It has been several days since the articles on the list of recruiting talents have been posted. However, no one has applied in the hall of recruiting talents in Luoyang, which makes Liu he a little surprised.

In his expectation, even if Cao Cao was making trouble behind the scenes, his recruitment order would not be as lively as that in Yuzhou. However, some people should come to apply for the job, which should not be so empty handed.

With this curiosity, Liu he couldn't sit still. He went out of the palace in a humble suit and was ready to find out for himself.

After coming to the palace, Liu he went into a restaurant and took a seat at random.

After ordering the dishes, the waiter turned around and was about to leave when he was stopped by Liu He.

"What can I do for you, sir?"

Liu he asked, "I heard that the imperial court sent a list to recruit talents, so I have traveled thousands of miles to apply for the position. I don't know where the hall is?"

However, as soon as he said this, the bartender immediately showed a pair of strange monster like eyes staring at Liu He.

"My guest, are you going to apply for the talent list?"

Liu he was seen by him a little uneasy: "exactly, how, what's wrong with it?"

The bartender quickly shook his head: "no, no, sir. I'm going to the Zhaoxian hall. When you get out of the shop, go to the right. At the second intersection, turn left, and walk a few hundred steps, you will arrive."

Although he said so, Liu he was aware of the unusual meaning in his tone.

"How busy is this hall of talents?"

On hearing this, the bartender directly laughed and said, "busy? Ha ha... "

Later, he quickly realized that he was losing his temper and quickly restrained his smile: "my guest, don't blame me. I can't control myself for a moment, so I laugh. There is nothing lively about the Zhaoxian hall. Even if it is a human figure, it is rare to see one. "

Liu he didn't think he was angry. Instead, he took some coins out of his arms and stuffed them into the small second hand.

"I'm new here. It's a matter of life's future. Please tell me clearly."

The bartender saw the money, and immediately his eyes were shining. He secretly hid the money in his sleeve and got close to Liu He.

"My guest, you don't know. Since the publication of the list of talents, many outsiders have come to the city. Most of them are like the guests. For a while, the prices of restaurants and inns in the city have risen a lot. "

Liu he was more and more puzzled: "in this case, why is the hall of recruiting talents so cold? Where have these candidates gone

"Where else can I go?"

Xiao Er pointed to the direction of the North City: "these wise men have just arrived in Luoyang City, but they can't go to the recruiting hall. They have been sent by many ministers of the imperial court to invite them back to their houses. They have disappeared since then As for what they have done, haha... "

The bartender didn't go on, but Liu He already understood: "so it is..."

However, he could not have imagined that he had not yet met with such a small number of talents, and was entrusted with a heavy responsibility. He was even preempted by these ministers.

Naturally, they recruited these sages to their own houses in order to turn them into their own students. Then, the ministers came forward and recommended them to the court. In this way, it will not be charged with obstructing the court's recruitment of talents, but also expand its own power.

"Good strategy, I released the recruitment list, the original intention is to clarify the rumors that I despise the virtuous and slow scholars to the people of the world, show my attitude towards the gentry, and at the same time recruit more talents for their own use, and suppress the huge power represented by aristocratic families in the imperial court. I didn't expect to be broken so easily by them. "

Since Feng Fang's failure in setting up a fierce case last time, many aristocratic families have seen the idea of suppressing Liu He's body. In those years, the Bingzhou faction's idea of turning from the power of the Dragon officials failed. Since they could not eliminate or suppress them, they should seize the opportunity to expand their own strength. Therefore, many aristocratic families changed their attitudes and joined the WTO one after another, recommending their children to the dynasty as much as possible 。

For example, in the Xunzi family of Yingchuan, only Xunzi, Xunyou and Xunzi were officials in the imperial court, but now there are more xunyan, XunYue and Xuni. Hongnong's Yang family also recommended his son Yang Xiu, as well as several nephews, nephews and son-in-law.

As for the rest of the family, they are the same.

In today's court, the descendants of aristocratic families and their students occupy more than 70% of the official posts, and only less than 30% of them are the children of ordinary families recommended by various places, as well as the relatives promoted by Liu He and Qian Li.

Liu he had long intended to weaken the power of the aristocratic family, so that more resources could be gathered in the imperial court, and more power would be gathered in the Emperor himself.

In his previous life, he was a high-quality student in the history department. Naturally, it is very clear that in the present feudal era, it is most beneficial for the country to consolidate and strengthen the centralization of power. The more people and forces in the imperial court who separated the imperial power from the emperor, the more unstable the country would be.

Throughout the 200 years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in the middle and late period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the emperor's power was not enough to deal with the powerful officials, he began to rely on his relatives, then relied on eunuchs to deal with his relatives, and then relied on warlords to deal with eunuchs, which led to the weakening of the imperial authority and the gradual decentralization of the local government.

In today's imperial court, eunuchs have no power, not to mention their relatives. Only the aristocratic family is left in power. Liu he himself has been forced directly or indirectly by the aristocratic family on many occasions in the imperial court. Since he was deeply hurt, Liu he naturally wanted to weaken it, so as to further balance and control the imperial power."Although I had a very powerful army for a long time, I could not compare myself with a second-class family in terms of reputation among scholars. I thought I was fighting with Cao Cao, but I didn't expect that the main battlefield was in Luoyang City. However, Cao Cao's rumor made many scholars have doubts about the imperial court. When they came to the capital, they were eager to seek a support. In this way, they became a whole family. They were wrong and wrong

Liu he sighed in his heart. Although he was upset, he didn't feel disappointed because of it. Instead, he ignited his fighting spirit.

He took up the fine wine that the bartender had just brought, drank it down, and then wiped his mouth: "do you want to play with me? Hum, I'll play with you to the end... "

After returning to the palace, he immediately called in Xunzi and Qian Li to discuss countermeasures.

Although Xunzi was a top-ranking family and a representative of the imperial court in Luoyang, he was loyal to the Han Dynasty and was loyal to himself. In addition, Liu he had no intention of avoiding suspicion in these matters.

However, they also talked about a lot of suggestions, such as the promotion of senior officials in the imperial court, promotion of their own cronies and taking up important positions. Another example is to issue a decree to order a sage to enter Beijing for recruitment, and he must first register in the recruitment hall. There is also a recruitment hall every ten days, the emperor will be close to the minister, selected as the main examiner.

After listening to all the suggestions, Liu he was still sad.

Qian Li was a little puzzled. Xun Yu looked at Liu He's face and seemed to have guessed something.

"Your Majesty is worried about how to really harvest the heart of scholars?"

Liu He nodded: "Wenruo is right. What you both said is a good policy, but it can only solve the problem for a moment. It is a great pity that I have never accepted scholars. After they came to Luoyang City, they were willing to visit the big families first, rather than register with the imperial court. I want to take the heart of the scholars back from the aristocratic family, but I have no way to deal with it. "

Xunzi also frowned: "aristocratic family is the leader of scholars in the world. It has become a rule after hundreds of years. It can not be changed in just a few years. Your majesty doesn't have to worry."

"I know that. What do you think is the most important thing in the eyes of scholars in the world

"This..." Qian Li couldn't answer for a while, but Xun's eyes turned and he came to a conclusion.

"The so-called scholars are scholars. Officials, fields and residences are just floating clouds. If a scholar wants to maintain his reputation and family, he can only inherit his family by books. The Yang family of Hongnong is known as the first of the aristocratic families today. There are more than 100000 books in his family, which is not as good as that of the Wei Chen family. "

Liu he was surprised at the beginning with this answer, but soon found it very reasonable.

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