Huangfuhan and Luzhi said this. Looking at these books, the scholars had no reason to doubt them.

Most of the scholars' attention was focused on the paper books. Where else could we count these books?

But if they don't think so, it doesn't mean that everyone is like this, so dozens of people came forward together.

"Count, of course. If one is missing, hum... "

These dozens of scholars looked at huangfuhan and Luzhi provocatively, but found that they also looked at them with a smile worth pondering.

Thousands of scholars, after reading the dozens of them and the books in front of them, fell into hesitation for a moment. Although huangfuhan and Luzhi had a word in advance, they were not afraid of them at all, but that was because they didn't want to stay in the Imperial College, so they didn't care about the bet.

But now it is not the same. There are so many new books on paper in front of us, including some rare out of print ancient books on the market. The status of this library in the minds of many scholars has been raised to an unmatched level in an instant.

At the moment, these scholars have only one idea in their hearts, that is, they must stay in the Imperial College! Don't say to stay and be a factotum. Even if they are asked to clean the toilet, they will never leave the gate of Imperial College.

The dozens of people were full of confidence and wanted to call on the public to check the library, but then they found that none of them was moving. They were standing in the same place, neither talking nor doing anything. They were in a hurry.

"What are you doing? Not yet? "

"Ha ha..." Lu Zhi and his old and powerful voice suddenly rang out.

"Gentlemen..." He also went to the center of those bookshelves and said, "if you want to test the library, just do it now. I and Huangfu will not stop you. However, you can read these books, but you can't damage them or take them out of the library. Otherwise, the guards in the library will not care about whose nephew you are. "

As soon as his voice fell, one by one armed guards flashed out from the corner of each floor, blocking all the stairs. Their eyes twinkled with cold light, staring at many scholars, which made them shudder.

"Oh, yes." Lu Zhi seemed to think of something: "Your Majesty told me that today is the day for the Imperial College to re enroll for the examination. Now it is half an hour before the end of the examination. If you want to apply for the entrance examination, you may still have time to go to the place where you should take the examination..."

His words, let thousands of scholars, suddenly two eyes out of the essence.

When many scholars were ready to go downstairs for the examination, dozens of them called on the public to examine the scholars in the library, and they rushed forward to stop them.

"Where are you going?"

"We should check the library carefully, so as not to deceive the students. Didn't we agree in advance? How can you let go of their plan to sow dissension? "

After listening to their words, the thousands of scholars looked unnatural.

"You Don't slander good people. When did we say that? "

"Don't talk nonsense. We have long admired the name of Imperial Academy. How can we connect with you secretly?"

"That is to say, Duke Lu is a famous man of the Great Han Dynasty. He said that there are more than 400000 books. There must be no mistake. Why test it?"

"Your Majesty worked hard for the Imperial Academy. I don't know how much time, energy, money, and preparation were spent. Only by doing so, can you see that your majesty attaches great importance to scholars. How can you ask for such a saint?"

"How dare you to make trouble in the Imperial College and question your majesty and Duke Lu are really heinous. Duke Lu, I don't know them in my late life. You must not drive them out with them. "

"Not bad. We don't know dozens of them."

How quickly these thousands of people turned their faces over, whether it was the dozens of people or Huangfu Han and Lu Zhi, they were all astonished.

"My dear, the young people now have much thicker skin than my old man."

Lu Zhi was surprised, and Huangfu Han couldn't help but lift his mouth.

The dozens of people were completely choked by these replies: "you How can you... "

"All right, all right." Huangfuhan stopped them: "this is the library of Imperial Academy. How important is it? Is it the place where you quarrel and shout? Those who want to take part in the examination are now out of here. If you pass the examination, you will be admitted. Those who fail to pass the examination will also be counted with Duke Lu. As long as you are willing to condescend to do chores, you can remain in the Imperial College. If anyone wants to count the number of books in his collection, please help yourself. "

Thousands of scholars, you look at me, I look at him, and he looks at you. After a short period of silence, these thousands of people almost all galloped up at the same time.

"Hurry up If you can't catch up with the assessment, you'll have to work as a chore... "

"Even if it's a chore, I'll stay in the Imperial Academy. No one can persuade me to leave...""Let's all give in. I'm the nephew of Zhong Yuanchang. Let me pass first..."

"What happened to Ting Wei? I'm still the cousin of Duke Cui of Sikong. I'll go first and be... "

"Xun Wenruo and I are close friends from the same hometown..."

Thousands of scholars are no longer concerned about their etiquette and face. They are just like the villagers who are going to the market. You squeeze me, I squeeze you, and the four doors of the library are staggering.

Lu Zhi quickly called out: "you should be careful. The Imperial College has a written regulation that students who destroy the objects of Imperial College will have to deduct credits. After 12 points of credit deduction, the students will be automatically expelled from the hospital, and they will not be allowed to enroll again within two years."


His words made thousands of people stay away from the gate one after another. Even when they ran outside, they raised their feet for fear of damaging the threshold.

However, the four gates were spacious enough. Even if they walked out cautiously, all the thousands of people ran out in a short time, leaving only the dozens of people who took the lead in making a fuss.

"You No backbone, really no backbone! "

Lu Zhi and huangfuhan looked at them, and their bad intentions made them cold all over.

"What are you going to do?"

"We are all law-abiding people. You are not to be fooled."

Lu Zhi said with a smile: "don't worry, this is Taixue, not Tingwei. I have no right to ask whether you obey the law or not. But I don't know if you want to examine this library? "

He was wearing this old face, which seemed harmless to human beings and animals. However, none of these scholars really dared to regard him as a kind and kind old man. After all, the reputation of the left riding general was based on his combat achievements. Under his old hands, he did not know how many beautiful and beautiful articles were written and how many people's blood was stained.

