"This is the way to shoot, the same to axe, so to sword, and different to halberd At first, I chose to practice these four kinds of weapons and combine them into one to create a weapon of my own, right? How can these four weapons, which are totally different in use, be integrated? "

Liu He put the four weapons beside him and sat on a big stone to meditate. He gradually ignored the thunderous cry of thousands of people practicing nearby.

At this time, countless scenes appeared in Liu He's mind, such as axe, chopper, spear, sword, and so on, which made Liu He's brain almost burst!

"No! Not so... " Liu he himself simulated two people in his mind, fighting with various weapons, but they were all rejected by Liu he one by one.

All of a sudden, Liu He's brain is bright, all scenes are gone, replaced by a strange picture. In the picture, there is a colorful bird, a powerful green dragon, a ferocious white tiger and a strange animal with turtle body and snake tail.

The spirit bird rosefinch flies in the air, and from time to time carries out Dragonfly attacks with sharp claws. It seems simple, but each claw is extremely powerful. Sometimes it falls from the sky and pecks down with its sharp beak.

The green dragon breathed the breath of the dragon. It was like the sea, swaying and pounding its huge body. A pair of sharp corners on the top of his head met the mountain and cracked the mountain, and saw the broken wood. Every blow contained the supreme power.

As for the white tiger, its fangs are harder than dark iron, and they are as sharp as swords. Every bite, they have the skill of breaking gold and gravel. Their two front claws are like powerful axes. They are infinitely powerful and extremely sharp, as if they have the power to see gods and kill gods!

The Xuanwu beast, however, is different from the above three. It sits firmly on the ground and doesn't move like a mountain. Its defense is much stronger than any airtight gun. At the same time, the snake head on its tail will always aim at the opportunity to attack you. You can't prevent it!

"The spirit is like the rosefinch and the green dragon. It has the power of white tiger in attack and the ability of Xuanwu in defense! This is what I want! That's it, that's it

Liu he suddenly opened his eyes and picked up a weapon. He jumped to a flat ground and began to wave it.

The extremely heavy weapon, in Liu He's hand, was as light as an ordinary stick. When it was waved, there was almost no dead corner. Even some leaves floating from time to time were hit in two.

And in this incomparable defense, sometimes stab, sometimes chop, sometimes from all directions, every strike is as powerful as a thousand, unstoppable!

"Come on All of a sudden, Liu ran through the tree trunk with the speed of the naked eye, but they didn't get a sound.

"Hi!" Liu he suddenly pulled out the weapon, his wrist trembled, and the weapon turned around in a circle, only to hear "click A burst of sound, the big tree was cut off!

Then, in the process of the tree falling down, Liu He took another weapon with his left hand and waved them together. When the tree trunk finally fell to the ground, the branches and leaves on it had been cut to pieces by Liu He.

"Hoo succeed! At last it's done! I've finally achieved my own skill

Liu he was very excited, his chest heaved violently.

The other several people listened to his happy big drink, and then they understood what was going on.

"Brother, you were just Is it your own martial art? "

Liu he threw aside the weapon which had been damaged because he could not bear his powerful power just now, and took a long breath.

"Ha ha, good! Brother Wei just got the inspiration from the four spirits of Zhuque, Qinglong, Baihu and Xuanwu in his dream. He realized this skill. So he waved it while he was in the mood. It was really powerful indeed

People heard the speech, but also for Liu he feel happy!

"Elder brother, we are still studying hard. You have been able to create such a powerful martial art. You are much better than our brothers!"

Guan Yu said with a smile, and the others were half joking.

"No, there's nothing clever or not. If you practice well and use it well, you can be called wise. All the brothers are not inferior to the elder brother. In my opinion, at least the martial arts of the second younger brother are even higher than me. Ha ha!"

Guan Yu laughs and says he can't, but Liu He knows that he is not as good as his second brother. He even fights. Now his fifth brother, Zhu ye, is better than himself.

"Stunts are really good things. If you want to cross the battlefield, there are several good special effects that are necessary!"

At this time, Liu He's mind sounded familiar, and is now he wants to hear the voice.

"System prompt: the host understands the hidden skill" four spirits flat and reverse chop ", increases the force by 1 point, and understands the special effect - trick Soldier: use a strange weapon to make the best of the characteristics of this weapon, increase the force by 5 points in battle, and have a chance to obtain an additional 3 points of force for temporary outbreak."

"System prompt: the host gets 50 points for understanding special effects, so the basic force is increased to 90 points, and then 50 points are obtained.""The host completes the task - comprehend a special effect or special attribute, reward 150 points, and get any attribute of the host to increase by 1 point. It has been stored in the system warehouse, and the host can use it at any time before the attribute reaches the 100 limit."

"It turns out that the scenes in my mind just now are all the system leaders. Did you put them in? The name of this martial art is "four spirits flat and reverse chop". Ah, it is worthy of the name. Thank you very much, boss of the system! "

Liu He is in a very excited mood now. If he can, he would like to drill into his mind and kowtow to the system to express his thanks.

"Reply to the host, this is not arranged by the system. The system does not have the function of making any arrangement on its own initiative. These are some programs that come with the system itself. The host has reached the trigger condition, so it will appear. "

Although the system explained this, Liu he was still very grateful for the system.

"That's great. Now I'm also a stunt man. I'll add 5 points of force as soon as I make a move, and I can also have the opportunity to trigger the outbreak of three extra points of force. That's 8 o'clock. It's so cool! Well, I have to find those blacksmiths in a few days, and let me work out a special magic weapon for me

Liu he was so beautiful that he ignored all the activities and activities around him until several brothers patted him several times.

For a while, Zhang Yong, Zhu ye and others all gathered around to ask Liu He and Guan Yu some questions about their martial arts and martial arts. They also thought carefully and answered carefully, so that half an afternoon, they were not in the mood to practice any more. They became teaching and question answering.

That night, Liu he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He was thinking about what his weapon should look like until the next day.

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