Yanzhou, chenliujun, Xiangyi city.


Cao Cao took a table case and stood up.

"Well, I didn't expect you state situation to have such a sudden change, it is really help me."

"The grandson family was in a mess, and the grandson fan killed his two brothers, gongsunzan and Gongsun Yue, took the military power of Youzhou, and also joined Xu Huang and nearly 60000 soldiers and horses who led the move. Now Xu and his two men have fallen into the hands of Gongsun fan. Yanmen and Zhongshan are naturally attacked by Youzhou army. It is a good time for our army to send troops to the same time. Meng De, a wish to fight Gao Shun again, take back chenliuzhu county. "

Guo Jia also stood out: "although the grandson fan's move was greatly unexpected to me, the man was deeply broken and resourceful. When the Lord and public forces grew up in the future, he was afraid of being a disaster. However, his affairs today are very beneficial to our army. Now Youzhou is in a mess. Liu He town has lost more than half of its troops and horses. At least 100000 troops will be sent to the town to suppress the situation. The reason why our army dared not fight Gao Shun in the past was to worry about Guan Yu's long drive south of 20000 iron riding in Jizhou. Now this worry has been solved, which is the chance to fight against Gao Shun. "

"It's good." Chengyu also took over the topic: "as long as the war is defeated by Gao Shun, our army can face the Hutao pass. Then Qiang people and Liuyan Tianzi raise their affairs in Liangzhou. In addition, the chaos of Youzhou, the three sides attack together. Liu hezong can do something and have no way to do it. After the success of the event, the Lord is the most powerful among the three parties. At that time, he will take whatever he or she will take or take, and not let the Lord decide? "

Cao Cao smiled a little.

"Liu Yan is the son of heaven. If Cao is to deal with him, he cannot rely on his strength alone, but he needs something else."

When the counselors such as Chengyu, Guo Jia and drama Zhong heard, even if they were suddenly exposed, Xia Houdun and others were confused.

"What is it, so important?"

Cao Cao smiled: "you will know when you wait. I will send people to take this thing. I may not be able to obtain it in the ordinary days. It is not difficult now. "

Then he turned and took off the sky sword from the nearby weapon frame, and the sword was scabbard and pointed forward.

"To order the whole army, tomorrow morning, the soldiers will be divided into two ways, and Gao Shun will decide whether to live or die. He ordered XiahouDun to lead 100000 troops and attack the foreign yellow county. I have led 100000 soldiers, attacked yongqiu county and XiaHouYuan led 50000 troops. If Gao Shun divided troops for rescue, you would march at a speed and attack chenliucheng, the battalion where they stationed. If he does not go to rescue, he shall, after five days, be surrounded by two troops and horses and keep them together, and shall not be mistaken. "

"I will obey it at the end!"

Yizhou, in Chengdu, the residence of Zhangsong.

A scribe was walking back and forth anxiously in the lobby. He was short and ugly. He was the mysterious man who hid in the bamboo forest on both sides of the mountain road on the same day and took someone to ambush Zhang Ren and save Ma Chao.

At this time, a next man in the mansion came up quickly: "back to the master, Mr. Fazheng has arrived outside the mansion."

Zhang songton was happy: "come on, please come in Oh no, please come by the back door. I will meet you by the back door myself. "


Zhang Fu back door, the government officials led a thick eyebrow and thin eyes, the look of a bit sharp color of the scribe, came in.

Zhang song, as soon as he saw the man, immediately met him and grabbed his hand.

"Oh, filial piety is straight. It is difficult for the court to do so. If you and I can't give some good advice, I just fear that Luoyang emperor will not survive this robbery."

The law is just a pale look, follow Zhang song all the way to go in.

"I thought Zhang was more concerned about your business."

Zhang song is not satisfied: "how can I think more about it? Now you Zhou chaos, the LORD was very happy, today's meeting, has announced with Cao Cao agreed, together to send troops. In Yizhou, we sent out 70000 troops, Cao Cao sent out 250000 troops, and Qiang people sent 150000 troops. At the same time, the LORD had ordered the secret envoy to go to Youzhou. The Gongsun fan of Jiafeng was Youzhou animal husbandry, and he was granted the northern Pingwang, the land of Hebei, Yihe, Qing and you. After he was ordered to stabilize the situation in Youzhou, he sent 200000 troops to attack Hebei and the two places. And Jiaozhou SHIXIE sent 80 thousand troops to control Jingzhou. Now Luoyang is full of songs, the enemy is in a great voice, with a total of 750000 troops. How can we not be in a hurry

In the speaking room, the two people have come to Zhang Song's study, Zhang song will close the door and window, then pull the law is sitting down.

"Filial piety is always resourceful. If you did not come to give a plan that day, I would set up ambulances, even if Wudu County is in Zhang Ren's hands now. You will have to make another good plan to save the imperial court from danger. "

The method is just stroking the beard, but it is a calm look.

"I thought that this disaster was a good time for the emperor to unify the North instead of defeating the son of heaven. The emperor is a saint of Ming and British martial arts. There are a few people in the area who are in harmony, and can not lift any big waves at all. "

Zhang song was stunned: "what does this mean?"

"He looked at him and said," it is ridiculous that the Gongsun fan attempted to swallow the three parts of the Xianbei Ke bineng, kuitui and Qian man, and then seize the places of Liaodong and Wuhuan, and thought that he could have the strength to compete with the heaven and son. What prestige and ability does he have to unify the departments of gongsunzan, Wuhuan, gongsundu, kuitu, Qian man and Ke bineng? Among them, the dragon and snake are mixed, the interests are mixed, and the people are more unpredictable. The non talented people cannot obey the public. This grandson fan eye is higher than the top, narrow minded crazy, I think this people is difficult to come, the death period has come. ""As for the soldiers and horses of Yizhou and Xiqiang, all parts of Liangzhou are now under the control of the emperor. Zhang Yong is in charge of Liangzhou. Even Zhang Ren has great admiration for his military ability. Wudu County has been lost. The northern gate of Sichuan and Sichuan is strangled by people. It is not difficult to keep Hanzhong by virtue of natural danger. It is simply wishful thinking to think of Sichuan attacking Guanzhong. As for the Qiang soldiers, they are just savages. They are short of soldiers and lack of armour. They don't know the art of war. Although there are many people, they are not worth mentioning. I don't think that general Zhang Yong needs to send a general to lead 230000 troops, which is enough to withdraw the 150000 troops of Qiang people. "

After he said so, Zhang song also calmed down a lot.

"Well Filial piety is indeed a great talent, insight into the world, it is true. However, Cao Cao of Yanzhou is very powerful, and he acts decisively. He has a large number of capable people and a wider range of forces. I'm afraid he still threatens his majesty. "

However, FA Zheng was disdainful: "although Cao Cao is a world leader with a large number of soldiers, he is strong enough to compete with Luoyang. However, he has some shortcomings. I can defeat him only by one plan. You can go in and out of the state Mu Fu at any time. You just need to go to Mr. Liu Zhang's house and say to him... "

Zhang Song listened, his face more and more happy.

"Wonderful Wonderful Mr. Xiaozhi is really an unparalleled national scholar. In the future, when the emperor recovers Yizhou, he will surely be able to get important position. He will be famous in history. I, Zhang song, took the wind from you today and will soar in the future. It's all Mr. Lai. "

Fazheng is very useful: "it's very polite to engage in it, ha ha..."

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