On the high wall of Chenliu City, standing straight and straight, looking at the Cao army camp in the distance for dozens of miles, smoke curled from the kitchen and did not speak for a long time.

Chen Gong came to Gao Shun and bowed in front of him: "see General Gao."

Gao Shun turned around and gave him a salute: "you are polite."

Then he turned back again and continued to observe Cao Ying.

Chen Gong followed his eyes and looked at the past: "General Gao, it's the third day now. Indeed, Cao's army did not launch a single soldier to attack. It can be seen that what I said is true."

Gao Shun ignored him, still looking at Cao Ying's movement.

Chen Gong was a little embarrassed. At this time, a military general nearby said: "Your Majesty once took the Imperial Guard to train soldiers in our army. At that time, his majesty had talked about the general situation of the world to all the generals. He said that among the princes, the rest were no more than clowns, and they were millions of mercenaries, which were hard to escape from your Majesty's paintings. There are only two people who can be called the real heroes in the world. They are broad-minded, have both literature and martial arts, and can bend and stretch themselves. They are great husbands. "

Chen Gong didn't understand why the general suddenly raised such a topic, but since the other side had opened his mouth, he always had to add a sentence to avoid being rude.

"Oh? Your majesty is so wise and brilliant that he pursues Guangwu. There are two princes who can be praised by his majesty? Who are they? "

The general looked at Cao Ying's direction: "Your Majesty did not state their identities, but said that one of them was Cao Cao. Cao Cao was treacherous and deceitful. In order to achieve his goal, he did not break the means. In order to capture Xuzhou, Cao Cao could hide his father in the mountains and feign his death. In order to kill Dong Zhuo, he would stoop to serve him, and he would not hesitate to pollute his name. As for money and other things, he did not care. If he has something to ask for, he can put aside everything and accomplish with his heart. He is not an ordinary person. "

Chen Gong then suddenly: "the original generals, are still confused about Cao Cao."

However, if you think about it carefully, it is natural that this war is about the life and death of Luoyang imperial court. How can Gao Shun, a famous general in the world, relax his guard because he is a stranger from Cao camp?

He suddenly thought of the general's words: "what? Your majesty, as the king of the ninth five year plan, went to the barracks to train soldiers and discuss with you the situation of the world? "

In his impression, it is not the emperor. Even ordinary princes can be regarded as a Ming Lord if they can be diligent in politics and love the people, do not indulge in wine and lust, and know how to appoint talents. It is rare for the emperor to visit and inspect occasionally when the general is training military officers.

But the general looked as if he had taken it for granted: "what's so strange about this? I have been following your majesty for nine years. I was one of the second batch of soldiers that your majesty recruited when he was in Yanmen. At that time, his majesty often stayed in the barracks, ate and lived with the officers and soldiers. After the night training, he sat around the campfire with the officers and soldiers, and often talked about military affairs. After the event, they were not only very kind to his majesty, but also greatly admired him. Even after his majesty ascended the throne, although he was busy with government affairs, the matter was never abandoned. "

"Yes. It's not that we boast. Many ministers in the court, three princes and nine ministers, are not as good as we talk to your majesty except for going to court. "

"Not only that, but also your majesty has taken to the streets to observe the people's livelihood. Last year, when the young general was fortunate enough to be stationed in youfufeng, he accompanied his majesty and walked in the countryside for two days. During these two days, the young general was told by his majesty and benefited a lot. Hey, who can have such opportunities except for the three military advisers? "

All of them are proud to be around him.

Chen Gong was surprised to hear that his eyes were wide open.

"It's no wonder that there are many capable people in the imperial court, and there are even more senior generals in the army. The emperor's doing so not only makes the morale of all the officers and soldiers return to the court, but also gets the advice of the Emperor himself. Naturally, his knowledge is growing day by day, and his mind is growing. The Chen palace really admires him."

Several generals listened to his admiration for Liu He and looked at him as a "suspected spy of Cao Ying", and their eyes were much softer.

