More than a hundred miles to the west of Jincheng County, there is a vast lake. The lake is so vast that it is several times larger than Peng Lize and yunmengze. It is hard to see its edge at a glance. Because the lake is extremely salty, people of both Han and Qiang nationalities call it the West sea.

In the heyday of the Han Empire, Xihai was also under the jurisdiction of the Western Duwei, but now it has become a horse pasture for the Qiang people. The only difference is which tribe or tribe occupies it.

At the junction of Xihai and Jincheng County, there are high mountains and ravines, which are very difficult to cross. Therefore, even with Liu He's current strength, he did not bring Xihai into the territory again in a few years. Among many Qiang people, the powerful tribes fought with each other here for more than 100 years, in an attempt to monopolize the most beautiful grassland in the West.

For more than a decade, the Xihai has always been the area of influence of shaodang Qiang. The rest of the tribes, except those close to them, can occasionally graze for a while, and the rest of the tribes are simply hard to get their hands on.

However, in the first battle of Liangzhou, the shaodang Qiang people were destroyed by Liu He. All the leaders, senior generals and elite main force were not spared. The remaining tribes were soon carved up and eroded by other tribes. As a result, the surrounding areas of the West Sea naturally became turbulent and fighting endlessly.

However, this time, ten tribes formed an alliance to attack Liangzhou, and they temporarily stopped fighting and hid the army in the mountains around the West Sea.

However, at this time, the sky was just bright, and a few wisps of gold, from the clouds in the East, fell to the top of the mountain.

In a certain Valley, a large number of soldiers in strange costumes are moving forward rapidly. Some of them are wearing worn-out armour, some are wearing linen clothes, and some are only dressed in animal skins. They are no different from savages. Only a few of the leading soldiers are riding high horses, wearing brand-new armor and helmets, and their weapons are obviously much better.

Several generals were escorting a strong man in his fifties. The strong man held his head high and his eyes were higher than his head. His expression was not only dissatisfied, but also arrogant.

"Well, these old men dare to do such harm to me, and I will report them sooner or later."

"Yes, chief." A senior general nearby was also indignant: "among all the tribes, Bonan Qiang is the most powerful, with 10000 cavalry and 30000 footmen. Only Dang Jian Qiang can compare with my family. When it comes to bravery and good at fighting, my tribe naturally ranks first. However, when dividing the land of Liangzhou, they only gave our family half Zhangye county. That Dang Jianqiang has taken over Jincheng county and Lianyungang A broken Qiang tribe can share Zhangye equally with my family. It's just too much of a bully. "

"That is, with our strength, even if we do not form an alliance with them, we can capture Jincheng County by ourselves."

The more people said, the more angry the leader was, and the flesh on his face began to shake.

Another senior general said: "chief, in the view of the general, this time our departure from the alliance may be a good time for our tribe. If we use it properly, we can not only occupy this beautiful grassland, but also become the leader of Qiang people and fight against the Han people."

The leader immediately showed a happy look, and his eyes were fixed on him: "Oh? What's the meaning of that? "

The general gave a mysterious smile and pointed to the East: "the leader should know that the east of the mountain is the army of Guan Yu, a famous general of the Han Dynasty. His 20000 heavy cavalry can be regarded as invincible and invincible. His bravery is even more rare in the world."

When the leader heard this, he looked a little heavy and nodded his head: "yes, our alliance, hundreds of thousands of troops, how strong, but often defeated by this man. Although relying on the advantages of the place, he did not hurt the main force, but also showed the courage of Guan Yu. Even in all the departments of Xiqiang, I'm afraid it's hard to find anyone who can match him. But what do you mean by that? "

The general said with a smile, "how did the leader forget? Guan Yu and the Allied forces are now mortal enemies. Neither side can easily let go of the other, let alone admit defeat. Both sides are in a situation of never dying. "

"You mean..." The leader seemed to understand something.

The general came closer and said, "there is a saying in the Han people that snipe and mussel fight for each other to gain profits. When we broke away from the alliance this time, we watched them fight each other to death. Even if necessary, we could secretly disclose to Guan Yu the location of the Allied camp. The more fierce they fought, the more organic our army could take advantage of. "

When the leader heard this, his eyes flashed: "wonderful. At that time, Guan Yu defeated the general at the expense of his troops, and the Allied forces suffered heavy casualties. The Qiang people of Bonan came forward to stabilize the situation and occupied Liangzhou. Since then, who among the Qiang people dare not accept it? "

"At that time, you will be the real Qiang people's Congress Shan Yu."

The general's words made the leader very useful: "ha ha ha Well said, well said. One day, my leader Oh no, Ben Shan Yufeng is the first warrior of Qiang people. "

The general was very surprised: "thank you very much."

He was happy, but several other generals immediately showed their displeasure and jealousy. One of them, in particular, immediately stood up.

"Chief, this aduduo always only flatters. In terms of horse riding and archery, he is not as good as me. If he wants to be the first warrior, I should be dohmu."The leader looked at him with disdain in his eyes: "is it up to you? In the words of the Han people, you are just like an elm head. You have only brute strength. You never know how to use your brain. How can you be as intelligent as aduta and often help the leader out? "

Dohemu refused: "how can I not give an idea? Before the alliance, we would advise the leaders not to join the alliance. In recent years, the life of the tribe has been much better when we had business with the Han Dynasty. Our Qinghai goblins, yaks, and many herbs can exchange for countless treasures of the Central Plains. However, once a war is launched, whether we can win or not will be regarded as winning. It is also cheap. When we fry their tribes, we should continue to... "

"Fart The leader was so angry that he directly whipped his horse whip. Dohemu was unprepared and left a red mark on his cheek.

"We Qiang people are the first brave tribe in the world. Why should we rely on the Han people to live? Han people's land is rich, so I will rob their land. If the Han women are beautiful, I will rob their women. If the Han people's clothes are good-looking, I will rob their clothes, and I will change the money from Qinghai carp and yak for a fart. "

The leader pointed at dohmu with his whip and said fiercely.

Aduduo looked askance at dohemu and said, "dohemu, it's said that there are many Han people's treasures in your family, such as silk, fine iron and porcelain. With your little wealth, you don't know where you bought these things. Are they from the Han people?"

On hearing this, the leader immediately looked at dohmu with suspicion.

Dohemu was furious: "you dog talent, dare to frame me, I'll kill you!"

"Bold, do you want to rebel?" The leader stopped him and glared.

The surrounding generals quickly advised: "the leader, dohemu is also loyal, but he has different opinions. Please read him for years of hard work and forgive him."

When the leader saw all the people's advice, he gave up: "hum, if the generals hadn't exonerated you from your sins, you would be killed today. You should not talk nonsense in the future, otherwise, you will not be forgiven."

Ha Tuo ran forward with Leng ma.

Several senior generals came around and comforted dohemu: "ah, you have such a disposition since childhood. The leader doesn't like the Han people and doesn't like any business. Just say less."

Dohemu clenched his teeth and nodded, but no one knew what he thought. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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