Liu He opened it and looked at it again. He understood what was going on. He returned the letter to Zhu Ye.

"Well, it's also a good thing. Brother Qian Li is not good at war. He is very talented in dealing with these matters. I don't have any opinion. You can send this letter to Qian TingChang for a look. If he doesn't have any opinion, he will agree to the request of Wanshou township. "

"Ah, OK, listen to big brother!"

Zhu Ye takes the letter and gives it to a Xiang Yong nearby. After a few words, the man runs in the direction of Qian TingChang's house.

While they were talking, another noisy March came.

"Big brother! Five brothers! Ha ha

The two men looked in the direction of the sound source, but Zhang Yong came back with his troops and rushed to meet them with great joy.

But before they could be happy, they noticed the wound wrapped up in Zhang Yong's left rib.

"Well? Fourth brother, what's the matter with you? Who has the ability to hurt my fourth brother? "

Zhang Yong burst into a bitter smile: "Oh, don't mention it. This time, I underestimated the enemy. I didn't expect that there were also good men in the bandit army. After I killed one of the three teams, the two bandit leaders of the other side came in to fight together. I was not good at martial arts and was stabbed by them with one shot, but the wound was not deep, so it was not a big obstacle. "

Listen to him say so, a few country brave behind him did not do.

"Mr. Zhang is very good at martial arts. He killed all five of them! If we didn't try our best and let Mr. Zhang distracted to save him, he would not have been hurt! It's us who hold him back... "

Zhang Yongchao yelled after him: "don't talk nonsense! Brothers in the same robe, how can we not save ourselves from death? How can we say that there is no drag? If you say that again, don't recognize me as a brother! "

However, Liu he knew the story clearly.

"Hehe, the fourth brother said it well. If we all cherish our lives and ignore the friendship of our teammates, will we not be as virtuous as those shameless officers and soldiers? In a moment, you go to the medicine garden and find Mr. Xu to make some medicine. "

"Follow the orders of big brother!" Zhang Yong said with a smile.

After a while, Guan Yu and Cheng Liang came back with their soldiers. They hugged each other and laughed. They were very happy.

On the back of the mountain, several people sat around each other and told each other about their experiences in the past month. They said that everyone spat and stars were flying everywhere, and everyone was in high spirits. From time to time, laughter and ridicule broke out.

"The brothers have been working hard. Now we have eliminated more than half of the bandits in langtiao county. It's all thanks to us! "

Liu he was very pleased.

"Big brother, I'm flattered. Since our brothers are determined to protect the territory and the people and contribute to the country, these are naturally the responsibilities. If the government doesn't care, let's manage it. There must be a place for reasoning. "

Guan Yu is now twenty-two years old. His beard is more than a foot long. The posture of the bearded male has been initially revealed. It looks very dignified.

"By the way, is there any brother injury in this battle?" Liu he suddenly asked.

A few people smell speech, facial expression suddenly appeared a trace of sadness, Liu he saw, know not good.

"Well, this battle is indeed a bit more tragic than the previous ones. A total of 16 brothers were killed and more than 40 others were injured. Among the dead, three were villagers of their own village, and thirteen were brothers who were later recruited from the villages. I have asked the villagers familiar with them in the army to bring enough food and money to help their families. As for the injured, they have been bandaged and treated separately, and Mr. Xu has taken care of some villagers. "

Listening to Zhang Yong's report, Liu he was inevitably sad.

These rural braves have been training with them and killing enemies together for several years. Many of them have known each other since childhood.

But in addition to sadness, Liu He also knew that there was another important thing to do, which was to pacify the army.

The first time someone died in battle, it is inevitable that some soldiers will be afraid. Moreover, there will be hostility towards the roving bandits and their families who have just come over. This will be a great disadvantage to the military unity in the future.

"It should not be too late. In order to stabilize the morale of the army, fourth brother, you should immediately order someone to inform you. Besides the wounded, it's time to gather in the valley on time tomorrow, without delay!"

Zhang Yong knew that Liu He must have something important to tell him, so he did not dare to delay and went down to do it immediately.

After arranging some affairs, everyone was a little tired. Liu He gave everyone a holiday and went back to Liu He's home to have a rest.

"System prompt: the host has completed the task, did not receive the reward, please host to check."

Liu is waking up in a bath.

"Well? Have you finished your mission? I have to see what task it is

Liu he quickly opened the system task interface, and found that there was a task flashing light, showing that it had been completed.

"It turns out to be the task of fighting generals and killing enemy generals on the battlefield. This is right. It seems that the second brother and the fifth brother killed the enemy bandit leader together in this time. It seems that Yun Chang was earlier. He should be given this reward. ""Ding! The host successfully received the task reward: 100 bonus points, and 1 point of Guan Yu's basic force. "

Liu he sees that Guan Yu's military force has reached 92 points, and it is difficult to improve his daily practice.

"It seems that only after the war is really started in the future, and through a long-term fighting career, can we really stimulate the potential of Wu Sheng."

The next day, more than 900 village Braves, more than 400 newly captured mountain bandits, and more than 300 young people who had just joined the three townships gathered in the valley, all of them looked up at Liu he standing on the stone in front of them.

The scene was silent, either out of respect, or out of fear. In short, no one whispered.

Liu He looked at the 16700 people in front of him and took a deep breath.

"Brothers! We've been working hard for a month! "

As soon as Liu he said this, more than 900 soldiers of the Anmin army immediately stood up and cried out: "it's not hard to protect the territory and the people."

This song and duel surprised more than 700 other people, one by one with wide eyes and ears, trying to see what the ANP was going to do.

"Good job!" Liu he praised, "however, I also know what you are thinking now! I know what all of you think

Everyone looked curious and wanted to hear how Liu he would say what they thought.

Liu he pointed to the more than 900 people: "you, like us, are brothers for many years! Some brothers died and others were injured. Are you afraid? "

"Not afraid! Not afraid The crowd is still shouting in unison, but the voice is obviously not as loud as before, and the tone is not so firm.

"Nonsense! Who can be afraid? This is fighting, killing and being killed, even I am afraid! Many years ago, our village was attacked by bandits at night. It was the first time that we killed people. After that, we were on the hillside behind my house. We were shaking with fear. We couldn't hold a stick! "

Only the villagers nearby knew this. At present, most of the people in the Xiangyong team didn't know about it, so they all came to be interested. Some commanders who looked so powerful had been afraid for some time.

"But yesterday, I saw the bodies of those brothers and the wound on my fourth brother Zhang Yong. I was even more scared! I'm afraid that my close brothers will leave me, and that I will lie here one day

Liu He's high sounding and emotional voice made everyone a little silent. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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