"Oh, Wang situ, I can't wait."

Exclaimed a minister.

"Your Majesty now founded the Imperial College. From now on, all the people in the world can go to study in the Imperial College. Then directly selecting officials from the Imperial College will become a thing of the past. At that time, the foundation of our aristocratic family will disappear."

"Yes, although the Imperial College was established in the Han Dynasty, only in the past few years, because of the affairs of Chen Ji and Feng Fang, the students of Taixue have left one after another. However, it would be no harm for your majesty to rebuild the original Imperial Academy. However, there is a great difference between this imperial school and that one. It is really necessary to guard against it. "

"Yes, all the students of the original Imperial College were recommended by the local officials of the state, county and county. They were young, intelligent, studious and diligent children from all over the country before they could enter the Imperial College to study. It is for this reason that almost all of the students in this country are the sons of our aristocratic families. They rarely come from ordinary people's homes. They are one of the right ways for the descendants of our aristocratic family to study, visit friends and become officials. "

"In the past, the enrollment quota of Imperial College every year was very precious. Compared with the quota of maocai and Xiaolian, it was an important capital for our family to rely on each other. But now, your majesty has opened the Imperial College directly to all people. Anyone who meets the age requirements can come to Luoyang and study in the Imperial College. After that, they will be assessed every year, and they will be selected to be officials. This is tantamount to taking away from us the power of educating disciples, cultivating talents and recommending them to be officials. Isn't it destroying my life? "

"I see your Majesty's intention. I'm afraid that his ambition is not in one imperial college. If the Imperial Academy has achieved something, his majesty will do as it is, and open the imperial government schools to all States and counties. At that time, there will be no place for us among the world's scholars. "

The ministers were all tearful, as if they were dead relatives.

"Wang situ, on the occasion of the life and death of the gentry, we, on behalf of the world's gentry, earnestly ask situ to be the master."

Many ministers knelt down in unison and asked Wang Yun.

Wang Yun is also gloomy, looking at these kowtow people, for a long time did not speak.

I do not know how long after, he suddenly murmured to himself: "you say, your majesty really will have so many books?"

All of a sudden, people were surprised.

"This question reminds me. In order to establish such a large-scale Imperial College, books and famous teachers are indispensable. Today, Xun, Lu, Zhong, Cui and CAI are all loyal to his majesty. It is not difficult to think of this famous teacher. But it's not easy to collect hundreds of thousands of books. "

"Yes. There are many families loyal to your Majesty in the court. However, even if they contribute all the books in their home, and then go to the rough and save the essence, after eliminating the same books, it will be difficult to collect all these books. "

Wang Yun narrowed his eyes and tapped his fingers on the carpet under his seat: "if you want to rely on the purchase of hundreds of thousands of books, I'm afraid it will not cost billions of dollars, and it will be difficult to buy all of them without one and a half years of hard work. It's just that up to now, I have never heard of your majesty sending people to buy all kinds of ancient books and records. But it's strange to see that your Majesty's oath does not seem to be joking... "

At this time, a servant in the mansion suddenly ran to him: "master, there is a gong Gonggong who is asking for a meeting outside the mansion."

Wang Yun a shock, busy up and said: "quick, please."

After the boy went out, a minister came up to him and asked, "Gong Gonggong is the eunuch who wrote the eunuch with his majesty. He came here all of a sudden. I'm afraid he has the will to preach."

Wang Yun nodded slightly: "well, I think so. However, our courtiers gathered here in private, and were seen by my father-in-law to report back to your majesty, for fear of arousing suspicion from the son of heaven, please stay away for a while. "

There was no objection from the ministers, and they immediately retired to the back hall.

Soon, Gong saner came in under the escort of several royal guards. Wang Yun got up in person, walked forward a few steps, and bowed his hands.

"Gong Gonggong, I don't know what kind of advice you can give me?"