"No No need. In the Imperial College, there are rich books and amazing details. I was born late The test will not be carried out in late life... "

"Yes Yes, I'm going to leave for later life... "

Lu Zhi pretended to be surprised: "ah, how many do not participate in the entrance examination?"

"Is that not necessary? We are short of talent and knowledge. We are afraid that we may miss the reputation of the Imperial College. This is I'm leaving. "

After that, the dozens of people watched the guards who were as motionless as statues, and ran down the stairs against the wall. When they got to the first floor, they saluted Lu Zhi and huangfuhan in a hurry, and then ran out.

After watching them run far away, huangfuhan's face suddenly showed a trace of disgust.

"Well, a couple of clowns have dirty my library. Now it's better to clean it up."

Lu Zhi looked at him: "good nephew, these are books that we always want to read for the students. Sooner or later, they will be dirty. Can't you clean them all this time?"

Huangfu said three words coldly: "I'd like to."

Lu Zhi turned his mouth and said, "yes, I can remember the scene when you rushed into the palace and asked to be the guard of the library. Tut tut Who would have thought that you, Huang Fu Han, have a nose and tears and a wailing side... "

Huang Fu Han's face was cold, and he almost gnashed his teeth and said, "I'm going to clean the library in my later life. Duke Lu will take a long time to see you off."

After that, he turned and left. Lu Zhi looked at his back and shook his head with a smile: "Yi Zhen, Yi Zhen, you nephew, you are really interesting. His Majesty's agreement to send him to guard the library is really very useful

At the gate of the Imperial College, the dozens of scholars ran out of the gate and left in different directions.

Just after they had gone far away, man Chong came out slowly from a corner of the street beside Taixue. His eyes, like an eagle, were staring at the dozens of people.

"Follow these men, see where they have gone, and report back."

"Here it is." Dozens of officers in civilian clothes, their bodies shook, they did not enter the street.

Man Chong's face showed a cold light: "dare to destroy your Majesty's plan and disturb my big man's legal system. No matter who you are behind, I will certainly find you out and bring you to justice."

In the back palace of the Imperial Palace, Liu He ate the fruits cut by Zhang Yu, instructed Liu Zheng's martial arts, and amused Liu Qian.

"Little girl Come on, come to my father's side... "

He squatted on the ground and started to move towards Liu Qian, who was more than ten steps away. Liu Qian trotted over with his fleshy legs and laughing.

"My father The baby wants to eat To eat this... "

She pointed to a peach on the table. Liu he held her in his arms, peeled the peach for her and fed her one mouthful at a time.

Zhang Yu said with a smile, "Your Majesty has been partial. On weekdays, when you eat fruit by yourself, you have to peel it. It's rare that you do it yourself once, but only give it to your daughter."

"Ha ha, good, good, I give you, and give Zhenger, cut one."With that, he really began to peel the second peach.

Zhang Yu sat down beside him: "Your Majesty is in a good mood today."

Liu he said, "it's natural. It was a great success to reopen the Imperial College, and now it has become the place where scholars in Luoyang are scrambling to enter the school. There are more than 100000 scholars gathered in the city, most of whom have never been to school. Once the paper books were published, they were originally very disdainful to the Imperial College, and even many scholars who were hostile to it were now racking their brains and using all means to go to school. A few pieces of paper and a few books will control the hearts of the gentry in the world. How can I not be happy? "

"Your Majesty is happy to patronize, but he forgets to reward those who have done meritorious deeds?"

Liu he was puzzled by Zhang Yu's words: "a man of meritorious service? Lu zigan, Huangfu and the Zhen family, who are responsible for printing books, are rewarded by everyone. Who has been missed? "

Zhang Yu's face suddenly became a little sad: "did your majesty forget? In order to speed up the production of more than 400000 copies of paper books, you have emptied all the money I have accumulated in the past few years. You have not even given me any money. "

"Ah This... " Liu he could not refute for a moment.

On that day, the birthday gift presented by Zhang Yu to Zhen Yi was ten paper books.

These books were all made from the improved papermaking and printing techniques recorded in the book of miraculous objects given to Zhen Yi by Liu He. Zhen Yi employed thousands of craftsmen to study this book for several years. It was only a year ago that he skillfully applied all the techniques recorded in the book, which led to the publication of the ten books.

It was precisely because of these ten books that Liu He made up his mind to start the Imperial College again.

However, both papermaking and printing require a large number of manpower and spend countless money and food. Now, after reorganizing the military, the State Treasury can not afford much money and food to prepare for this. Liu He has no choice but to hit Zhang Yu's inner government.

After several years of hard work and frugality, together with the silk woven in the palace, the embroidery patterns have become more and more exquisite, and the price in the market is also rising. Therefore, in recent years, the inner government has accumulated a huge wealth of about one billion yuan.

With the billion yuan, Liu he invested another 500 million yuan from the three merchants of Zhen, Su and Zhang respectively, and finally managed to produce more than 420000 paper books.

Now that Zhang Yu has turned over her old account, Liu He is inevitably embarrassed.

"Well Hey, yu'er, you and I have been husband and wife for many years. Why are you so fussy? "

"That won't do." Zhang Yu turned her lips and said, "as the saying goes, brothers should settle accounts clearly. Besides, it's a billion dollars. Your majesty has to give it back to his wife."

"All right, all right." Liu he said with a bitter smile: "but yu'er, don't worry. I won't spend this money in vain. It won't be long before I'll get it back several times, or even dozens of times. Especially those who are against me in the Imperial College and in the tax reform, I will let them give a lot of blood and earn back the food and salary for the soldiers in Yuzhou in the future... "

Liu he was full of confidence. Zhang Yu looked at him with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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