Liu he was extremely angry and wanted to kill Cao Cao quickly.

The reason is very simple. In the letter of the flying eagle, only one message was said: Cao Cao colluded with many other nationalities and local powers, promised to cede Youzhou and Liangzhou to them, and promised SHIXIE autonomy in Jiaozhou to be the real local emperor of Jiaozhou, in exchange for the support of all parties for his Han Dynasty in Yuzhou.

Today, Koguryo and Fuyu have joined forces to attack Youzhou. More than two dozen tribes of Xiqiang have launched a rebellion of more than 300000 and invaded Liangzhou. SHIXIE declared that he was orthodox and sent 100000 troops to Jingzhou to help Cao Cao fight.

Liu he certainly understood that Cao Cao, who was known as the most treacherous hero in the end of the Han Dynasty, could not really hand over the territory of the Han Dynasty to others. This was just to cajole them to send troops to help. Once the general situation of the world had been determined, were not the likes of SHIXIE and Koguryo at his disposal?

But it's one thing to understand in reason, and another thing to accept emotionally.

As the son of the Han Dynasty, Liu he had already regarded the whole world, every inch of territory and every common people as treasures. How could he allow Cao Cao to commit such a treacherous plot?

He hate to the extreme, also angry to the extreme, the speed of killing people in his hands, obviously faster, all the way to kill, such as into no one's land, watching the distance from Cao Cao getting closer.

At last, Cao Cao changed a little. He wanted to disturb Zhu Ye's formation by attacking Liu He, but he didn't expect Xu Shu to continue to command. Although Zhu ye and Zhang jaw were still anxious at first, none of them left the battle without permission. Now, seeing Liu He's no damage, he has killed Cao's army in disorder. They are not worried And more excited.

"Big brother is really good, ha ha..."

"Officers and men, your Majesty's body of gold, who have committed personal danger, advance and retreat together with us and share life and death. How can we not repay death with death?"

Not only Zhu ye and Zhang jaw are like this, but Zhou Cang is also full of admiration and generosity.

"I have heard for a long time that the son of heaven is benevolent and brave. I don't want to be so powerful. It's no wonder that the great virtuous teacher was also attacked by his Majesty in those years. Today, I can take refuge in such a wise lord. How can I, Zhou Cang, be ineffective?"

In his hand, a big knife was wielded more and more bravely. Affected by him, Pei yuanshao, who was a little timid, also became brave and forward.

To his surprise, Cao Cao's plan to disturb the enemy's army's morale provoked the other side to be more brave. The two sides were still in a stalemate. Now, his 50000 army has the potential to be attacked by Zhu ye and other 20000 troops, which makes him surprised and annoyed.

Looking at Liu He rushing forward like crazy, Cao Cao was terrified, but he still did not step back. Now the morale of the enemy is high. If he retreats, his morale will be damaged and he will surely lose.

But if he did not retreat, he would die when Liu he was killed, which made Cao Cao in a dilemma.

When he was in a hurry, he rode a horse and ran from the official road behind Liu He. When Cao Cao saw this man, his eyes were bright.


The man ran to Xu Shu and called out to Liu He: "Your Majesty Jingzhou urgent report... "

Liu He and Xu Shu, eyebrows a shrug, Xu Shu did not dare to accept the urgent report, but seemed to have guessed what it would be, and looked at Liu He anxiously.

Liu he cut and chopped again and again, and forced himself out of the encirclement and retreated to the top of the slope. The soldiers of Cao army were awed by his force. In addition, they were all footmen. It was even more difficult for them to rush up from the foot of the slope. When they were in a dilemma, Cao Cao suddenly ordered to stop the offensive temporarily. If they were granted amnesty, they quickly retreated.

Liu he almost snatched the urgent report. After only one glance, his eyebrows seemed to be erect.

"Cao Cao, with Huang Zhong as the commander and Wei Yan as the vanguard, led 150000 Jingzhou soldiers from Xiangyang to Runan County, and now he is less than 50 Li outside Pingyu city."

Xu Shu suddenly slapped his thigh: "thousands of calculations, but missed the Jingzhou army. It's just that Jingzhou has Jiaozhou and Yangzhou. How could it... "

Liu He calm face, waved to interrupt him: "this is just received flying eagle letter, Yuan Zhi from see."

Xu Shu took over with some suspicion, but then his face became extremely shocked.

"How dare you This It's going to leave a lot of bad names... "

"How could Cao Cao care about such false names? As for Sun Jian in Yangzhou, his fame has risen and his military front is vigorous. I received a request from Liu you not long ago to transfer Sun Jian from Yangzhou to another place. It can be seen that there are many disagreements between them. They just despise the fact that they just learned that their third brother had fled, and they did not care about it for a while. "

Liu he said with a gloomy face, and Xu Shu knew it immediately.