Gong san'er's face was marked with a smile: "how dare I teach you to situ? However, your majesty has the will to order the servants to come and pass it on to the situ. "

Wang Yun heard the words, immediately corrected the look, kneel to listen to the purpose: "old minister, please be holy."

Gong san'er took over the imperial edict from the imperial army behind him, bypassed Wang Yun and went to the main hall.

"It was carried by heaven, and the emperor Zhao said: Cao Cao of Yuzhou rebelled, spread rumors, and bewitched the people, which led to the departure of scholars from the imperial court, and the Imperial College supervisors retreated one after another. For the imperial court to recruit talents, for the people of all over the world, for the ancestral rivers and mountains, I reopened the Imperial Academy, so that all the people have a place to study, scholars have the opportunity to serve. However, in the original Imperial College, the collection of books was less than 20000, which was really embarrassing. Situ Wang Yun, who is loyal to the country, is even more famous at home and abroad. I hope that Aiqing can understand my ideas and offer more books to solve the urgent problem. I'm very happy. I'm here. "

"I will give you the order and thank you." Wang Yun raised his hands above his head and took over the edict. Then he stood up.

"My father-in-law, it's better to have a glass of wine before you go."Gong san'er pushed back and said, "thank you for your kindness. If you want to go back to the palace, I won't stay. Your majesty said that the offering of the book is very important. I think that only situ you can do it in the court today. Please don't let down your Majesty's trust. "

"I would also like to ask my father-in-law to report back to your majesty. I will certainly do my best to repay your majesty."

"In this way, the maid left."

Gong san'er turns to leave. After Wang Yun's eyes look at him, he shouts: "all come out."

Those ministers hiding in the back hall all ran out, but at this time, their faces were a little pleased or even proud.

"Of course, if your majesty wants to rebuild the Imperial Academy, you still have to rely on us."

"I said," how did your majesty get those hundreds of thousands of books? I wanted to ask me to offer them. "

"In your opinion, situ, shall we offer this book or not?"

Wang Yun raised his head three times, walked slowly back to his seat, stroked his beard, and looked indifferent.

"Well Since your majesty has issued his will, how can I not comply with the will of the Han Dynasty

The ministers looked at each other and didn't know what the king situ was thinking.

"However, once we have complied with the orders, your majesty will be able to collect all the books needed for the Imperial College in a short time. In this way, are we not lifting stones and smashing our own feet?"

"Yes, it's just a loss. I have to drop my teeth and swallow in my stomach. I'm really holding back."

"Wang situ, you need to get a regulation."

Wang Yun glanced around them and said, "I, the Wang family in Taiyuan, are deeply loved by longen, the son of heaven today. Since your majesty has the intention, the old minister has made up his mind. In order to run the Imperial Academy, my Wang family has offered 20000 volumes of books to make a modest contribution."

"This What do you mean, Wang situ? "

Ministers are a little anxious.

"You've given your books, then we If we do not offer, is it not improper for us to do so? "

Wang Yun took it for granted: "it's natural. Offering books to run a school is a great achievement. Why not? But

As soon as we heard the word "but", we immediately came to the spirit.

"But what?"

Wang Yun said with a smile: "the establishment of the Imperial College is the top priority of the country, and we should not be careless. As ministers, I should share the worries of your majesty. Each of you has its own merits and demerits in the collection of books. I'm afraid that if you give some books that are not suitable for students to read, won't it ruin your Majesty's great event? "

The ministers also felt that it was very reasonable: "what situ meant was..."

Wang Yun said, "I think it's better for us to draw up a bibliography together. According to this bibliography, all the officials and families will select them from the library in the mansion and then present it to the imperial court. Your majesty, I'm too loyal to choose books. How can I do my duty again

The ministers' eyes brightened: "wonderful. At that time, most of the books we will offer will be the same. Let's see how the Imperial College can do it. "

"That's right. Even if your majesty is dissatisfied, you and I can't help it. Situ is really thoughtful."

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