
His five Tang Xuanhua axe and Wu Huan's big sword collided violently, and they were shocked back several steps at the same time.

"What a good general. I have such martial arts skills. I'm Xu Huang. Can you give me your name?"

Xu Huang holds his chest with a big axe and stands in front of the lead move.

However, the general just yelled and attacked again with a machete.

"Gongming, be careful. This guy doesn't seem to speak Chinese, and he has great strength."

As he reminded Xu Huang, he quickly recovered his horse.

Xu Huang and naman general fought for more than 20 times, and the Vietnam War was more and more frightening.

"This guy is not only very strong, but also good at martial arts. It is said that Wu Huan is the most powerful among all the northern Hu. I don't want to have such a strong general."

When he was entangled with ManJiang, he also kept paying attention to the situation around him. The soldiers on his side were too tired after all. At this time, the defeat had already appeared, which made him extremely anxious.

But at this time, another troop of soldiers and horses came to kill in the distance.

"Xu Huang, where are the two thieves? Give my brother my life back

A general in his early twenties, waving a crescent halberd, led more than ten thousand troops to kill him.

Xu Huang was surprised: "this man looks so similar to Gongsun Kang. Is it Gongsun Du's second son Gongsun Gong? It's really a double whammy. It's in trouble. "

A Xianbei general, who was fighting with the leading move, turned his head and cried out: "general Gongsun, this is the leading move. The one who makes the axe there is Xu Huang. General, come and help me quickly!"

Gongsun Gong came with hatred. Seeing Xu Huang and Zhang Zhao, he immediately burst into flames.

"Kill it and avenge my big brother!"

The Han Army, which had already fallen into decline, was suddenly hit hard again, making the situation even worse.

Xu Huang and his two armies were defeated.


One of Xianbei generals hit his shoulder with a mace. His bones broke and his spear fell to the ground.

Next, another Xianbei general came with a knife, and drew a scarlet wound on his back.

"Zi Jing!" Xu Huang was frightened and anxious. However, the man entangled him with death. If he relaxed a little, he was almost stabbed by the other party. He was more than willing to lead the attack.

"Lead the general..."

Hundreds of soldiers surrounded to protect and lead, but they are not the enemy of those generals? In a twinkling of an eye, he was slaughtered and his bones piled up and his blood flowed into a river.

"Brothers, don't worry about me. Go and help General Xu It's inevitable that I lead the move. I can't abolish the state affairs because of me alone. Go quickly... "

He pushed some soldiers towards Xu Huang.

"Ha, good chance!"

A Xianbei general found a gap in the lead, and a shot was shot out, hitting his abdomen.


Draw the mouth and spray blood. Hold the gun head tightly with both hands to prevent it from penetrating too deep.

The Xianbei general drove his horse forward and kept on fighting. He forced him to retreat. His hands and palms were also blurred by the exposed half of the gun head.

"General..." A group of soldiers had already blurred their eyes and wanted to come to help.

"Go on Military orders are like mountains The overall situation is the most important... "

The soldiers shed tears and turned to rescue Xu Huang.

The Xianbei general was ecstatic: "ha ha, you and Xu Huang, any head is worth 500 gold. You and Xu Huang make a fortune today. Come to die..."

Pull move shoulder bone fracture, sharp pain, abdomen, hands, back, many wounds, are bleeding.

After he lost too much blood, his eyes began to become a little lax.

"No, I can't die like this..."

He bit the tip of his tongue and forced himself to wake up.

he looked at the Xianbei general who had a distorted smile, and his heart was full of hate.

"You want to kill me? Die together

He took out his saber with one hand, and with all his strength, he cut off the other's spear with one sword. Just as the general was surprised, he took out a move, and the sword ran through his chest, and blood flowed slowly from his back along the body of the sword.

"Well You... "

The Xianbei general's face was incredible, and then he fell down heavily. At the moment, he finally had no strength and fell to the ground with the other side.

"Zi Jing..."

When Xu Huang saw that he fell down, his grief and indignation finally reached the acme.

"Ah Ah Hooch, die

He didn't do any dodge and defense any more. He even tried to catch the sword of general Wuhuan. The whole man was unprepared and rushed forward. The Wutang Xuanhua axe flashed cold light and chopped at the opponent's head.

"All All of them... "

Xu Huang wanted to die together, but he didn't want to die. Instinctively, he wanted to take back the attack and dodge back. However, the sword was so powerful that he could chop it out with all his strength?The strength of his hand changed. Although the sword could not be taken back, it also changed its direction. The blade of the sword originally cut at Xu Huang's neck. At this time, the blade of the sword suddenly fell down and cut into Xu Huang's left shoulder. The only sound of "click" was that Xu Huang's shoulder blade was directly cut off.

At the same time, Xu Huang's big axe, however, accurately cut the other party's head.

That ManJiang's head was split in two at once, and the red and white things splashed all over his body, making him appear ferocious and incomparable.

Xianbei and Wuhuan lost one of their senior generals. The soldiers of the two sides were inevitably flustered. Fortunately, the remaining generals came forward in time, which restored their morale.

But even so, Xu Huang's terrifying and unusual appearance still scared the enemy to avoid him one by one.

The Gongsun was pleased but not surprised.

"Ha, it's wonderful. Wuhuan and Xianbei each lose a general. This move and Xu Huang's head will be in my pocket."

With a big wave of his hand, a general with thousands of soldiers and horses beside him killed Xu Huang.

At this time, Xu Huang was so seriously injured that he was finally hard to support.


After he spurted out a big mouthful of blood, the whole person suddenly fell to his knees. If it was not supported by the big axe in his hand, he would fall to the ground.

The general under Gongsun Gong's command was killed in front of him in a twinkling of an eye.

"Xu Huang died!"

Xu Huang lifted his eyelids powerlessly and looked at the spear thrust by the other side, and his heart was filled with a bitter smile.

"I don't want to die in the hands of nameless rats today Zijing, you and I have been fighting together for so many years. We are not brothers, but better than brothers. Now we can fight to death together, but we are worthy of our lives But how can I die on my knees

He poured the rest of his body strength into his legs, supporting himself to stand up slowly, and then his eyes suddenly opened.

The general was bluffed by him and stopped his horse.

However, he soon found that although Xu Huang stood up at this time, he was shaking all over, obviously very reluctant.

"Ah, it's just an empty shell. Let's die."

A long gun, directly stabbed Xu Huang's forehead, is intended to kill.

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