Guan Yu looked at them with a sneer in his heart, but he didn't show such an expression on the surface.

What's your name? More What's more? "

"General Huiguan, I'm down to dohemu." Although dohemu had just become a leader, he had great respect for Guan Yu.

"Well, dohmu, now that you are the new leader, you must live in peace with my great man in the future, and do not violate my boundaries. If you lead the whole district in person, you will not be the leader of the whole district next time. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Zijin dragon riding behind him cried out in unison: "step down the whole family, one will not stay!"

This murderous voice soars into the sky and reverberates in the valley, threatening the soul of every Qiang people.

Dohemu knelt down again: "I dohemu, swear to the wolf God, I will not only not be the enemy of the big man in my life, but also be the vassal of the great man and be loyal forever. If I break the oath, I will let the wolf God smash my body into pieces, and let the eagle peck away all my eyes and internal organs and throw them into the valley."

Guan Yu looked at the Qiang people present, and most of them showed the same look as dohemu, and he was very satisfied.

"Well, that's good. If there is a favor for you, your majesty

When the Qiang people heard the word "en Hui", they immediately raised their expectation.

Guan Yu said: "Your Majesty has a decree. If any Qiang tribe is willing to submit to the Han people, from now on, the imperial court will arrange houses for you to live in the city nearest to the grassland where you live. All the members of the Ministry are still under the control of the leaders. On weekdays, they can graze on the grassland or live and rest in the city. There are people in the tribe who can't understand the Chinese culture, and the imperial court has its own enlightenment. In addition, farming, textile, casting and other skills will also be trained by specially assigned personnel. If there is no violation of the law and discipline within three years, the taxes of those clans who are obedient to them can be reduced by half when they trade in commercial banks. "

"Wow..." After a word was said, the crowd was in uproar.

This favor came so suddenly that the hearts of these Qiang people were almost excited to jump out.

They have long been fascinated by the richness and prosperity of the Han Dynasty. They have tried their best to invade the territory of the Han Dynasty, for the sake of occupying their land and enjoying their prosperity?

Now it's easy to live in those tall and solid cities, no longer have to go to the wilderness to eat and sleep, and every few months you have to move home, which is just a dream.

As for the generals and leaders, it seems that this will has no malice on them. They can come and go freely. All the tribes and troops are still in charge of them. At the same time, the production income of the tribe can be exchanged for the treasures of the great man through trade, and the taxes can be reduced by half. The most profitable people are not the ordinary people in the tribe, but just them The nobility of the tribe.

This only good, no half bad things, suddenly fell from the sky, how can they not be surprised?

From ordinary soldiers to generals, and to the new leader dohmu, they were excited.

Dohemu, in particular, had killed the old leader before he came to power. It is inevitable that many people in the tribe would not accept him. However, the benefits brought by the imperial edict of the Han Emperor alone can make him overwhelm most of the voices against him.

He was so excited that the flesh on his cheek began to beat, and he knocked his head to the ground: "on behalf of the Bonan Qiang people, I thank his Majesty the emperor of the Han Dynasty..."

Many Qiang people also fell to their knees: "thank the emperor of the Han Dynasty..."

Guan Yu breathed a little: "Hoo Fortunately, I finally finished my big brother's task. I almost killed the old thief in a hurry. Fortunately, this dohemu appeared. After he led his soldiers to Liangzhou, I should take care of him... "

On the west coast, in a mountain forest, stands a continuous barracks.

These camps seem to be unified, but if you look at them carefully, you can see that they are divided into dozens of large and small barracks.

At the moment, in the central area of these camps, dozens of people sit around. Behind each of them, there are a group of guards, which sets off their extraordinary identity.

But for all that, all these people were frowning, worried and worried.

One of them coughed a few times, breaking the silence for a long time.

"Cough Since Bonan Qiang fled for fear of war, we don't have to feel sorry for him. Now that he was killed by the Han Army, he is also seeking his own death. For today's plan, we should think of a countermeasure to defeat Guan Yu and take Liangzhou. "

As soon as he said this, many other leaders of Qiang tribe also spoke.

"Well, that's right. Before that, we didn't know how to attack the Han Army, so we didn't know how to attack the Han army. Now that everything is ready, we already know how many troops Guan Yu has. It's time to fight him to the death. ""Yes, fight for Liangzhou."

All the people began to clamor, but the sound was not small, but their faces did not show half the murderous spirit. Instead, they looked left and right, not knowing what they were on guard against.

Among the dozens of Qiang tribal leaders, one tribe is better than the others in terms of the armour on his head, or the style of the guards and generals behind him. This is the Dangjian Qiang who looks like the leader of the alliance.

At the moment, the leader of Dang Jianqiang, seeing the reaction of the crowd, stretched out his hands and pressed it for a while.

