The paralyzed Chen Palace on the city wall suddenly burst up in the moment before the machetes. Yang Tian cried out with all his strength in his life.

"Cao Cao is a traitor. He is unfaithful and unfaithful. I should not have saved you back then..."

As soon as the words fell, the swords of several generals were cut down at the same time. However, the Chen palace didn't give out any pain. His eyes were bloodshot, staring at the figure of Cao Cao. He leaned against the wall and fell down slowly.

In this process, Gao Shun never said a word, a pair of eyes, closely watching the war situation, feet do not move, hands do not move, eyes do not move, as if all this did not happen.

Several generals waved to their soldiers: "carry the corpse down, so as not to pollute the wall."

At this time, an enemy soldier was climbing to the wall from a ladder beside Gao Shun. When he saw Gao Shun himself, the soldier was elated and stabbed with his weapon.

Gao Shun is still standing in the same place, the body does not move, staring at the front.

Just when the soldier felt that he was going to make great achievements, a long gun shot out of the soldier's chest and hit him right in the chest. Then he was picked up and fell down the wall.


A few generals of Chen palace were killed just now, and they surrounded Gao Shun one after another.

But Gao Shun opened his mouth and said, "go to guard the city, don't worry about me."

"This..." A few people are embarrassed, let them leave Gao Shun like this, really some can't let go of heart.

Gao Shun's tone became a little severe: "what should be the crime of disobeying military orders?"

When several people heard the words, they were helpless to disperse and went to kill the enemy who boarded the tower.

In the east gate, Gao Shun took charge in person. Naturally, the soldiers soon calmed down from their panic. Then, under the command of all the generals, they immediately started an orderly defensive battle. Therefore, within half an hour after the battle began, the battle situation of Dongmen stabilized.

However, looking at the situation, Cao Cao was not in a hurry. He seemed not concerned about the battle situation of Dongmen. Instead, he bowed his head and said to Guo Jia: "after the capture of the city, we must find the body of Gongtai, take it back to the hometown of Dongjun, bury it in a big way, and then take his family back to his hometown, so as to have a good picture."

Guo Jia accepted the order, and then said, "my Lord, you don't have to blame yourself for this. If Chen Gong didn't get this information by accident and came to tell us that we had no such good strategy, we had to attack hard, and the soldiers would have been injured ten times. It's a good thing for the Lord to save tens of thousands of soldiers by taking one man from the Chen palace. "

Cao Cao looked up and sighed: "ah Although Gongtai left me at that time, he was able to come to save me without fear of danger. It shows that I am very kind to him. In the future, I will die, and I don't know how to face him underground. I love his little daughter, who is only eight years old this year. If she asks me for her father, how can I deal with her? "

If someone else saw that Cao Cao, the hero of a generation, was thinking about these matters of love and affection when such a war broke out, he would be surprised if he was indifferent to the war. However, Guo Jia was not surprised and puzzled.

"After the capture of Luoyang, the Lord will honor the son of heaven. At that time, the whole world will be in power. He can then seal the Chen palace, support his wife and children with a generous salary, and then set up a stele for him, which is worthy of him."

Cao Cao said nothing about it and did not speak again.

Seeing that he looked gloomy, Guo Jia shifted the topic.

"I don't know if the general of Xiahou has ever attacked the city in the west gate. As long as his troops enter the city all the way, the city will be captured by me within half a day."

On hearing this, Cao Cao instinctively looked to the West. Although it was impossible to see anything across the city and the vast army, he said: "miaocai and yuanrang have their own strengths when they are in charge of the army. Yuanrang showed sympathy for the soldiers, shared weal and woe, and ran the army with benevolence and righteousness. When there was a big event, only yuanrang could set his mind on the army. Miaocai is strict in governing the army and strict in its military law. It is necessary to pay rewards and punishments to deal with the urgent war. If you are not good, you can't do your best. "

Guo Jia nodded: "the Lord has a sharp eye and a lot of words. The Lord oversees the battle in the east of the city to attract Gao Shun to the east gate. In this way, the general of Xiahou is bound to be more successful in the west gate. With his ability, he can break into the city gate before the enemy forces completely close the gate

When the two men spoke, many of the baggage outside the west gate had been cleared, and tens of thousands of Cao troops finally poured under the wall.

