The two sides were more than ten miles apart, and they went against each other, and soon came across a place.

"Ha ha, there are only a hundred people. It's time for me to do something."

The horse general was overjoyed and urged the soldiers to speed up rowing.

Unexpectedly, the other party's ten boats, after seeing them rush over, turned the bow of the boat and fled quickly.

"Want to run? It's not so easy. Come on, catch up. " General Ma kept urging.

However, although these 100 Jiangdong soldiers seem to be cheating on each other, their rowing skills are not small. Both sides are going down the river, and Jiangdong's boats are in front of Jingzhou ships. Jingzhou's dozens of boats have been chasing for half a day, but they have not been able to catch up.

"Damn it. It's useless. Get out of here. I'll come by myself."

General Ma was eager for meritorious service. Seeing that there was no hope of pursuing him, he pushed a rowing soldier aside and took over the oar himself.

Sure enough, the speed of the ship he was in increased a lot, and the Jiangdong ship in front of him was gradually approaching, which made General Ma more and more excited.

"General, they turned into a tributary."

Ke went to the east of the river to remind a lot of soldiers to walk along the narrow river.

"Hum, do you think you can get rid of me? I grew up by the river when I was a child. I thought that this small water network would make me lost, so I would retreat in the face of difficulties. It's ridiculous to catch up. "

This tributary is only about six or seven feet wide, and it is winding and winding. It is very difficult to walk. Every time Jiangdong boat makes a turn, the General Ma always shouts and even jumps.

And what made him collapse most was that after a short time, Jiangdong's boats turned into another smaller river from this tributary.

This river is no more than two Zhangs in width. It is not only more curved, but also covered with reeds and grasses on both sides of the river, which greatly blocks the view.

"Damn it, how can these guys escape like this? I hate that they are always a hundred paces away. Otherwise, the general will shoot them with his bow and arrow."

After more than half an hour of pursuing and killing, General Ma was already upset. He wanted to catch more than 100 enemy troops and torture them with all means to make them unable to survive or die. Only in this way can he make his heart feel better.

As soon as he said this, the ten ships on the opposite side stopped inexplicably and turned around to look at them, which made General Ma very happy.

"Ha ha, are you tired? Well, let general Ben cut off your head and take it back to receive merit. "

In his eyes, those Jiangdong soldiers in front of him are no longer people and boats, but a share of military merit, pile upon pile of rewards.

However, before he could laugh a few times, one of the hundred people in Jiangdong who looked like a general suddenly called out: "boys, don't you start yet?"

"Shua Shua..."

The reeds on both sides of the river were suddenly torn away, and a group of Jiangdong soldiers showed their bodies. All of them, armed with bows and arrows, aimed at Jingzhou ships.

"Ah In It's a trick... "

General Ma's face suddenly turned pale.

Cai Mao fleet side, is another general, led by hundreds of people, in front of ten Jiangdong Zoke chase out.

At the moment, Cai Mao lost his pride and pride at that time. Instead, his brows were locked and his eyes were full of contemplation.

"No I always think there is something strange about this Zhou Yu sent out too many outposts. With this team just now, it is the thirteenth wave. "

Zhang Yun did not agree: "Hey, Zhou Yu is just a yellow mouthed boy. Facing our Jingzhou mighty navy, he is bound to feel sad. He sent many sentries to prove that he is timid and worthless."

Cai Mao waved his hand: "I don't think so. The first wave of General Ma, who went to pursue the post for nearly two hours, has not come back, including the troops and generals who pursued the Jiangdong sentry post. I always feel uneasy that no one has returned. "

"Don't worry, general. At the end of the day, the generals thought that Jiangdong soldiers and horses fled too fast and chased far away for a while, but they didn't come back in time. Every time our army sent out troops to pursue the enemy, at least twice as many as the enemy, and more than four or even five times as many as the enemy. There is no division in Jiangdong. Even if Zhou Yu had a plan to ambush him, he did not have such a force. How can we be afraid of that? "

Zhang Yun's words reassured Cai Mao a little: "well, Ji Ming's words are reasonable. But it's no way to go on like this. It's better to turn the defensive into an attack. "

Zhang Yun asked quickly, "general, how to turn the defensive into an attack?"

Cai Mao said with a smile: "the strength of Zhou Yu's children is far inferior to that of our army. He is good at fighting, and can't be compared with our army. In this way, our army should develop its strong points and avoid its weaknesses. I think it is only two hours away from Peng Lize. I should send a strong brigade to attack Chaisang. If we can capture it, it will be the best. Even if we can't defeat it for a while, it will be difficult for it to harass our army again. When our army arrives, Chaisang city will not be captured? ""It's wonderful, general. I'm willing to attack the city in person." Zhang Yundang immediately asked for instructions.

Cai Mao nodded: "well, I expect you can only do it. In this way, I will give you 5000 soldiers as the vanguard. If you take Chaisang, I will record your first achievement."

"I will take orders."

Zhang Yunxi went out immediately.

A real estate ship, a number of boats, formed a powerful fleet, ride the wind and waves, forward.

At this time, Zhang Yun's fleet spread out its sails as if a meteor had passed through the water, leaving a ripple of water.

Zhang Yun was confident and confident: "even the will of heaven has helped me so much. How can we win this battle? Zhou Yu is only a few thousand newly trained Marines. How can he fight against our Jingzhou Navy? This battle will make him understand the way of water war. "

Just as he was enjoying himself, the boat suddenly vibrated violently and then stopped.

"What's the matter? There has never been a reef in the river. How can it be so? "

Zhang Yun was very familiar with the river. After Liu Biao came to Jingzhou, he attached great importance to the waterway. In order to facilitate the transportation of grain and grass, the rivers and rivers in Jingzhou were cleaned up regularly every year to ensure that the ships would not touch the rocks.

Although Yangzhou was already within the territory of Yangzhou, over the years, there were more than ten thousand ships from Yangzhou to Jingzhou through this river. He had never heard of any collision with the reef. Therefore, he was very surprised.

At this time, a soldier ran over in a panic: "general, not good. Under the surface of the river, there are many hidden piles. Our military fleet has hit the hidden piles. The bottom of several ships has been broken. Only this building ship is slightly cracked, and there is no major obstacle. "

"Hidden pile?" Zhang Yun's face turned white: "what kind of dark pile?"

The soldier replied, "these hidden piles are made of rolled wood with the thickness of thighs. They are still a few feet away from the river surface, so it is difficult to find them with the naked eye. The distance between the hidden piles is more than ten meters. If you want to clean them up, it will take a lot of time."

"Damn it!" Zhang Yun was so angry that he slashed his sword on the side fence.

"Lizi, Zhou Yu, dare you deceive me like this? When the order goes on, the whole army shall clear the hidden piles as soon as possible. After the clearing is completed, 20 ships will be ordered to go and explore the way cautiously with bamboo poles and wooden sticks in front of them. "

"Here it is."

Soon, only the sound of "plopping" was heard. Thousands of Jingzhou navy soldiers jumped into the river and began to clean up the piles.

Although there are thousands of these piles, the soldiers in Jingzhou have excellent water quality. When they drill into the water, or two or three people work together, they can clear a hidden pile from the soil and quicksand at the bottom of the river.

In just over half an hour, most of the thousands of piles had been cleaned up, and some of the broken ones at the bottom of the ship had been repaired.

Zhang Yun looks a little calm. He looks at the front with hatred: "Zhou Yu I will kill you for such a treacherous plan. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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