"To die, all to die..."

Wei's two pieces of halberd are like two pieces of iron.

Although the golden sword camp is invincible, it is just for ordinary soldiers. Facing such a fierce general as him, the power of the golden sword is difficult to play. In a flash, Dian Wei killed more than ten people.

Cao Shu was so surprised that he patted his thigh and said, "what a Dian Wei, two Xiahou uncles praised him and Xu Chu. They were all enemies of thousands of people. I didn't believe it. Now it seems that his uncle has a good eye for people."

Le Jin also stroked his short beard with a smile on his face: "if you can't kill Zhang Yong, you can break through the golden sword camp. In this way, our military will have some opportunities."

Dian Wei, like a god of killing, soon fell from the side of the Cao army to the side of the Han army.

He got rid of the formation of the golden sword camp and ran all the way to Zhang Yong. No one could stop him.

"Protect the general..."

A group of soldiers from the golden sword camp surrounded him and blocked him in front of Dianwei.

"Those who stand in my way will die." Dian Wei's eyes are scarlet, which makes people feel terrible. However, the soldiers in the golden sword camp are all selected from the loyal and strong men who have experienced many battles in the army. Even in the face of such a killing God, they never retreat.

Dianwei's heart was full of hatred. When he saw someone blocking him, he cut the halberd without saying a word.


A long axe stabbed across the air, and from the side against Dianwei's Halberd blade, it lost its direction, and did not strike a soldier in front of the golden sword camp.

"Who?" He looked up angrily and saw a general, Zhang Yong, coming from his horse.

"Don't hurt my soldiers and wait for me to fight you."

After that, Zhang Yong took the axe and cut it. Dianwei was very happy.

"It's you who are looking for."

With a wave of the iron halberds, they met Zhang Yong.


The soldiers of the golden sword camp wanted to help, but Zhang Yong said, "go and kill the enemy as soon as you can. Don't worry about me. This is a military order."

Zhang Yong's army has always been a mountain of military orders. As long as a military order is given, even if there is a big matter, the soldiers must obey it. Therefore, even if people see that he is in trouble, they can only bear the pain to leave and rejoin the battle situation with Cao Jun.

"System Tip: Zhang Yong vs. Dianwei. Zhang Yong's basic force increased by 94 points, king of war, king of armour and mount increased by 5 points, triggered the special effect "ghost axe", increased the force by 4 points, and the current comprehensive force was 103 points. "

"Dianwei's basic force is 96 points, and the weapon is increased by 1 point. Because the current battle is not in a weak position, the special effect" valiant "can not be triggered, but the special effect" step battle "can be triggered, the force is increased by 5 points, and the current comprehensive force is 102 points."

Zhang Yong's martial arts were taught by Liu He from the system. He practiced the axe technique day and night when he was in Huangshui village. Now more than ten years later, he has already practiced it perfectly. When he wields this axe, it has not only the strength of sweeping a thousand troops, but also the toughness of four or two thousand jin.

Although Dian Wei is far more powerful than Zhang Yong, he is not proficient in martial arts, and the two suffer from the loss of weapons and armor. When they close at 20, they gradually fall behind.

Zhang Yong saw that he looked angry, and his moves were direct attack on his vital points. He said, "hero Dianwei, I heard Zhao Zilong mention that he had already explained you that day and clarified the misunderstanding. Why did he come to oppose your majesty now?"

Dianwei said angrily, "don't mention the dog emperor again. He deceived my big brother and killed him in prison for no reason in order to calm down the anger of others. Now he wants to coax me into making money. This hatred is different. I will kill him in my life. "

Zhang Yong was surprised: "who told you that Dameng was dead? A few months ago, Dameng was involved in a homicide case and was sent to prison according to the law, which is also reasonable and legal. However, three months ago, his majesty had found out the truth, and he was innocent. Now he is in his own house, with his wife and children, how can he die? "

"Pooh Dian Wei didn't believe him at all, but spat at Zhang Yong.

"You are the loyal brother of the dog emperor. Naturally, you help him to cheat me. How can I be deceived by you? Eat me

He infused his whole body with strength, wielding both iron halberds from left to right, and directly attacked Zhang Yong's chest.

"The system prompts: Zhang Yong fell behind in the battle between Dianwei and Zhang Yong, and triggered the special effect" valiant ". The force was increased by 3 points, and the current comprehensive force was changed to 105 points."

