Zhuge Xuan tried to resist his anger: "I would like to offer you more platinum, grain and fifty stones. Please hold your hand high."

"Lift your grandmother's egg!"

The head of the evil bearded thief directly insulted him: "you boy, if you are wise, you should do it immediately. Otherwise, our brothers will be here to rob your women and do them in front of you. What can you do to me?"

This time, Zhuge Xuan finally couldn't bear it: "bullying people too much is tolerable, which can't be tolerated?"

With the back of his big knife, the crook shaved his beard and said, "Oh, you want to be rough with me? Well, I like it, brothers. Do it, grab the money, grab the food, rob the woman

"Robbing women..."

"A woman from a rich family must be delicate and tender, hehe..."

Thousands of mountain bandits, howling down.

"Do it, kill the thief!" Before these mountain bandits were killed in front of Zhuge Xuan and others, a group of soldiers rushed out from the rear.

The two sides fought together in a flash. Those mountain bandits did not react for a moment. Only when these people were the guards of Zhuge motorcade, they were only a few hundred people. They were not paid attention to at all.

The two thieves roared, picked up their weapons and chopped at them. However, as soon as they met, they were shocked.

"This How can these guards have such skill? "

More than 1000 of them attacked and killed only 3400 people of each other. They could not take advantage of it at all, and even had the potential to fall behind.

Zhuge Xuan looked suspicious and asked Zhuge Jin, "Ziyu, do you know these people?"

Zhuge Jin looked at it carefully and then shook her head: "I don't know. All of them are very familiar. Looking at their appearance, it is clear that the caravans that just fell behind us are still shivering, but they suddenly become this fierce man. It's really strange. "

"Amazing It's really amazing... "

When the two sides were in the middle of the battle, they suddenly heard a loud drink: "Zhang Yide of Yan is here, and the thief is dead."

Zhang Fei came at a gallop. The mountain bandits couldn't react, so some of them were stabbed by Zhangba snake spear.

Then Zhuge Xuan was more surprised: "isn't this general Zhang Fei? How could he be here? "

Zhuge Liang, who was in the carriage, said with a smile to Zhuge: "how about it? Am I right? "

Zhuge Sheng looked at him in surprise and adoration: "Oh, my cousin is so sure. How do you know that the caravans were disguised by soldiers from Xuzhou? "

Zhuge Liang chuckled: "it's very simple. All the caravans I met along the way are constantly changing. Some of the caravans arrived at their destination on the way, while others were eager to leave when we were resting. But the only four caravans have been following me ever since my team set out from Langya. They also go when we go, and they stop when we stop. It's clear that they are following us. "

Zhuge Sheng thought for a moment and asked, "but maybe they came here to rob us. Why do they have to protect us?"

Zhuge Liang patted him on the head with his feather fan: "you know how to dance with swords and guns, but you don't know how to use your brain. There are more of them than we are, and they are all experienced people. It's easy to rob us. Where should we wait until now? Moreover, during my journey, I walked around the caravan by the passing of Xiaoxie. I heard that most of them were holding Xuzhou accent. In their conversation, I occasionally mentioned words like general and Lord, and their intention was naturally understood. "

"Ah I know. It must be Liu Youjun of Xuzhou who sent someone to protect us secretly. Liu is really a kind Lord, and general Zhang Fei, tut tut If I could be his apprentice, I would be worthy of my life. "

Zhuge Sheng is a young man with a strong personality. He was originally in the family and preferred to practice martial arts. At the moment, when he saw Zhang Fei, a master of martial arts, he was staring at each other all the time, and his eyes were full of envy.

As for Zhuge Liang, although he is also looking at Zhang Fei, his eyes are full of deep meaning.

The two bandits seemed quite confident. They took some mountain bandits and besieged Zhang Fei together. They thought that if they killed Zhang Fei, they could set the war.

However, after Zhang Fei's roar, the head of the thief, who had no need for money, was the first to fly out. The two thieves went to one of them, which immediately made the mountain bandits in great disorder.

"The third leader is dead, the third leader is dead..."

"Zhang Fei is just like a devil. Run away..."

The bloody thief would turn his head and run away.

"Hey, you want to run away in front of your grandfather Zhang? I don't have to look at my own weight. "

With a smile, Zhang Fei spurred his horse forward. Zhang BA's spear thrust forward and pierced the back of the crooked beard thief's head. Then Zhang Fei threw it far away.

"Ha ha, no fight, no fight...""Third brother..."

There was a voice from behind. Zhang Fei, Zhuge Xuan and others looked back at the past, but Liu Bei and a group of soldiers were coming.

Zhang Fei yelled: "elder brother, these bandits have been killed by my younger brother. Let me take advantage of the situation to pursue and kill them and destroy their Shanzhai."