The city gate was covered with sharp arrows from Xia Houyuan. Inside and outside the gate, the bodies of dozens of soldiers who guarded the city were killed by Xia Houyuan when they were closing the gate or trying to cut off the arrows.

In addition to these, in the only space between the two gates, there are still a few spears, the head of which is deeply inserted into the ground, and the gun shaft is blocking the middle of the two gates.

Xia Houyuan delayed the closure of the city gate for a quarter of an hour on his own, and the garrison behind the gate became more and more frightened.

"This guy is so terrible that he can't be brave enough, even if he is general Gao."

"I think this man is very skillful in shooting. Even compared with general Ye Xiang, he is almost the same. With him, we can't close the gate at all..."At first, the soldiers behind the city gate could still look at death as if they were dead, but seeing dozens of comrades in arms falling in front of them one by one, many soldiers finally became half timid. It was this half timidity that made them dare not go forward to close the city gate. For a time, the gate seemed to have become something terrible, which could not be avoided.

While many soldiers were still frightened and hesitant, Cao's army was approaching the city gate. Xia Houyuan finally put down his long bow, picked up his spear, and took the lead in rushing over.

"Those who stand in my way will die!"

As soon as he pulled the reins of his horse, the horse leaped up high, one man and one horse, and went straight through the gap between the city gates. Before the horse landed, Xia Houyuan provoked the horse with a long gun and attacked continuously, killing two soldiers behind the gate in an instant.

"Soldiers, enter the city, open the other three doors, everyone meritorious service, everyone has a reward, rush

Tens of thousands of troops, one by one, quickly poured into the city.

The garrison of Ximen generation ran down from the wall in a hurry.

"Come on, stop them..."

"They must not be allowed to go to the other three gates, otherwise the enemy forces will cooperate inside and outside, and our army will be defeated."

"Come on, everybody!"

At the west gate, about 30000 troops and horses were also deployed. At the moment, Cao's army was powerful, but tens of thousands of soldiers were still outside the city. At the moment, most of them were still outside the city waiting to enter the city. Therefore, the situation was quickly controlled. In the generation of Chengmen, the two sides fought fiercely.

Although the troops guarding the city were attacked in such a sudden way and the leading general Ge was injured again, he was after all an excellent teacher trained by Gao Shun. With his familiarity with the terrain of the city and the convenience of the geographical location, he launched a counterattack and temporarily suppressed XiaHouYuan's army here, making it difficult for them to move forward.

Xia Houyuan looked at the soldiers in front of him, but he looked scornful.

"There is no general here. Who else can stop me? Let me kill you. "

He used both guns and bows, sometimes shooting from afar, sometimes attacking at close range, and fighting with all his might in one direction. Although ordinary soldiers are also strong and experienced many battles, how can they compare with Xia Houyuan, a top-ranking general in the world, when it comes to martial arts?

Before long, hundreds of corpses were lying on a central avenue inside the city gate. One by one, they were shot through by a sharp arrow or shot through the vital parts. Xia Houyuan also killed hundreds of steps. Although there was still a long way to go from the other three gates, it would be enough for him to continue to kill like this in less than an hour I got it.

He made a breakthrough on his side, which greatly reduced the confidence of the garrison soldiers. However, the morale of the Cao army who attacked the city was greatly increased. Under the ebb and flow, the battle situation that was hard to be suppressed was soon tilted again. The Cao army's offensive became more and more fierce, and the front line was constantly pushed towards the city, and the Cao army outside the city was constantly rushing into the city. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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