Two county captains stood on both sides of the city gate, commanding the grain convoy to enter the city. After entering the city, they were sent to the granary from different streets.

"Fast, fast forward..."

"You ten cars go this way, the ten cars behind you, go that way..."

A general came down from the tower and said, "you have worked hard. I don't know how many grain trucks have yet to enter the city? "

As soon as they saw the man, they saluted in a hurry.

"It turned out to be deputy general Ge. A total of 10672 grain wagons have now entered the city gate. "

The deputy general Ge nodded slightly and looked out of the city: "ask the grain guards to enter the city first. Cao's troops outside the city have no malice. You will go on your way before dawn. You must go to the city early and use some dry food."

Naturally, the two county captains did not have any opinions. They called out to the soldiers outside the city. Thousands of soldiers were divided into two columns, and they ran slowly into the city from both sides of the grain convoy.

Just as the last soldier stepped into the gate of the city, Cao camp, which had been quiet for several days behind him, suddenly heard loud drums.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong..."


With the sound of beating drums, teams of soldiers and horses, with banners on one side, killed out of the Cao camp.

Most of the drivers of the grain wagons who had not yet entered the city were scared to death. Some of them rushed to the gate of the city, which made them huddle together. Some of them were so scared that they could not stand up. In a flash, there was chaos outside the gate.

"What's going on?" The two county lieutenants were also very surprised. They retreated from the drivers and ran out of the city.

Just now, Cao Jun, who was also respectful to them, seems to have changed. They are like wolves and fierce.

The head of a general, holding a spear, body back strong bow, not far behind, a flag of the flag, impressively written two words - Xiahou!

"Xia Houyuan!" They had been under Gao Shun for many years and were promoted to a county magistrate. Naturally, they were not stupid. They immediately thought about what was going on.

"Half cross and strike. Let us relax our vigilance first, and then kill them suddenly when the grain convoy is only half way away and it is difficult to close the gate! "

After thinking about this festival, the two suddenly regretted: "all blame me for being too credulous. Today, we should make atonement."

"Brothers, Cao Jun is deceitful and shameless. Let me kill you and give me this evil spirit!" they cried to the grain protecting soldiers who just entered the city behind them

"Yes, in any case, we will send grain trucks into the city. We will fight with them!"

The soldiers were not in the least vague, and they would rush to kill them.

"I will kill the enemy with you."

The assistant general Ge did not hesitate to mention the weapon, and then killed thousands of soldiers nearby.

Three generals, seven or eight thousand soldiers, confronted XiaHouYuan's thirty or forty thousand troops without hesitation.

Deputy Ge picked up a collapsed civilian husband: "quickly enter the city!"

Then the civilian man woke up half a minute from his fright, and hurriedly pushed the grain cart and ran to the gate of the city.

Xia Houyuan looked at these three people, and the corner of his mouth slightly one phase: "rice beads, also put Guanghua."

He raised his hand and bent his bow. The first one aimed at vice general Ge and shot an arrow.

"Lieutenant General Ge, be careful!"

The two county lieutenants exclaimed in surprise, and vice general Ge was also greatly surprised. He tried to resist with his halberd in a hurry.

However, after seeing ye Xiang's marvelous shooting skill in Xuzhou on that day, Xia Houyuan had worked hard for a long time. Under this arrow, he was so powerful that after hitting the halberd blade of the long halberd, he directly flew the weapon out of the palm of lieutenant general GE's palm, and then continued to move on, hitting the right arm of deputy general Ge and penetrating it together with the bone.

The sharp pain of tearing heart and lung made deputy general Ge scream and fell off his horse.

"Lieutenant General Ge!"

The two men were shouting and fighting, trying to help.

However, Xia Houyuan had already prepared for it. Would he give them a chance?

He looked at the two county captains. One of them was only a hundred paces away from him, and the other was nearly two hundred paces away. He bent his bow again and shot an arrow at the man farther away.

The county captain's martial arts are just ordinary. How can he resist Xia Houyuan's arrow?

The arrow went straight through his chest, and the county captain fell off his horse heavily and died immediately.

"Ah, you son of a bitch, take your life!"

The remaining one was ready to crack, waving weapons, and took the initiative to stab Xiahou yuan.

"Hum, look for death."

He held out his spear and met the other party. When two spears hit one place, Xia Houyuan easily pressed down the other party's weapons.


The county officer's eyes, full of blood, looked at Xia Houyuan's eyes, full of hatred.Xia Hou yuan sneered: "two fools, Gao shun a great reputation, will be destroyed by your two hands."

His words were not cold, but in the county officer's ears, it aroused boundless regret and pain.

"Ah, ah! General Gao, I can't afford you. I will die with this thief today to repay the kindness of the general and his majesty! "

He threw the spear directly, and Xia Houyuan used a lot of strength to stab forward. Suddenly, there was no obstacle. Naturally, the gun head easily penetrated into the county captain's abdomen.


The county captain yelled and grabbed Xia Houyuan's gun. Then, a horse was caught, and he continued to rush forward, making the gun head penetrate directly from the back.

"You Are you crazy? "

Xia Houyuan never thought that the other side would be so brave and strong. In his heart, he was surprised and stopped.

The county captain suddenly pulled out his sword and slashed at XiaHouYuan.

Xia Houyuan woke up with a start. Helpless, he could only let go of the long gun that had penetrated into the other side's abdomen and quickly pulled out his sword to block it.

However, he was a little slow. When he pulled out his saber, the distance between the blade and his neck was only a few inches.

Xia Hou yuan took the sword upside down, and the blade collided with the other side. In the end, it was difficult to exert all his strength when he was in a hurry, and the blade of the sword was pushed back in an instant. The sword blade of the county captain immediately cut the skin on his neck and exuded a little blood.

"Go to hell!"

At the moment, the county captain pressed all his strength to Xia Houyuan. His face was extremely ferocious, just like a demon who wanted to die. Even if Xia Houyuan had been fighting for many years and killed countless people, he could not help but feel excited.

Xia Houyuan tried his best, but looked at the other side's blade a little bit to scratch his skin, and his heart was greatly shocked, but he did not panic.

He raised his foot and hit the barrel of his spear, causing a violent tremor, which made the county officer's abdomen extremely painful and his hands immediately released.

After that, Hou yuan took advantage of the opportunity of the other side's long head to draw back.

He didn't care to wipe the blood splashed on his face and called out to a messenger behind him: "blow the horn!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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