Time flies, and in the twinkling of an eye, it is the day of the great court meeting.

The civil and military officials stepped into the hall and stood on both sides of the Chongde hall. After worshiping, they took their seats respectively.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what can I do for you today?"

Liu he was in a good mood.

"The old minister has a beginning." Luzhi was the first to stand up.

He is now the general president of the Imperial College. In terms of official position, he is equal to Jiuqing, but his salary is a little higher than Jiuqing. Therefore, he ranks fourth in the list of civil servants, second only to Sangong, and second to Jiuqing. Therefore, Luzhi is a worthy promotion.

Liu he said, "what's up with Lu Aiqing?"

"Your Majesty, since the announcement of the Imperial College Library more than ten days ago, there have been no less than 20000 people who have requested to reopen the entrance examination again. Moreover, the situation is becoming more and more intense. Many of my family members, old friends, relatives and friends have come to talk with me. I can't bear to be disturbed. If all of them are turned away, I'm afraid that the court will miss out on talents. Therefore, your majesty is specially invited Cut. "

Liu He nodded slightly, this result, completely in his expectation.

Scholars are nothing more than scholars. No matter what their family background is, most of them are proud of being a scholar, and their pursuit is to become an official. The books in Imperial learning can be called the whole Han Dynasty. Oh, no, it should be said that they are the most exquisite and complete in the whole earth. They are the only one in the world.

Here, they can read almost all the books they want to read. Moreover, these books are much lighter than those bamboo slips, and the characters are very beautiful and neat. Reading has become a great enjoyment. Besides, the Academy will select talents to become officials every year.

The most important thing is that these books have been enough to smash the rumors that Liu he despised the virtuous and slow scholars and only paid attention to the merchants. Such a large amount of money and manpower was spent for the sake of the world's scholars. This does not count as paying attention to the scholars. Who in the world dares to say that they value the scholars?

Liu he said to Lu Zhi, "the Imperial College in Luoyang City has stopped its entrance examination this year. How can it break the rules for an individual? In the future, at the beginning of June every year, at the time of enrollment, one year later, that is, in May of the following year, the school year assessment will be conducted. This is the rule. In addition to the Enke, which is not a major national event, it will be handled according to this rule. "

"The old minister obeyed his orders, and after going down to the court, he posted up the articles on the list and announced them to the world." Lu Zhi said that and then retreated.

Wang Yun's ear moved, as if to hear a hidden message in Liu He's words.

"I have something to tell you." And then he came out.

"Your Majesty has just mentioned that the Imperial College in Luoyang City will not be admitted this year. Is it possible that your majesty intends to open a second Imperial College in other cities?"

When he said this, many ministers also realized this point, and their eyes began to shine.

"Ha ha, the Abbot's mind is really delicate. I'm just a quick talker, and you've discovered this secret."

Liu He's words, is tantamount to admitting this point, the ministers suddenly burst into an uproar.

Wang Yun was more and more pleased in his heart, but on the surface he tried to calm down: "Your Majesty is very kind to the people and to take care of the scholars. This is the blessing of all the people. However, the old minister ventured to ask, I do not know where your Majesty would like to do the Imperial College again? "

As soon as this question was asked, almost all the ministers' eyes were focused on Liu He. At the court meeting, the minister looked directly at the emperor, and he had committed the crime of dishonor. However, the matter really made people so curious that they even forgot this point for a while, even the same was true for Zhijin Wu, who was in charge of the etiquette of the court.

Liu He indifferent smile: "it seems that you love Qing, this is extremely concerned about ah?"

The ministers realized that they had lost their honor and bowed their heads in a hurry

"Well, I'm not the tyrannical Lord. How can I blame my loyal minister for such a small matter? Since all of you are concerned about this matter, I might as well make it clear. "

He cleared his throat and continued: "I intend to open official schools in Chang'an and Jinyang this year. Next year, I will set up official schools in Zhuoxian, Yexian, Yexian, Yanzhou, Chenliu, guzang and Linzi. In the future, every time the court regained a state, it would run a government school in its capital. "

"All the teaching affairs of the official school are the same as those of Luoyang Imperial College, but the only difference is that after the examination of the official school, the excellent students will be sent to Luoyang, and then they will be admitted to the imperial court for examination again."

"Not only that, but I also intend that the number of official schools will increase year by year in the future. Ten or twenty years later, every county in the Han Dynasty should have official schools, so that all the people can read, and there will be wise men in the court every year. So why should the great men not be prosperous?"

After hearing this, the ministers looked different, especially Wang Yun. After a period of change, his face soon returned to normal.

