful powder, and fell on the battlefield.

These powders were sprayed from the mountainside where Zhang Ren's army was located, so most of them fell on the soldiers of the Shu army. The amount of powder was so large that the soldiers of the Shu army could not prevent them from being sprayed with these powders, and their eyes were immediately fascinated.

"Oh What... "

"Lime powder, it's lime powder..."

"Who used lime powder to plot against us Ah... "

The army of Shu was in chaos. They all covered their eyes and tried to remove the lime powder from their eyes by various means.

Zhang Ren was shocked: "what's going on? Who is plotting here? Get out of here

He watched some soldiers take out water sachets and were about to wash their faces. He quickly stopped drinking: "do not use water, or your eyes will be burned down. You can only use..."

Before he finished speaking, from the hillside woods on both sides of the mountain, a bamboo pole was suddenly stretched out. The middle of the bamboo pole was obviously hollowed out. Zhang Ren was shocked and angry when he saw this.

"The thief is hateful. Get out of the way

Most of the soldiers of the Shu army were blinded by lime powder, and could not see clearly, let alone what Zhang Ren meant.

Then, suddenly, a stream of clear water poured out of the bamboo poles. Hundreds of bamboo poles stood side by side, like a waterfall. In a flash, they drenched the Shu army.

"Ah It's very painful. I'm also... "

"What It's so painful. Help... "

"General, help..."

The lime powder on the faces of the soldiers of the Shu army suddenly turned into lethal poisonous water and powder when they met with clear water. Their skin and flesh fell and they were rolling in pain.

"Hateful!" Zhang Ren was very angry. He took the bow and arrow, turned back and shot at the trees on the hillside with one arrow.

However, apart from a scream, there was no movement.

He was about to shoot again when a strong wind came to his ears and exclaimed, "no!"

As soon as he turned back, before he could make any response, his right arm was severely hit. He only heard a "click", and a sharp pain came over, which made Zhang Ren Deng's cold sweat.

In front of him, Ma Chao was bleeding from the corner of his mouth. He was looking at him fiercely and laughing.

"Ha ha Ha ha ha God's blessing, God's blessing How can you not die today? "

Although Ma Chao has only one left arm, Zhang Ren's right arm is broken now, but he has also ended up like him. How can he fight again? Besides, most of the Shu troops were injured by lime powder, and the rest were disordered. However, the morale of Ma Chao and others remained unchanged. Zhang Ren could not help but hate him.

"Hateful, if a family knows who is secretly harming me, he must be broken to pieces!"

Seeing that great achievements are about to be accomplished, but such great changes have taken place, how can Zhang Ren not hate it?

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

Zhang Ren got rid of Ma Chao and quickly withdrew.

"Zhang Renxiu, go!"

Ma Chao wanted to chase Ma Chao when he clapped his horse, but his right arm was numb. He lost his center of gravity and fell off the horse. Fortunately, pound came in time to help him.

"Meng Qi!"

Ma Chao covered his wound and looked at Zhang Ren's back. He hated him and said, "hateful, such a good opportunity, but let him run away."

Ma Dai said: "my brother has made great achievements this time. He not only broke his ambush and sentry, but also injured him. Now that Zhang Ren's right arm is broken, it can not be recovered in a short time. We should report back to Zhendong general as soon as possible. The army will step up our way and defeat Zhang Ren and take back the Wudu."

Seeing that Ma Chao's face was still unwilling, pound also advised him: "it's the same thing to do for the imperial court and serve the country. What's the difference between them? Why should Meng Qi persist? "

Ma Chao shook his head: "I am not for my own fame, but to revive the majestic style of the Ma family in Xiliang. Ah, but you are also right. Our army has suffered a lot. My injury is more serious than Zhang Ren. If we advance rashly, we will surely die. "

Several people were very pleased to see that he had figured it out.

"In this case, we should rush back to the army as soon as possible. On the one hand, we should inform the general of the situation. On the other hand, we can let you heal. Otherwise, we will delay for a long time and we are afraid of leaving the root of the disease."

Pound's words, let the public agree.

Ma Chao nodded and said, "well, go down to order, clear up the corpses of my comrades in arms, and the whole army will retreat!"

Taking advantage of the soldiers' efforts to collect the corpses, he reluctantly stood up and looked at the surrounding mountains. His eyes were full of gratitude."Thank you for your help. Although I don't know your status, I think you must be a loyal and righteous person. I can't thank you enough. If I have the opportunity to see you again in the future, I will thank you very much! "

After saying that, he looked at the mountains and forests, for a long time there was no response, and he could not help looking a little gloomy.

"Meng Qi, the other party must be some kind of mountain expert. He wants to help the court, but he doesn't want to show up, so as not to cause trouble. Let's not wait and go."

Pound advised, Ma Chao also sighed, and then led the army to retreat quickly.

Soon after, in this mountain forest somewhere, hundreds of black masked people, fast running, soon gathered to a person's side.

This man was dressed as a scholar in his thirties. Although he looked very gentle, his appearance was not flattering. He was short in stature, pursed in forehead and pointed in head, with a rosacea nose and a mouse mouth. He was a rat's head and was ugly.

"How are things going?"

One of the men in black came out: "report to master, according to your order, the matter has been completed. General Zhang Ren lost a lot, and his right arm was broken by Ma Chao. Now he has been hastily withdrawn to Wudu road. General Ma Chao also led his troops to retreat. "

The scribe shook the feather fan in his hand and nodded slightly: "well, that's good. If Zhang Ren is injured, Wudu Dao will not be able to defend it. What kind of character Zhang Yong is, he will be able to attack him in a few days. It is not in vain that I came to help at such a risk. "

Then, he looked in a direction and murmured to himself, "that guy is just a magistrate of Xindu county. He has such insight and wisdom. Thanks to his courage and wisdom, he broke into the mansion to see me and offer this plan to achieve my great achievements. It seems that I still need to have more contacts with him. After the success of this event, it's no surprise that the Marquis and generals will be honored... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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