
The cry of the golden eagles came from the sky.

Liu He, who was discussing important matters with Xu Shu and others in the Shanzhai, immediately winked at Youlang, who was standing behind him. Youlang walked quickly to the place where the golden carving had fallen.

"Your Majesty." He went back to Liu He and handed over a roll of cloth.

Pei yuanshao and Zhou Cang were very surprised to see the golden carving. Although they had seen the gold sculpture with you Lang, they didn't know what it was for. Today, they realized that it was actually used for flying eagle to pass on a letter. They were very curious. When they were about to go up to see it, you Lang waved his arm and let the golden eagle fly out again.

They angrily went back to their seats. Zhou Cang was ok, and soon settled down. But Pei yuanshao stretched his neck and looked at the cloth in Liu He's hand.

"Mr. Yuanzhi, what news will come from the golden carving?"

Xu Shu looked at him with a smile: "naturally, I can wait for the news out of the Shanzhai."

"Yes? That's great. " Pei yuanshao jumped up with joy. You Lang's face was flat and he glared at him. You Lang, as the commander of the flying eagle guard, was so angry that he was so scared that he immediately sat back.

"Ha ha, Yuan Zhi's words are not bad. The time is ripe." Liu He put away his cloth and silk, and his face was red.

Zhu ye, who is sitting beside Liu He, immediately dances with his eyebrows: "big brother, what are we waiting for? My brother will ride down the mountain with his own Thor to open the way for him."

He was about to leave and was pulled back by Liu He: "you, you, when can you change your temper? The third brother was nearly killed because of his temperament. You don't have a long memory. I can't stand your agitation. "

Zhu Ye is trained by him. He is an invincible and powerful man. At the moment, he looks like a small child who has made a mistake and crouches back.

Liu he said solemnly: "Cao Cao personally led the army to March. He wanted to retreat to gaoshun first, and then hit Xu Huang. He left only 30000 troops and horses to guard Pingyu City, and at the same time, he searched for our traces. Now he was ambushed, defeated by Gao Shun, and suffered heavy losses. Cao Hong, the general, nearly died in the war, only to save himself. "

"Oh? I have heard for a long time that General Gao Shun is proficient in military strategy and the art of war

Xu Shu also said with a bit of surprise: "if Cao Cao's army is defeated, then Gao and Xu, the two generals, will surely press southward and seize Henan. I think it's just for us to respond. "

"Ah? You want to go out? Do you want to leave some people here... " Pei yuanshao did not give up.

Zhou Cang frowned upside down: "what? Do you want to continue to be king here? "

"Who said that?" Pei yuanshao became angry: "I'm just thinking, in case the siege fails, it's ok There is also a way out... "

"Come on, Sue." Although Xu Shu was not the leader of the stronghold, he was already in the stronghold. Even Pei yuanshao and Zhou Cang almost obeyed him. When he yelled, they immediately shut up.

Although we have more than 30000 elite troops, we can do our best. In addition to leaving dozens of people to take care of the comatose general Cheng Liang and many seriously wounded soldiers, all the others must go out to win. "

"Well, Yuan Zhizhi is right." Liu He nodded his head and said, "but Pingyu city is very strong, and we have no siege equipment. I don't know how Yuanzhi thinks it's better to move forward?"

Xu Shu's feather fan swayed gently, and he was confident that he had already thought of a plan for his majesty. He would certainly teach Cao's army to retreat. At least, Runan County has been in the charge of his majesty ever since

Liu he asked, "Sir, what's the best plan? Come on quickly."

Xu Shu took a look at you Lang and the golden carving with only one black spot flying in the sky. He gave a meaningful smile. Liu Heshun looked at his eyes and then laughed.

On the tower of Pingyu City, a general in armor, with a solemn look, is patrolling around.

This man was the Deputy General of XiaHouYuan, Han Hao, who had appeared outside Chenliu city. Now Xia Houyuan, Xia Houdun and Xu Chu were all seriously injured and recuperated in the city. The rest of the generals were taken to Ruyang city by Cao Cao. Now, in terms of official positions, he is the highest general, and the burden of guarding the city naturally falls on his shoulders.

Fortunately, Han Haosheng was steady and resourceful. Before that, he offered Cao Cao a plan to open up the wasteland, which had been abandoned and had no owner because of wars and natural disasters. He then replaced the land with the rich families and gathered them together, and then the soldiers cultivated the land.

As a result, Cao Wenli's leisure time increased the number of soldiers in his spare time.

He has been staying in the city for the third day. He has been organizing the civilians and soldiers to repair the walls and the damaged houses in the city. He finally got free for a while, but did not rest. Instead, he went to the tower to inspect the city defense.


"General Han."When the soldiers saw him coming, they saluted one after another, and Han Hao nodded in response.


A light cry, resounding through the sky, Han Hao looks a Lin, become extremely alert.

"The sound is..."

When he looked up, he saw a black shadow flying rapidly through the air. Although Han Hao had to take a look at it, he thought he recognized it.

"It's Liu He's gold sculpture!"

He quickly looked around and explored, but found nothing suspicious.

"Well The Lord has said that the general who made the golden carving must be the one under Liu He's command who is responsible for investigating intelligence. Since the golden eagle is here, the man must be close to him. Hum, he has a lot of skills, and he can hide it so tightly. However, since I found out that, in any case, I will search you out and give it to the Lord. It's like breaking Liu He's arm. "

He turned back and called out, "count 5000 men and horses, divide the soldiers into five routes, and get out of the city immediately."

Several generals ran over and were surprised to ask, "general, no enemy troops have appeared. Why should we suddenly leave the city? But what is to be done? "

Han Hao sneered: "yes, this time out of the city, only for one thing - looking for someone."

The four roads of soldiers and horses came out of the four gates of the city respectively, while Han Hao personally took one of them and followed the direction of the golden carving.

But how can they catch up with the golden eagles flying in the sky? Not long after leaving the city, the golden carving disappeared in the clouds and had no trace.

"Damn it!" Han Hao is very angry..

At this time, a small group of soldiers ran back: "general, villains and so on to explore the village ahead, accidentally learned that a stranger has come to the village in recent days."

Han Hao's spirit shocked: "what kind of stranger?"

"According to the villagers, the man appeared and disappeared. He was wearing a hat all day, and he could not see his face. He appeared every time, or inquired about some news in the city, or asked nothing. No one said hello to him. It was very strange."

"Good!" Han Hao's eyes flashed when he heard it.

"No mistake, it must be this man."

He drew out his sword and was about to march towards the village, and suddenly stopped.

"No, that man is so brave. I'm afraid that he is not under the two Xiahou generals. If I want to capture him, it would be fantastic, eh Let me see. "

A moment later, he said to a soldier beside him, "go back to the city immediately and transfer the only 800 cavalry in the city here. Remember, be quick. The sooner the better."

"Yes." The soldier turned away from the dust.

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