"My majesty, the old minister thinks that the establishment of official schools is a great feat of opening up the world. On this basis, your majesty should be famous in the history books and shine for thousands of years. Moreover, it can make all the subjects of the world unite as one and protect the Great Han River and mountains for thousands of years."

After that, he changed his voice: "however, in my humble opinion, there are still rebellions in the territory today, and there are still prisoners outside the border areas. The imperial court uses military forces on all sides, and it is necessary to build water conservancy and manage the Yellow River. The Treasury is already in short supply. If we publish books and build official schools, we are afraid that the state will not be able to support it. I hope your majesty will think twice.""Ha ha ha..." Liu he burst out laughing, which made the ministers puzzled.

"It is true that what the abbot said is quite insightful. However, I have already known about this matter, and I will naturally have some countermeasures."

He took out a paper copy of the Analects of Confucius from the cuff of the Dragon Robe and handed it to Gong saner.

Gong san'er, holding the book in both hands, walked down the jade steps, came to the officials and read them one by one.

"What do you think of this book Liu he asked.

The ministers all agreed: "the paper used in this book is rare in the world, and the printing technique is unprecedented. The handwriting is clear, the ink is not scattered at all, the writing is neat and the font size is exactly the same. It is a rare treasure in the world."

Liu He smiles: "I don't know how many love ministers are willing to bid for this book?"

The ministers were stunned by his question.

However, Wang Yun was very happy and said secretly, "it's not in vain for me to spend a hundred gold to find out about the red father-in-law. It turns out that your majesty really has this intention."

He quickly stood up and said, "the old minister thought that the Analects of Confucius, carved on ordinary bamboo slips, is worth ten thousand yuan. The Analects of Confucius, which was transcribed on Cai Hou's paper, is difficult to obtain, although it costs 100000 yuan. Your majesty, this book is ten times better than Cai Hou's paper in terms of paper, ink, writing and font. Therefore, the old minister thought that if the book was to be sold, it would be a million dollars, and it was not too much. "

His words aroused the approval of almost all the ministers.

"What situ said was reasonable."

"Such books, not to mention a million dollars, are thousands of gold, it is difficult to reflect its value in case."

Liu he said with a smile: "ha ha, the abbot and the Qing family are really willing to accept it. However, the Abbot's words are in deep agreement with my heart. This book of the Analects of Confucius will be given to the abbot. If you can sell this book for millions of dollars, please remember to invite me to drink."

Wang Yun was overjoyed and took over the book. After reading a few pages, he carefully carried it in his arms.

"I thank God for your kindness. This book is so precious that I will find the most conspicuous place in my study and offer it to you. I will never sell it without authorization."

Liu He waved: "it's up to you what the abbot wants to do with it. I'm just asking. However, since all the ministers have decided that this book is worth millions of dollars, then my idea will come true. "

He clapped his hands, and then a group of royal guards, carrying boxes, came to the hall.

As soon as the box was opened, a light fragrance of paper and ink came out, and all the officials were shocked.

"This is..."

"Yes, there are 50000 books of various kinds. I want to sell these 50000 books in the commercial banks. One book will be worth one million. Fifty thousand copies. Isn't it worth 50 billion? It is much higher than the annual income of the imperial court. It can be relied on for military expenses, food and salaries, and the construction of official schools. "

Liu he wanted to make such a book, the cost is only a few thousand dollars, and with the increasingly skilled craftsman, the paper mill and printing shop scale is expanding, the cost will be lower and lower.

But this kind of paper, such printing, looking around the world, only in their own hands. All the craftsmen in the workshop are closely guarded. Each craftsman is only responsible for one of the links. Except for the six craftsmen in charge, no one is proficient in the whole set of techniques. These six craftsmen, Zhen Yi and Liu He themselves, have been selected by thousands of people. Their moral character is absolutely reliable and their family background is absolutely innocent.

Therefore, at least in the next few years, or even more than a decade, the possibility of this paper-making and printing technology spreading is almost impossible. How can Liu He not make a good profit at this time?

Although the popularity of each book is different, and the price can not be a million dollars each, there are still hundreds of thousands of dollars. Thousands of costs, in exchange for hundreds of thousands or even millions of profits, such a business, I am afraid, is unique.

"Your Majesty is holy." All the officials praised him.

Wang Yun's eyes turned and said, "Your Majesty, the old minister thinks it is impossible."

His words were particularly out of place among all the officials, which attracted them to look at him for a moment.

Liu he frowned and said, "Oh? What's the opinion of situ? "

"I dare not." Wang Yun said: "it's just that the old minister thinks that although these books are extremely precious, there are not a few people who want to take them into their hands. However, at such a price, few people can afford to buy one or two copies. Even if the 50000 books are sold out, they will sell 10000 copies. I'm afraid it will not be possible to do so in a month or two. The construction of the two official schools is imminent. The thieves such as Liu Yan, Cao Cao and Koguryo are also ready to start a war at any time. They may rely on selling books to supplement the national treasury. Although it is a sacred act of the emperor, it is afraid that it will be too late. "

"Your Majesty, I agree with the intention of situ." Many ministers came forward to support Wang Yun.

