The fierce Cao army soon retreated like the tide.

Han soldiers did not immediately chase, but ran to Zhang Yong's side and helped him up.

"General Zhang, are you ok?"

"Bandit Cao is so hateful that the general ordered us to chase him to pieces."

"Yes, please give orders from the general."

Zhang Yong did not hesitate to look at the soldiers' excitement one by one.

"Well, you can't lose time and never come again. The whole army will pursue and capture or kill the thief, and you will be rewarded with thousands of gold!"

At first, the soldiers of the Han army were very angry, and their morale was like a rainbow. When they heard that there were still thousands of gold rewards, they were more courageous and roared after them.

Before we knew it, it was already bright. The Han army could see clearly the whereabouts of Cao's army, which was running at a high speed not far away, and caught up with the rear of Cao's army before long.


All of the Han Army marched forward bravely and rushed to kill them with weapons.

However, the rear part of the Cao army seemed to have been prepared. Before the Han army arrived, the Cao army suddenly turned around and all the guns were aimed at the Han army.


Cao Jun was also a big drink, and then the line was neat and rushed forward.

Although Cao's army was at a disadvantage in the first day of the battle, the cooperation between them seemed to follow a certain kind of battle array, which greatly increased the combat effectiveness. Although the Han army was brave, it could not do anything to the enemy in a short time.

"General Zhang, your injury..."

A general asked Zhang Yong with concern.

Zhang Yong waved his hand: "no harm. Let's see, why did Cao's army improve so rapidly in a flash? "

With such a reminder, all the generals also found this strange place.

"Yes, if we look at the previous situation, our army will kill more than 70000 of them, and they will be defeated by the end of the day. Now we are dealing with only a small number of rear troops, and the troops are roughly the same. It should be as if we were destroying the weak. But it is really strange that we can only advance slowly."

"It seems that the rear part of Cao's army is under the command of some high-ranking people. It is not as unprepared as before. Judging from their fighting posture, it is obvious that someone has set up a battle array to counter attack. "

Zhang Yong listened to their suggestion and nodded slightly.

"Yes, among Cao's troops, there are only those who can do so well, I think only..."

Zhang Shenyong suddenly became dignified.

"Send someone to find out who is in the rear of Cao's army."

Many generals were puzzled.

"General, why do you attach so much importance to this man?"

Zhang Yong shook his head: "if I guess it's good, I'm afraid that the commander-in-chief will be Cao Cao himself."

Now those generals became more and more strange: "it's better if he leads the army in person? It is convenient for us to march forward and capture him directly. "

"Nonsense." Zhang Yong yelled, and several generals bowed their heads.

"Elder brother has mentioned to me many times that Cao Cao's ability of unifying troops is still higher than that of Gao Boping and me. You see, he led less than 30000 Cao's troops, who were physically and mentally exhausted and whose morale was greatly weakened. However, he was able to compete with the elite of our army. Although our army had the advantage, it was difficult to annihilate all of them. He is very familiar with the military array and skillfully uses it. He knows the way to encourage people to fight. He is really a formidable enemy. "

The generals looked at the battlefield carefully for a while, then they patted their heads one after another and suddenly realized.

"It's hard for the general and others to think of this section. For example, Cao's army is also a well-trained army with high morale. It is not worth boasting about such a situation with our army. But it is extraordinary that he can lead such a defeated division to block our army's way. "

In the eyes of the generals, they could not help but show a little fright.

"But the more so, the more we should kill him here at all costs, so as to avoid future trouble?"

Zhang Yong looked very serious and said, "at all costs? In such a situation, it will be extremely difficult for our army to kill Cao Cao. Even if we succeed, our army will inevitably suffer heavy losses. However, Cao Hong, Cheng Yu and other generations are leading more than 20000 troops. At that time, they will take advantage of the situation to retaliate for Cao Cao. How can we resist it? "

"Once our army was defeated, Cao's army gathered up the remaining soldiers and dispatched soldiers and horses from nearby cities to directly attack Hulao pass. More than 90% of the troops and horses of Luoyang generation were transferred to various places to deal with the war. When the time comes, will your majesty, Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager be in a critical situation

Hearing this, many generals bowed their heads and fell into meditation.

