
Zhang Yong clapped his hand on the table, and then walked out of the door and said, "order the officers of Sima and above in the army to come here immediately to discuss the issue of sending troops."

"Here it is." The soldier retreated quickly.

After a while, Zhang Yong ordered all the generals, with a total of 100000 troops, and then he emerged from Xuchang city of Yingchuan county.

"Just a moment, general Zhang."

Just as Zhang Yong was about to leave the city, Xun you caught up with him alone.

"It's Mr. Gongda. What's your opinion here?" Zhang Yong had great respect for Xun you and stopped the March immediately.

Xun you rode his horse to Zhang Yong's side, saluted and said, "dare you ask general, are you going to attack Yuzhou?"

Zhang Yong said with a smile: "Sir, it's a good plan. I've received news that Cao Cao took Yuzhou and Nanyang and attacked Jingzhou together. He tried to take advantage of the cold spring and our army was not ready to attack Xiangyang, Jiangxia and other places. It's a pity that both cities are important towns in Jingzhou. He has been attacking for many days without any land. Now Yuzhou is empty, which is a good opportunity for our army. How can I miss it? It is expected that Gao Boping must be dispatching troops and soldiers at the moment, and even march on the road. If I attack Runan and he attacks Qiaojun, Cao Cao will die. "

Xun you laughed and said, "general, this is not true. Cao Cao was cunning and resourceful. Would he let the door of Yuzhou open and let our army take it? In my opinion, there must be fraud. "

Zhang Yong looked sluggish: "how to cheat?"

"I have heard that after Cao Cao attacked and occupied Nanyang, he has been secretly recruiting troops and horses in Nanyang. Nanyang is a big county with a population of 26.7 million. It should be noted that Yanzhou has only three hundred thousand people. What kind of man is Cao Cao? It is not difficult to recruit more than 100000 recruits and 60000 or 70000 recruits in half a year. This time, he raised 80000 troops to attack Jingzhou. I think there must be some new recruits among them, and after the troops were transferred from Yuzhou, there must be new recruits to fill in the garrison. "

After hearing this, Zhang Yong stroked his beard and nodded slightly. However, he then said, "Sir, you are right. With the strength of Cao's army, we are not the enemy of our army. What's more, today's mixed recruits are not worth mentioning. Although Bo Ping and I suffered a small loss a few years ago, it was only due to carelessness. Now that our army is more powerful, how can Cao's army win? "

Xun you shook his head: "the more general is like this, the easier it is to be tricked by Cao thieves."

But if I don't know the enemy, I will not be afraid of the opportunity

"No, I'm not trying to persuade the general not to go out, but to ask for help and go out with the army."

Xun you asked for help, which surprised Zhang Yong, but he quickly responded and laughed heartily.

"Ha ha, I have Mr. Gongda to help me, and I have no fear, sir."

The army soon entered the boundary of Yuzhou. It was only when night fell that they camped in a wilderness.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Yong personally carrying food and wine, walked into Xun you camp.

"I look at my husband's camp. The lights are bright. I think Mr. Lai is still reading, so I'll bring you some food and drink to enjoy with you."

Xun you said happily, "thank you, general."

He took up a bowl of porridge, blowing a few times, and then took a sip, and then his face showed the appearance of enjoyment.

"Well In the middle of the night, you can still use it like this. This life is enough. "

Zhang Yong said with a smile, "Sir, your Majesty's trusted counselor. Is a bowl of porridge enough to satisfy you?"

Xun you hears the speech, but does not answer, but looks up at Zhang Yong.

"The general's late night visit is not just for a bowl of porridge, is it?"

Zhang Yong looked embarrassed for a while, rubbed his hands and laughed dryly: "haha I can't hide anything from you, sir. I'm here for some advice. "

Xun you raised his hand to stop him from going on: "don't worry, let me guess up and down. What the general wants to ask is, general, you have experienced many battles. Your majesty has asked you to lead the army for many years and trust you very much. Did you mean to rush me to Yingchuan from Luoyang

Zhang Yong quickly waved his hand to deny: "no, no, my elder brother is very kind to me. How can I be so suspicious?"

"Oh? Is it? " Xun you stares at him for a while, then laughs. He picks up the bowl again and takes a sip.

"Well It's good to drink. The cook the general brought with the army is very good. "

Seeing him, Zhang Yong put the topic aside, and immediately got anxious. He grinned a little embarrassed.

"This Hey, I don't know my elder brother... "

He said this to the mouth, but only half said, the second half, delayed to say.