Dianwei is a walking battle, while Zhang Yong is riding a red rabbit horse. Therefore, although Dianwei himself is higher than Zhang Yong, he is a little shorter at the moment.

This pair of iron halberds has been difficult to attack Zhang Yong's head. However, Zhang Yong's axe can attack any part of his head at will, which makes Dianwei very angry.


Dianwei was so angry that he suddenly fell back. Then his two halberds supported the ground and pushed hard to make himself slide towards the horse's belly.

"Look, I'll kill you first." Dian Wei thought."Not good." Zhang Yong immediately saw his intention, and hastened to chop the ground with a chopping axe, forcing Dianwei to fight back with double iron halberds, and disorganized his body method.

After that, he pulled the reins with his left hand. This red rabbit horse was a rare BMW horse. Since Liu he defeated Dong Zhuo, Zhang Yong has been riding on this horse for many years, and has long been interlinked.

When the red rabbit saw the owner like this, he immediately neighed, his front hooves soared into the air, and then trampled heavily toward Dianwei under his stomach.

On the one hand, Zhang Yong's axe implicated his double iron halberds; on the other hand, the powerful front hoof of the red rabbit horse was about to fall. Dian Wei was attacked by this man and his horse at the same time, which was irresistible.

"Alas, it's a pity..."

He sighed bitterly, then rolled quickly, and rolled out from under the horse's stomach before he stepped on it.

However, Dian Wei was not willing to admit defeat. He immediately jumped up and waved his double halberds. He attacked red rabbit's horse head and Zhang Yong's chest.

Zhang Yong's face changed slightly, and he almost did not think for a moment. He instinctively used weapons to resist the halberd that cleaved to the red rabbit horse.

Can protect this end, nature can not protect that end, Dianwei's other halberd, so hard hit Zhang Yong's chest.


Even though the body was protected by gold wire armor, it did not hurt the skin or flesh, but the huge force still penetrated through the two layers of armor. Zhang Yong's chest sank, and a mouthful of blood gushed out. At the same time, the whole person also flew out of the horse's back.


Seeing this, many soldiers rushed to help, but Zhang Yong propped up his body and immediately drank them back.

"No one is allowed to Cough They must not withdraw from the front line, or they will be killed by force. "

"Ha ha, good Zhang Yong." Dian Wei stepped over and looked at Zhang Yong with less hatred and more admiration.

"I think you are also a hero, and I can spare your life today. As long as you declare your surrender and surrender to my Lord, I will never... "

"Bah." Zhang Yong interrupted him directly: "who is the thief Cao? A treacherous and shameless person, a sinister and treacherous person, is also worthy to be my lord? Zhang Yong is a country man. It depends on the emperor's persistence and promotion since childhood. Today, loyal officials do not serve as two masters. Besides, I still have a friendship with your majesty. If I betray, it will be different from animals? "

Now, the admiration in Dianwei's eyes adds a little bit more.

"Well, for the sake of your loyalty, I'll keep your whole body."

He aimed the tips of the two iron halberds at Zhang Yong's neck and made a strong stab.


A sound of a heavy object breaking through the air came into Dianwei's ears. He was alert instinctively and took back the short halberd that had been pierced. Facing the direction of the sound, it was a horizontal chop.


A piece of dead wood with the thickness of thigh was cut off by him and fell to the ground.

At the same time, a figure appeared dozens of paces away. The man was riding a tall silver gray horse with a pair of thunderbolt hammers in his hand, bearing a majestic bearing.

"You want to kill my fourth brother. Have you asked your Master Zhu?"

As soon as the man patted his horse, it was like a silver light that killed Dianwei.

By virtue of the strength and distance of the other party throwing the dead wood, Dian Wei knew that the other side's strength was still above him. Therefore, he did not dare to be careless and tried his best to resist the thunderbolt hammer hit by the other side with double iron halberds.

"Dangdang..." After two consecutive crackles, the opponent not only had great strength, but also made use of the momentum of his horse, which made him even more powerful. At the beginning of the fight, Dian Wei was shocked to retreat for more than ten steps, and then he reluctantly stood still.

"This guy is so tough as this..."

At this time, lejin behind him suddenly yelled: "general Dianwei, be careful. This is Zhu ye, the fifth younger brother of Zhang Yong. His strength is boundless. The power of the double hammer cannot be resisted."

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