Liu Bei nodded his head and said, "the heilian village is a disaster in Yanzhou, Xuzhou and Qingzhou. There are 4500 people in charge. Now the three leaders have gone. Second, it is a good opportunity to wipe it out at one stroke. Let's go. However, remember not to kill innocent people indiscriminately. If the bandits change their ways, they can still be saved and brought back to Donghai County for further treatment. "

"Don't worry, big brother. I'll go."

As soon as Zhang Fei patted the king after the horse, he ran north.

Liu Bei came to Zhuge Xuan's face and saluted: "it's really a shame that the rescue is late, which has disturbed my husband a lot."

Zhuge Xuan quickly said: "it's not necessary for Xuande to do this. If it wasn't for Xuande and Yide general to save us, Zhuge's family would be slaughtered. It's impossible to repay the kindness of saving lives. "

"Hehe, it's just a piece of work. You're welcome, sir."

Zhuge Jin looked at the soldiers and horses brought by Liu Bei, and said in doubt: "I don't know how Xuande Gong and general Zhang can appear here?"

Liu Bei said with a smile: "to tell you the truth, this heilian stronghold is the remaining evil of the four bandits in Mount Tai. He always likes to rob the motorcade on the official road, which is extremely fierce. I thought that my husband is such a big family. If you go to Luoyang, the motorcade will be huge and eye-catching. I'm afraid that thieves will be attracted. So I will follow you secretly. I want to wait until you arrive at the city of Yanzhou and then leave on your own. However, there are many female family members in the motorcade, so I have to ask someone to dress up as a caravan and go with me. I'd like to ask you to forgive me for the impropriety. "

"Lord Xuande..."

Zhuge Xuan's cheek trembled and his expression was very moving: "Lord Xuande is so kind and righteous that he not only condescends to be a guard for me, but also thinks so well. I am I can't thank you enough. I'm very grateful to you. But I've been sent by you. Xuan has everything to do with it. "

But Liu Bei's face turned pale: "well, sir, why do you say that? Is it that I, Liu Bei, are those insidious villains who are greedy for rewards? I'm prepared to help you because of my admiration for your talents

"This..." Zhuge Xuan was a little embarrassed, and then transformed into incomparable moving.

"I've heard for a long time that Xuande was courteous and benevolent to the people. Today I see it with my own eyes, and Xuan has no doubt about it."

Liu Bei looked at Zhuge Xuan's horse and said, "I look at Mr. Zhuge's horse. My eyes are blank. It seems that my feet are weak."

On hearing this, Zhuge Xuan also looked down at him and said with an embarrassed smile: "well, I'm laughing at you. This mount has served in our house for many years, and now he is old. He has been tired and frightened by his journey to this place

"I see."

Liu Bei immediately turned over and dismounted and led his mount to Zhuge Xuan's side.

"Please ride on this horse, sir."

Zhuge Xuan was shocked: "your servant, how can this be made?"

"Ah, sir, it's a long way to Luoyang with my family. I don't have enough strength to ride. If this horse falls ill on the way, won't it be a mistake? Mr. Bei Xuchang is ten years old. The so-called elder gives him a gift. He dare not say goodbye, so you don't have to push back. Please mount your horse. "

Liu Bei personally led the reins and made a gesture of invitation to Zhuge Xuan. His lips trembled slightly and his eyes were full of color.

He also jumped off the horse's back, but did not get on the horse, but stroked Liu Bei's horse, and then knelt down directly to Liu Bei.

"You are so kind to me. Even though you will never be able to repay you for your kindness, from now on, I would like to saddle the front and back for the sake of driving you. Even if you go through fire and water, you will never say goodbye."

Liu Bei was overjoyed and helped him up in a hurry: "Bei Neng can help the emperor, calm the world and rejuvenate the Han Dynasty. However, he was going to Luoyang to apply for the emperor's order. Now that he wants to stay in Xuzhou and be a minister, he should show his majesty clearly. If his majesty doesn't allow him to do so, he must invite him to go and escort him in person. He will never force him to stay. "

Zhuge Xuan took orders with his hands in his hands: "everything is ordered by the Lord."

Then, he waved to Zhuge Jin and others: "madam, there are jin'er, liang'er, birthday son. Don't you come to see you soon?"

Zhuge Xuan's wife hastily led several younger generations to come up to salute.

Zhuge birthday poked out his small head and asked Liu Bei, "that Liu Lingjun, can you ask general Zhang to accept me as an apprentice? "

Listening to his words, Liu Bei laughed on the spot: "ha ha It is often said that Zhuge family has a son, named Zhuge birthday. He likes to practice martial arts since he was a child. Today, it is true. Don't worry. My second and third younger brothers, as well as Tai Shici and Chen Dao, are all outstanding martial arts. In the future, I'll ask them to give advice to you, OK? "

On hearing this, Zhuge's eyes immediately glowed: "good Great... "

Looking at him like this, everyone was very happy. Only Zhuge Liang, looking at Liu Bei and Zhang Fei's direction of leaving, and the corpse of mountain bandits all over the place, his eyebrows sank slightlywww.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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