Xun you looked at him and suddenly laughed: "ha ha It is said that general Zhang Yong has both wisdom and courage. He is a rare hero in the world? Well, well, I don't want to tease you. Since the general has this question, I might as well disclose one or two. "

Zhang Yong immediately came to the spirit, and the whole person leaned towards Xun you.Xun you wiped his mouth and said, "although your majesty has never said so clearly, you have served your majesty for many years, and you can guess seven or eight points of his intention. In this case, his majesty relegated many of the sons of the aristocratic families by Feng Fang and others, and promoted Bingzhou from the old dragon officials or some poor children. Others thought that Cui Zhouping and I were also involved in this and were sent out to the prefectures. In fact, it is a big fallacy to say that Cui Zhouping and I are not aware of the wisdom of the son of heaven. "

Zhang Yong heard the rise: "please tell me clearly, sir."

Xun you said, "there are two reasons for your Majesty's move. First of all, the situation in the imperial court was that many aristocratic families headed by Taiwei Yang Biao led the group of officials, while situ Wangyun and Sikong cuilie, as well as two riding generals Lu Zhi and huangfusong, led some courtiers to fight against Yang, so as to stabilize the court situation. Now Yang Biao can't show his illness. Many ministers, such as Feng, Cao, Zhao, Du and so on, have ambushed him. The Yang faction has been weakened. Situ Wang Yun has won over his majesty this time to attack the officials. Therefore, the Wang family in Taiyuan is the most popular. In this way, the trend of the imperial court is one-sided, which threatens the stability of the government and the authority of his majesty. "

Zhang Yong showed the color of epiphany: "I understand. His majesty wants to re promote a faction of forces to compete with Wang, so as to regain control of the imperial court. "

"Hehe, the general is really smart, and he is also in common with his majesty. Yes, your majesty, this is the intention. After Feng Fang and others were killed, his majesty arranged many of his confidants to the place of Sili. In addition, he promoted many of his sons and students, including Xunzi, Cui, Lu and other families, so that we should rely on the strength of these people to balance the Wang family in the court. "

Zhang Yong also showed a puzzled look: "but Sir and Cui Junshi are both your Majesty's cronies. Wouldn't it be better to leave you two at your side?"

Xun you shook his head and said, "Your Majesty sent me out of Luoyang for the second reason. The reason why Zhou Ping and I were both transferred to the counties where the front lines were located was that the two battles of Yi and Yu were related to his Majesty's great cause of unifying the whole country. However, the two wars will not be smooth. The mountains and rivers in Yizhou are blocked, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Cao Cao of Yuzhou is deceitful and has extraordinary strength, so they are not easy to attack. Naturally, I transferred out with Zhou to assist the army. First, to pacify the people, to plan for food and grass, to solve the worries of the army, and the other is to give advice to the general. "

Zhang Yong breathed a sigh of relief: "in this way, I and Boping were defeated last year, and my elder brother didn't blame me?"

"The general has been worried about it. Winning or losing is a common matter for soldiers. What's the point of a small defeat? Since the general and his majesty have known each other for 30 years, their affection is so deep. How thoughtful and knowledgeable your majesty is, can he blame the general for such a trivial matter? "

Xun you's words made Zhang Yong's face relaxed, but he still hesitated: "but Why let Mr. Zhang come to Yingchuan instead of Chen Liu? "

Xun you said with a smile: "this is the most simple thing. On the one hand, Chen Liu, the prefect of Chen Gong, is a resourceful and resourceful generation. On the other hand, General Gao has a steady nature, unlike general Zhang. You are worried about it and you are confused. Naturally, you don't need to be assisted by the next one."

"Oh? How can I care? " Zhang Yong did not understand.

Xun you has been staring at him with both eyes, which makes Zhang Yong very uncomfortable and turns his head unconsciously.

"Ha ha, the so-called care is chaotic. Now, in the imperial court, situ Wang Yun is so powerful that his majesty has many rewards for Liu Tai, the third prince. Does the general have nothing to worry about and worry about his nephew? How wise is your majesty

"This..." Zhang Yong was told the truth, and suddenly some words were blocked.

At this time, Zhang Yong's instinct was alerted by the sound of fighting outside the account.

"What happened outside? Did someone come to rob the camp? "

Soon, a soldier ran in: "report to the general, suddenly there is an enemy, I don't know where the men and horses, they do not play a flag, all dressed in black at night, into our barracks, the enemy is very strong, one of the fierce general, even more brave, the village gate has been unable to defend."

Zhang Yongxian was a little surprised, but soon recovered as before, even with a little chill.

"Hum As expected, this area is thickly forested, and it's cloudy this night. The moon is not bright. Cao's army came to attack him by night. I'm going to meet him for a while. Please take a seat here, sir. "

Xun you said calmly: "the general is as he pleases. It's not too late for the general to withdraw from the Cao army."

Between the two people talk, are a picture of a plan.

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