Sun Jian, with a look of expectation on his face, said: "yes, I have noticed the intention of the imperial court. However, Yangzhou is poor and has few people. It is difficult for me to make great achievements. I had intended to expand to Jingzhou and Xuzhou. Now, this edict is in line with my wishes. When Cao Cao got the new Nanjun and Jiangxia, he had a precarious foothold and had to guard against the capture of Yuzhou. It was a good opportunity given by heaven. How could he miss it? But I don't know what kind of advice you have? "

Zhou Yu chuckled calmly and showed his elegant demeanor: "my nephew, since my uncle respected the son of heaven in Luoyang as orthodox, then the emperor summoned him. Would the Minister not obey him? The uncle only needs to reply to the son of heaven, saying that he will prepare troops and horses, feed and forage on the day, and attack Jingnan with the art of war, so as to repay the emperor's great kindness. "

Sun CE was confused: "ah? Gongjin, what you said is the same as what my father said? "

Zhou Yu did not answer. He just looked at Sun Jian with a smile. Sun Jian lowered his head and pondered for a moment. Then he burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha Good plan, good plan. "

Sun CE was confused. He looked at Sun Jian and then Zhou Yu. He didn't understand what they were laughing at.

"Oh, brother Bofu, but don't you understand the mystery?" Zhou Yu asked.

Sun CE shook his head: "don't understand."

"If you are told to read more books on weekdays, you always don't listen. It's really a stupid head."

Sun Jian rebuked a sentence, but let Sun CE boss not convinced.

Cheng Pu came out and made a comeback: "little general, this is a plan to turn away from guests and give priority to others. The Lord obeys the imperial edict, and the whole army is ready to go. In this way, the Lord naturally has a word of loyalty. However, it can not be done in one or two days. As for how many days before the troops can be sent out, ha ha... "

Speaking of this, sun CE, however stupid, naturally understood.

"Ah, I see. When the court fought with Cao Cao, we would send troops to capture Jingzhou. In this way, the two sides of the dispute become the court and Cao Cao, but we become fishermen. "

"You are smart, brother. The four counties in Jingnan naturally wanted to take it, but they had to have a feud with Cao Cao. It was a great disadvantage for both sides to fall into a dead war. At present, the scale and strength of Jingzhou navy are far superior to our army. However, Jingzhou is located in the upper reaches of the river. If 20000 Marines go down the river, the east of the river will not be protected. Only when Cao Cao was attacked by the son of heaven, it was most secure to send troops when he could not take care of it. "

"I see. I understand. Gongjin is really resourceful."

"Brother is not weak either."

"Don't praise him, my dear nephew. He is used to climbing a tree on a pole. You can praise him with a few words, but his tail will go up to heaven."

"Ha ha ha..."

After a lot of laughter, Sun Jian said in a positive tone: "when the orders go down, the whole army is waiting for trouble and training. In addition, we will build ships, select people who are proficient in water and expand the Navy. At the same time, we will send people to closely monitor the movements of the Cao army in Jingzhou. If there is any news, we will report it immediately. "

"Here it is."

Xuzhou, Donghai County, Tan county, a hearty laugh, from the prefect's office.

"Ha ha ha The son of heaven really knows the goods. My eldest brother should have been the governor of Xuzhou for a long time. "

Zhang Fei held a wine jar and drank several drinks in a breath of joy.

"Well, don't talk nonsense. How can he de, a fool, be such an important task? There is fear in my heart. "

Liu Bei has a trademark smile of modesty.

Jiang Huan said with a smile, "elder brother, don't be too modest. After Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, Tao gongzu was in poor health and could not manage his affairs. His elder brother was already the same as the governor of Xuzhou. Over the past year, under the governance of the eldest brother, good weather prevailed everywhere and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. Years ago, before the death of the governor, Tao Qian went to the imperial court, and the elder brother took over. Now the imperial edict has been issued, and the elder brother is justified. "

"That is, if you want me to say, the talent and virtue of elder brother, not to mention half Xuzhou, is the whole Xuzhou, even Qingzhou and Yanzhou, should be under the control of elder brother. If it wasn't for today's emperor who is so wise and has great importance to elder brother, my Lao Zhang would like to take the throne and give it to him. "

"How can you say such unfaithful words if you are reckless Liu Bei's face rose and he gave a angry rebuke. Zhang Fei laughed and drank a mouthful of wine to stop his mouth.

Tian Feng arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty ordered our army to send troops again to attack Yuzhou. What is your plan?"

Liu Bei did not pretend to think of the cableway: "Cao Cao's rebellious thief should be jointly punished by all the people in the world. What's more, Bei, who is a family member of the Han Dynasty, can't stand idly by? I would like to personally lead 80000 troops and attack Qiaojun to repay the emperor's favor. "

Tian Feng and the trial partner both nodded and seemed very satisfied with the arrangement.

"The Lord is loyal, righteous, benevolent and virtuous. He can show the sun and the moon. However, my subordinates think that if we want to attack Yuzhou, we must first wipe out another force. "

Tian Feng said mysteriously with three points.

Liu Bei was stunned and asked, "what Yuan Hao said means..."

Tian Feng laughed and said, "master, you know, why do you ask me again?"

As soon as Zhang Fei heard what they said, he could not help but put the wine jar aside and yelled: "brother, since we want to fight, we must let our younger brother be the vanguard."

Liu Bei looked at him and then said with a smile, "Oh? I won't let you be the pioneer. What about you? ""I..." Zhang Fei's tone coagulates. He doesn't know how to answer for a moment. He can't beat his big brother?

Looking at his appearance, everyone burst into laughter.

"Well, you're just kidding. I'll give it to you. Five days later, you led 30000 soldiers and attacked Peixian county directly. The foolish brother personally led the troops and took over from behind. "

Zhang Fei was elated and jumped up directly: "ha ha, thank you, brother. I'm going to prepare."

He patted his ass and turned his head and ran out.

A few days later, on the road from Donghai County to Yuzhou, Zhang Fei, with Zhangba snake spear in hand, led a troop of 30000 soldiers, humming and marching forward.

A young general in his early twenties in silver and white armor caught up from behind.

"General Zhang, it's just going out to war. How can you be happier than the Chinese new year?"

Zhang Fei turned his head and looked at him: "it's uncle Zhi. You come to join our army half a year ago. Naturally, you don't know. Since Cao Cao captured Xuzhou the year before last, Lao Zhang has never had a big war. He usually fights the villains in the countryside or exterminates the mountain bandits. It's really boring. It is only in these wars that fighting is the most enjoyable. "

The young general suddenly said, "it is said that general Zhang is not afraid of heaven and earth. He is afraid of three things. One is that the Lord is angry; the other is that there is no drink; the third is that there is no war. When I see him today, the rumor is true."

"Ha ha Well said, well said, my Lao Zhang's life, also only afraid of these three things, good, good

Zhang Fei was very helpful to this, and looked up and laughed.

"Ha ha, general Zhang is really a marvelous man in the world. I have gained more knowledge when I am here."

I promise you to follow me. You are from Yuzhou. This time my elder brother ordered you to assist me. Lao Zhang has to tell you first. Everything about the war depends on Lao Zhang. When I don't know, I will ask you. You can say that you can't direct military affairs on weekdays. Otherwise, my army stick of Lao Zhang is not long-sighted. "

Zhang Fei's copper bell like eyes stare at Chen to some cold sweat. How dare you object?

"Yes, general Zhang, as a commander-in-chief, should be so."

"Ha ha, OK, you have a bright future, ha ha..."

After three days of talking and laughing, Zhang Fei finally arrived at the border of Donghai County. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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