"Leaders, don't worry."

Among his allies, his prestige was very high, otherwise it would not be able to crowd out Bonan Qiang, whose strength was similar to his own. As soon as he spoke, the leaders soon became quiet.

Dang Jianqiang leader said: "you are right. Now that we are all ready, it is indeed time to formally fight the Han army. But

He looked up, glanced around, and said with a smile, "but the rebellion of the Qiang people in Bonan is not small. It's not that I can't believe you, or the warriors under you, but now that a great war is coming, wouldn't it be bad for us to learn from him? "

These leaders had been thinking about this matter all the time, but because of the occasion, they didn't point it out in front of them. Now that they were told by him, they would no longer worry about anything.

"That's right. If we want to defeat the Han Army, we can't have internal strife."

"I've heard that in the imperial edict of the Han Emperor, not only did his subordinates kill the leader, he could succeed as a new leader, but also that a tribe killed other tribes, which could not only devour his followers with justice, but also get a reward from the emperor of Han Dynasty. In this reward, it is said that there are 1000 silk only."

"Oh, so much? If you can get it, won't it make you rich? "

"What do you mean, dangduo? Do you want to get the reward? "

"Hey, Hermione, are you still talking about me? A few days ago, when he went out to war, he killed hundreds of my warriors in the chaos. Do you think I don't know? "

"What nonsense do you dare to slander me here? Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

In the twinkling of an eye, people quarreled into a pot of porridge, which upset the leader of Dang Jianqiang.

"Don't quarrel. Just now we're still talking about the need for unity of mind. How can we defeat Guan Yu

After being scolded by him, dozens of leaders sat back, but their faces were still very angry.

Dang Jianqiang leader looked at them with disdain: "I mean, you should trust your subordinates, but at the same time, you should strengthen your own security. The two are not in conflict. I deliberately said this in front of the generals and guards behind us, which is because I believe in them and am not afraid to let them know. We Qiang people are descendants of the wolf God. We are open-minded and have nothing to hide. We can do whatever we want. "

His words were righteous and impassioned, which affected all the people present.

"It's still big brother who has foresight and sagacity."

"Yes, what we didn't say, we all listen to you. We'll do what you want."

When the chieftain of Jianqiang nodded with satisfaction: "well, in this case, you go back and make good preparations. After three days, the clan leaders will personally lead the army and gather in the valley 50 miles southeast of this place to attack Liangzhou."

"Well, that's it."

All the leaders agreed.

And when all was agreed, the people were dispersed.

Three days passed quickly. As soon as the day was just dawning, the camp was pulled out one after another, and dozens of tribes set out to set out.

However, even when the vast majority of soldiers and horses had already moved out, there were still six tribes' camps, which caused the surprise of many leaders.

The leader of Dang Jian Qiang thought that it was the leaders of those tribes who had not yet woken up, so he sent people to urge them.

Soon after, the men came back in a panic: "no, chief, the big thing is bad, these six tribes They... "

The look and tone of these people made all the leaders tremble. They asked, "what's wrong with them?"

"Their barracks are empty, only Only a headless corpse was left in the Shuai tent. Judging from the figure and clothes, it is clear that they are six leaders. "

"What?" Everyone was terrified.

Even the chieftain of Dang Jianqiang was a little pale at the moment: "well, it seems that the generals under their command secretly killed their own leaders and took advantage of the darkness to lead troops to rebel directly. These six tribes have only a few thousand troops, and their barracks are on the periphery of the Allied forces. It is not difficult to escape without being aware of them. Hateful and hateful! "

At this moment, all the leaders immediately stepped forward a few steps, and at the same time watched with full vigilance the generals they brought.Even the leader of Dang Jian Qiang moved quietly and got close to dozens of leaders.

Those generals, one by one, all showed their grievances: "leader, the last general can never rebel."

"Yes, I am absolutely loyal to the leader. You can't doubt me."

"Shut up!" A leader seems to have been confused by the tense mood, to his several generals to drink and scold.

"How can you say that you are loyal? In the last battle, my leader was surrounded by the Han Army and almost died in the battle. Why didn't one of you come to rescue me at that time?"

"That's right. I remember that I had the same situation when I attacked Wudu County."

Many leaders followed in succession and counted the infidelity of their subordinates in the past.

In this way, some of the generals finally couldn't help it, jumped out and retorted, "you just have to stop!"

The leader was stunned by his cry. He didn't expect that someone really stood up against him.

The general said angrily, "on weekdays, all the advantages of the tribe are monopolized by you. We are also the nobles of the tribe. At the beginning, you became the leader, but our brothers supported you? Now that we are suspected of us here, with such rubbish as you, if we brothers want to kill you and abolish you, will we have to wait until now? "

"You How dare you talk to me like this, you I will punish you with clan rules

"That's right. The following offenses are really treacherous." Other leaders have made accusations.