Zhang Yong continued: "and Cao Cao and his four great advisers are resourceful people. If the pressure is too tight, there is no conspiracy. At the beginning of our army's coming to Yanzhou, everything was based on stabilizing the overall situation. Cao's army was greatly weakened by this defeat. If you want to destroy him, sooner or later, you don't have to take any risks at this moment. "

The generals nodded one after another, and the color of doubt in their faces disappeared.

At this time, the scouts who went out to inquire came back."Report to the general that the person behind Cao's army is indeed Cao Cao himself."

Zhang Yong had expected this, so he was not surprised.

"Yes. When the order goes on, the whole army will stop pursuing and go to Xinzheng City to garrison. "

"General, this..." Although the generals understood the truth, they were still unwilling.

"General, when his majesty pursued Cao Cao in the west of Luoyang City, he was the first one to rear him. Later, his majesty pretended to retreat and ordered Cao's bandits to relax their guard and leave the rear. Then his majesty suddenly killed Cao Cao. Why don't we do it today? "

One of the generals said the plan and immediately won the support of all the people.

"No Zhang Yong did not hesitate to reject him.

"What kind of man could Cao Cao make the same mistake in succession? With this strategy against the enemy, we expect that Cao Cao would not be caught in the trap, but would make our army set fire to himself. Well, don't hesitate. Withdraw immediately. "

The military discipline of the Han army was always strict. As commander-in-chief, Zhang Yong had to carry out the withdrawal order no matter whether they were willing or not.

After watching the Han army retreat, Cao Cao was relieved. However, as Zhang Yong said, he did not go to the front army, but remained in the rear army.

In front of the Cao army, Cao angman was puzzled.

After seeing this, Cheng Yu went forward to salute respectfully.

"Is there any doubt in the eldest childe

Seeing that he came to ask in person, Cao ang also hastened to return the salute: "Mr. Cheng Yu, you are very polite. I just don't understand why Jia Junshi not only asked my father to house the rear in person, but also said that no matter whether the Han army withdraws its troops or refuses to let go, his father can never leave the rear. The more so, the Han army will withdraw sooner or later, but they are obviously far better than our army. How can we let go of such a good opportunity? "

Cheng Yu didn't answer directly, but looked up and down at the eldest son of Cao's family. His eyes were filled with joy.

"The young master can think about this point, which shows that he is eager to learn and think hard. The master will be glad to know that. In fact, the mystery here is not complicated. When the LORD was in the west of Luoyang City, he was chased by Liu He. At the beginning, he personally made a war with Liu He. Liu he left the rear under the pretence of leaving. Under his carelessness, the LORD left the rear. As a result, he was killed by Liu He and returned home immediately

Cao ang nodded: "although I have never experienced it, I have heard from my father."

"Here it is." Cheng Yu stroked his beard: "although this Zhang Yong is extremely intelligent and experienced many battles, he is naturally cautious. Moreover, he is not only Liu He's righteous brother, but also today's national uncle. He doesn't need to be greedy and rash. Such people, naturally, will not take risks. In their eyes, our army is already in their pocket. There is no difference between taking them early and taking them later. In this case, why should he come to pursue and kill them at the risk of great damage to the sergeant? The Lord personally commanded the empress and fought against him. Seeing that he could not take advantage of it, he would naturally withdraw his troops and defend the main road to Sili in order to be safe. "

After hearing this, Cao Ang's face seemed to understand.

"I see Thank you very much, sir

Cheng Yu said with a smile, "you are welcome. The young master is so eager to learn and so savvy. In a few years' time, he will be the right-hand assistant of the Lord. Liu He's son is still young. Even if the Lord can't beat Liu He, he will be able to surpass his son. "

Cao ang seemed to recognize the special meaning of the words. His face was happy and his eyes suddenly had more longing , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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