"No wonder Cao Cao is so fearless. He must have secretly colluded with the literary ministers under Liu you's governor Shi to slander him in front of him, so that he could check and balance with Sun Jian, and then bribe SHIXIE. In this way, he could get rid of his worries and fight with his majesty. If you fail to observe me, please punish me. "

Liu He waved his hand: "I didn't expect it. What's wrong with Yuanzhi? I hate today's great situation. I was about to kill Cao Cao, but I was so careless. I'm afraid it will be hard to find it in the future. Hateful, hateful! "He was so angry that he turned his sword and split a huge stone nearby.

Xu Shu frowned and said, "Your Majesty, for today's plan, our army has to withdraw. As soon as Pingyu city is occupied, people's hearts are uncertain. Some troops stationed in the city are even more difficult to defeat the 150000 Cao army. Once this city is lost, our army will be in a dilemma, and food and grass will be cut off."

Liu he naturally understood this truth, but he finally had the chance to kill Cao * * and gave up in this way. It was hard for him to reconcile himself.

Cao Cao looked at him from afar, but he was overjoyed.

"Ha ha Cao is just a humble gift. I hope that the general will not dislike it. "

Liu He's eyes were filled with anger, biting his teeth and saying, "Meng De is very kind. I'm deeply impressed. In the future, I'll redouble my gift to thank you."

Zhu ye and others listen to them. They don't understand what happened.

Cao Cao hugged his fist from afar: "Cao is waiting, but I don't know if you can live to that day."

Liu He clenched his teeth and jumped out of his teeth four words: "Ming ~ Jin ~ Shou ~ Bing..."

"Ding Ding Ding Ding..."

When the sound of gold rings, Zhu ye and others are confused, especially Zhu Ye himself. He is on the rise of killing. Under the double hammer, hundreds of Cao's troops have died. Seeing that victory is in sight, they suddenly withdraw their troops, which makes him completely confused.

He looked up the slope to see if the herald had accidentally made a mistake. But Liu He waved to him, and then he took Xu Shu down the slope. He then confirmed that he was going to withdraw.

"This What does that mean? "

All of them were full of doubts and were at a loss. However, in Liu He's army, military discipline was always the first, and military orders could not be disobeyed. Although they were very confused, they could only obey orders.

After a series of fighting, 20000 soldiers and horses were left, and 156000 were left. They quickly retreated.

Cao Cao breathed a sigh of relief, and Cheng Yu and others caught up with him, showing the same color of happiness.

"Fortunately, General Huang acted quickly, otherwise we would all die here. I don't want Liu He's newly acquired military personnel to be so extraordinary in means and have such extraordinary attainments together with the battlefield. "

Xi Zhong sighed with emotion.

Cheng Yu nodded his head and said, "although we are all proficient in military strategy and battle array, we are far behind in using such flexible and flexible tactics. In the future, we must investigate this person's identity in detail, so as to come up with countermeasures. "

Cao Cao's face, which had been tense, gradually returned to normal. He let out a long breath: "Hoo This time is so dangerous. Fortunately, he finally won. Liu He is really not easy to deal with. He has prepared so many secret moves and backhand, but he can only force him back. "

"Don't worry, Lord." Han Hao stood up: "after all, our army won the war. Liu He will surely go north to join forces with gaoshun and withdraw from Yuzhou. After a great war, he won't occupy a city. In addition, Koguryo and other invaders will invade one after another. It is at the time when our army is growing stronger that we will meet again in the future. The victory or defeat is still unknown. "

After listening to Han Hao's words, Cao Cao's face softened slightly: "Yuan Si has such an insight, it is..."

In the middle of his speech, he suddenly heard a loud drink: "go to you!"

Then, they saw a long gun, suddenly out of the air, this sudden scene, let Cao Cao and others are unprepared.

"Be careful, Lord..."

Han Hao was the closest to Cao Cao at the moment. He threw himself forward. The long gun directly penetrated into his chest and then penetrated his body. Even so, he continued to fly forward. However, Han Hao's long gun, which was originally flying to Cao Cao, was attacked by Han Hao and changed its direction.

With Han Hao's body, the spear passed by Cao Cao and fell to the ground after more than ten steps.

"Yuan Si..."

Cao Cao was so shocked that he quickly got off his horse and ran up to Han Hao.

In the distance, Zhu Ye's voice came: "it's a pity that you're killed by this guy. See you next time. I'll take your dog's life!"

Han Hao's mouth was full of blood. After a look at Cao Cao, he didn't have time to say any last words. He just had a smile on his face, and then he gave up.

"Yuan Si..."

Cao Cao cried out in pain and was in great grief.

Han Hao, who was under his command, had both civil and military skills. He was second only to Marquis Cao of Zhuxia. He could almost be compared with Li Dian and Yu Jin. He attached great importance to him. He didn't want to die suddenly after winning the war. How could Cao Cao not be regretted?

He red eyes, looking at the back of Zhu Ye's departure, filled with hatred: "Liu He Zhu ye, I'll wait with you. We'll never die together... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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