"You are also sensible. You have a lot of knowledge. You must have read a lot of poems. Why should you be used by a traitor of Cao Cao? If you join the imperial court and be loyal to your country, you will live up to your true character. "

Cao Cao said to his majesty Chen Cao's pardon. If this is not done, I will bear the trust of my friends first, and then the letter of General Gao. How can I face to receive the salary of the imperial court? "

His words were reasonable, and all the generals nodded and agreed.

Behind the tower, there was a rush of footsteps. Gao Shun didn't return his head. With only one ear moving, he said, "the man sent to supervise grain has come back."

When they looked back, two young generals, who both seemed to be in their early twenties, ran over and knelt down in front of Gao Shun.

"I would like to inform the general that they were ordered to go to Xiaohuang and Xunyi to supervise grain production in Xiaohuang and Xunyi respectively. They will set out in two days' time and will come here to pay the order."

Gao Shun side of a military general asked: "you wait to go out of the city and return to the city, after the Cao army encirclement circle, have encountered obstruction?"One of the two young generals said: "after they left the city, they only said that they had official business. They didn't say anything. Cao Jun let us pass. When they just returned, they didn't have any obstruction. At the time of departure, Xia Houyuan, the commander of the Cao army in Ximen, personally sent me two people out of the camp for ten li and delivered dry food. When he saw that the two of them were weak, he gave them to the general. It was said that they were Xiliang BMW. The general did not dare to be self-employed and could not refuse. Therefore, he took them back to the city for the general's decision. "

Gao Shun smell speech, facial expression move, turn round to look at two people: "he sent BMW to you two people?"

"At the end of the war, the general and the horse are as good as each other. It seems that Xia Houyuan has a special love for war horses. He looks around and looks at them for a long time. He can't put it down. "

Chen Gong said: "Xia Houyuan is Cao Cao's younger brother. Among all the generals in Yanzhou, riding is the first. Naturally, he loves horses."

Gao Shun nodded slightly: "since he sent you to wait, you two left to ride. The governor of grain is meritorious. Let's make a note on the merit book and go down. "

"Thank you, general."

"General Gao, it seems that Cao Cao is really loyal to the imperial court."

"If you want to kill me, you can't cut off half of the food for him, or you can't stop him."

Cao took advantage of the fact that many generals in the palace believed it.

"General Gao, Cao Cao presented his sword first, and then released the grain inspector. It can be said that he was sincere. I would like to ask general Gao to play on the emperor, and ask the emperor to come and say something good for Cao Cao, so that the emperor can forgive his sin and allow him to return to the field. In this way, the court can obtain two and a half states of land without a single soldier, and show the majesty of the imperial court to all the princes in the world. And the general can make great achievements in turning over his hands

All the generals around were smiling.

"General, would it be a pity not to take such a chance?"

Gao Shun frowned and hesitated for a long time. Chen Gong and several generals continued to persuade him.

"Well, your majesty has made a wise decision. Since I have obtained the movements of the enemy, I should also ask for instructions in accordance with my duties."

A military general said to Chen Gong: "many days ago, your majesty told my general that he would take charge of the war with the Jie Yue in his hand. He did not have to report everything. Since then, the general has played the son of heaven for the first time. Mr. Chen Gong, you and Cao Cao have a lot of face."

Chen Gong was overjoyed: "in the next generation of Cao Cao's thanks to General Gao, after the event, Chen and Meng de held a banquet to thank the general."

Gao Shun still said without expression: "no need, high to not eat dinner."

When Chen Gong saw him so cold, he didn't show any affection. Instead of being angry, he showed a little more admiration.

"I've heard for a long time that General Gao Shun is honest and self-conscious, and has the style of being a high-ranking scholar. Today I see that."

At this time, a big stone in Chen Gong's heart was released. He took a long breath and looked at Cao's camp in the distance. He felt a little uneasy.

"Mend, mend, don't let me down..."

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