"Well, here it is!"

Liu he points out the system warehouse in his mind, extracts the metal ore, and puts it on the mountains in front of him.

Seeing a flash of light, Liu he suddenly found that the scenery in front of him had changed a lot!

The vegetation on the mountain is obviously less, and many places have become grotesque rocks. Under the sunlight, many of the rocks can still reflect some metallic luster!

And this kind of metal luster stone, now spread all over the hillside around Liu He's valley.

"Heaven and earth are created! The nature of heaven and earth! It's amazing! "

Liu he sighed for a long time.

By visual inspection, this metal mine is said to be miniature, and it is really worthy of its reputation. It is estimated that at most, it will produce several thousand tons of metal ore equivalent to previous generations.

However, the quantity is not important. In any case, what he needs now is not much. The key is that the metal mine is exposed on the surface and mining is very convenient, which makes Liu he feel a little surprised.

"Ha ha, it's not bad. I'm coming!"

With an excited mood, Liu He bid farewell to the five wolf Valley and rode back to the village.

However, before he could tell the good news, he saw six people talking to Liu Qian, Guan Yu and others at home. He looked very worried.

Seeing Liu he coming back, the six men were very excited. They seized Liu He's hands and made Liu he confused. They quickly looked at their father Liu Qian and his second younger brother Guan Yu.

Liu Qian and Guan Yu take a look at each other. Liu Qian nods. Guan Yu comes over and tells Liu he what happened.

The six came from the three townships next door, one of which was already under the control of Yu County, at the junction of the two counties.

The other two townships are located in the southwest and northwest of Huangshui township. These two townships, together with Huangshui Township, have almost surrounded the county seat of langdiao County by 67%.

The purpose of these people is simple.

The large bandit stronghold nearby has been completely wiped out by the Anmin army led by Liu He and others. However, some small bandits with tens to more than 100 people are afraid of the Anmin army's power and dare not set up a stronghold nearby. They can only run around in Taihang Mountain and plunder in other places except Huangshui township.

In fact, there is no other degree of plunder in the countryside.

It's just that the village brave team in Huangshui township has become so famous in recent years that many villagers have seen the hope of being completely free from banditry, and that is why so many people have moved here.

However, there are still many people who are unwilling or unable to leave their hometown to settle in Huangshui village for various reasons.

Therefore, we elected people with prestige in the village and asked Liu He and others to send troops to exterminate these bandits.

"We, the three townships, are willing to offer a thousand stones of grain and 50000 coins, and have organized a total of 200 strong men for the encouragement of some heroes!"

Liu he could see the pain in the expression of the six people when he said this.

Such a large amount of grain and money, for the villagers who have been plundered for a long time, is already a considerable amount.

We should know that the population of these three townships is only slightly more than that of Huangshui Township, and the grain yield is not as much as that of Huangshui Township, and the villagers are naturally much poorer due to the plunder of mountain bandits.

"Uncles and elders, please take it easy. Now that we have changed our name to the Anmin army, it is our bounden duty to protect the people. Is there any reason to receive rewards? As for the 200 strong men, they can be incorporated into them and trained together to suppress bandits, so that each township can have its own ability to resist bandits. "

Hearing this, the six people were immensely grateful.

"Fourth brother, please go and call back the other brothers, Xiangzi and Qian Li."

Zhang Yong took his orders and ran to the back mountain. When we don't practice on weekdays, we still practice martial arts in the back mountain.

After a while, everyone returned to Liu He's home.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Anmin army has been attacking everywhere in recent years. Our Huangshui township has been completely peaceful, but the surrounding Wanshou Township, Chengyi Township and Quangou township are still plagued by banditry. What do you think we should do?"

"Protect the villagers and attack the bandits!"

More than a thousand people cried out in unison.

"Good! Five days later, it was the crowning ceremony of the fourth younger brother and the fifth younger brother. After the crown ceremony was over, the army was immediately reorganized and the soldiers were divided into three routes. The second younger brother and the third younger brother led 300 people to Chengyi Township, the fourth younger brother and Xiangzi led 300 people to Quangou Township, the fifth younger brother and Qian Li's younger brother led 300 soldiers to Wanshou Township, and I led a hundred soldiers to defend this township and assist all the virtuous brothers. "

Several people took orders in unison.

Liu He also told his brothers in a low voice: "remember, six days later, at night, after arriving in the villages, they are scattered and hidden in abandoned houses everywhere. During the day, they are not allowed to gather together to avoid exposing their whereabouts and startling the snake. The autumn harvest is about half a month away, and the bandits will surely go down the mountain. All of you must bear in mind that the main purpose of the surrender is probation, and the second is to kill and annihilate. Only the first evil is taken, and the rest are bound back to be tried and convicted again. ""Yes

Five days later, the coronation ceremony of Zhang Yong and Zhu Ye was held as scheduled. Liu He also took the words "Mingwei" and "Dehui" respectively, hoping that Zhang Yong could march forward bravely and be famous in the world, while Zhu ye could have both political integrity and talent.

The next day, when the lights were on, the six men in each group and three teams were heading for their destination.

After they had gone far away, Zhang Yu came out and added a cloak to Liu He.

"My husband, I can understand that my elder brother has to lead a team separately. But let the fifth younger brother lead the army alone and send Qian's younger brother, who has no strength to tie a chicken, to accompany him. I am really... "

Liu He looked at his smart wife and laughed.

"Ha ha, Madame knows only one of them, but not the other."

Liu he helped Zhang Yu to sit on the edge of the bed.

"After my wife made a plan with me in the training ground, I have sent people to investigate the situation in the surrounding villages. In our langdiao county and Yuxian County in the north, there are probably hundreds to nearly a thousand bandits. Because of our growing reputation, the bandits in the eastern mountains have gradually decreased, and most of them have gone to the villages on the west side of the county

"Most of these bandits are small group of mountain bandits, which are not enough to compare with the original five wolf and five tiger stronghold, but our Anmin army's reputation is becoming more and more famous, which is enough to frighten them. If it was not for the purpose of training our Anmin army and giving them some experience in fighting, in fact, even if the fifth younger brother went alone, it would be enough to calm down the bandits. "

Zhang Yu also nodded. She knew Zhu Ye's bravery very well. A pair of sledgehammers made a strong wind. These small bandits and mountain bandits were weak in fighting power. Even if there were 100 or so people, they might not be able to hurt him.

"But I still don't understand. What are you doing with money management? He doesn't know how to fight

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