As soon as they spoke, the general of their tribe immediately jumped out: "you are not good things either..."

"What are you doing? You want to rebel?"

"Today we are rebellious. What can you do?"

"Brothers, what do these bastards do to us, and now they want to kill us, why are we polite? Let's go together... "

"All the brave men of my tribe will follow the leader to kill the traitors."

When the chieftain of Jianqiang looked at the chaos in front of him, he was very anxious. He was about to say something to stop him. However, he saw two generals of his tribe who killed him with weapons. He was startled.

"Come on Protect me... "


The carrier pigeon falls and stops at the door of the study in the palace. Gong san'er picks up the carrier pigeon. Xun Yu takes the letter from its leg and walks back to the study quickly.

"Your Majesty, it's an urgent report from Liangzhou."

As soon as Liu he heard this, he immediately put the pen down: "come on, tell me to listen."

"Yes." Xunzi spread the word with flying pigeons, and then his face was beaming with joy.

"Your Majesty's plan was a great success. Among the many Qiang tribes in this rebellion, in addition to Bonan Qiang, four more tribes killed their leaders and led their troops to take refuge. In addition, there are nine tribes. In the process of coming to take refuge, the new leader was killed again. The generals of the tribe led their trusted troops to attack each other, and their strength was greatly damaged. There are also a few tribes who have also rebelled, but they have been suppressed by the leaders, but they are also very weak, and they quickly lead their troops to flee back to the mountains. "

He immediately received the report and bowed his hand and said, "congratulations to your majesty. The Qiang people's rebellion has been calmed down without a single soldier. It's really gratifying to see that the court has gained nearly one million people and tens of thousands of powerful divisions at one stroke."

Liu he was also elated: "ha ha It's just a barbarian. Yuanzhi made a little bit of tricks to make them not to fight and to make chaos. This time, Yuanzhi has made a lot of contributions. I should be very grateful. "

Xu Shu stood out: "this is your Majesty's strategy, micro minister dare not take credit."

"Well, Yuanzhi doesn't have to be too modest. Meritorious deeds will be rewarded, and mistakes will be punished. This is the case with the army and the state. A few days ago, the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager personally knitted a batch of new silk and satins, which were of excellent quality. I chose 500 pieces from the Queen's house as a reward. "

Even in Luoyang market, the price of 500 pieces of silk was very high. Moreover, it was woven by the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager. Xu Shu immediately knelt down on his knees and repeatedly kowtowed.

"Your Majesty's kindness to his ministers is as great as a mountain, and his trust is very high. Although he is so full of brains, it is difficult to report in case."

"Good, good, Yuanzhi, please get up quickly."

Liu he stepped forward and helped Xu Shu up.

Xunzi said: "Your Majesty, this plot caused a great disturbance among the Qiang people. In the next few months, or even within a year or two, there must be many tribes who have taken refuge in civil strife. Now that the Qiang people's rebellion has been resolved, Xianbei budugen, who has been working in Liangzhou to help pacify the rebels, should be allowed to return to the grasslands north of Bingzhou. "

"Well, what Wen Ruo said is reasonable." Liu he returned to his position.

"After kuitou and Qianman were killed by Kebi Neng in ambush, their members were divided equally between me and budougen. After budougen digests it, the strength will increase greatly. Today, although budugan was subject to the imperial court, it was hard to avoid his dissidents at that time. Therefore, I would like to follow this strategy to deal with Qiang people and completely subdue Xianbei. "

Xunzi, Xushu and Qian Li all had a bright eye: "Your Majesty means..."Liu he said with a smile: "Bu Dugen has made great contributions to the imperial court. Naturally, I can't encourage his subordinates to kill him. But No matter budugan, or many of his generals and soldiers, as well as many nobles of Xianbei tribe, like the Qiang people, are extremely envious of the richness of the Han people. I intend to take advantage of this great effort to pacify Liangzhou and reward them all. I will give them beautiful houses, servants, servants, beautiful wives and concubines in Liangzhou, hehe, Hebei, youyou and other places, and then confer them a high-ranking official of my great man. "

Xunzi said: "Your Majesty, this plan can be described as killing and killing the heart. No matter Xianbei or Qiang people, there are no heroes in the clan. His Majesty gave them such a reward, let them speak Chinese, enjoy Han Lu, live in my mansion, eat my Han's food, and marry my wife. After a few years, how many people are willing to return to the grassland and jungle? After a few years, the Qiang people and the Xianbei people will be no different from the Han people. "

"Ha ha, I know my heart, Wen Ruo." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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