Lu Zhi looked at them and then said, "Your Majesty, what situ said is really reasonable. Although the old minister was favored by his majesty and had little property, he could only afford to buy more than ten of these paper books for a while, not to mention the ordinary families, merchants and even the common people. "

"Yes, it's true that the so-called distant water can't quench the thirst of the near, and the war in the border areas is very urgent. Your Majesty must not be careless about it."Huang Fu Song, the general of the cavalry, joined in.

Liu he was displeased: "I have been informed that Liu Yan is seriously ill in bed. He has run out of oil and is dying. Yizhou is unable to send troops. Although Koguryo and Fuyu are somewhat different, it is not difficult to defend the city and wait for reinforcements with the help of general Zilong and other generals Tian Yu and Tian Chou. As for nacaohuan in Yuzhou, I can order Liu Bei and Sun Jian to send troops to harass his city at the same time, so that he has no time to look north for a moment. In this way, I can strive for months to complete the sale of books. "

He glanced around the officials. Most of them, except Qian Li, Meng Jian, Shi Tao and Huo Qing, were rich and rich. Today, I deliberately put 50000 books on the stage in the court. When the bookstore opens, who dares not to patronize them?

What's more, they are all the great Confucians in the world. They are not only fond of books as their life, but also absolutely love books. How can they not help seeing such treasures?

In particular, those who have sold a large number of land properties in recent months have accumulated a lot of cash in their hands in order to avoid the land tax. Liu He is going to take this opportunity to get a sum of money from their pocket.

When Liu he was full of pride, Wang Yun said again: "I'm sorry for my courage. I think your Majesty's action is quite dangerous. Although Liu Yan was a dying man, his son was still alive. Many senior generals in Sichuan had the intention of raising troops to the imperial court for revenge because of the death of thunder copper

"Koguryo and her husband have great military power. Our army is in Youzhou, and there are few major generals. Although general Zhao Zilong is brave enough to lead the three armies, he may not be able to keep Youzhou safe. If there is a slight gap and Youzhou is not protected, the northern barrier will be lost."

"As for Liu Bei and Sun Jian, they are far inferior to Cao Cao in terms of military strength and commander-in-chief. Even if they join hands, it will not be easy to contain Cao's army. Cao Cao could send two generals, each with 50000 soldiers, enough to meet the enemy. Now that Cao's army has 300, 400, 000 troops, it can still attack after blocking the sun and Liu allied forces. Your Majesty must be on guard. "

Speaking of this, Xun Yu, who had not spoken for a long time, also stood up: "Your Majesty, what situ said is not groundless. It was reported in Yuzhou that after the Spring Festival, Cao's army was on the front line and increased its troops a lot. Now it has stationed no less than 200000 troops. It is clear that his intention to invade is obvious. "

Liu he frowned slightly: "what good policy does situ have?"

Wang Yun immediately replied: "the minister has a plan to protect the emperor from being trapped in the heresy of merchants' treachery and cunning, and to enable the court to collect a large amount of money and grain in January."

"Oh? And such good things as that? " Liu He's eyes are fixed on Wang Yun.

Wang Yun said: "Your Majesty can divide these 50000 books into several copies, and sell them at a slight discount to several tycoons and rich men, as well as to several big families today, so that they can buy the books at one time and then sell them on their own. In this way, the establishment of a solution to the danger of the imperial court can make the subjects do their best to show their loyalty for their majesty and the country. "

"Si Tu is good at calculating." Meng Jian said sarcastically, "even if he is a teenager, he knows that these 50000 books are a good business with great profits. Is it not that situ Mo wants to take this business from his Majesty's hand and take it into his own hands? That is to say, he won the reputation of loyalty and made a fortune. It's really killing two birds with one stone. "

"Presumptuous." Wang Yun yelled: "Guanglu Xun, the old minister is loyal, but you can show the sun and the moon. What's the reason for you to treat a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart?"

"A piece of loyalty? I can't quite see it? " Meng Jian retorted.


"Well, what's the style of the court?" Liu He some impatient way, two people rush to plead guilty.

He thought about it for a while, and then said, "what situ said is not unreasonable. Since I want merchants and other ministers to solve the country's difficulties, I should naturally have some rewards. Relying on the imperial power, I will arbitrarily squeeze the subjects and ask for anything. It is not the wise king's doing."

"Your Majesty..." Meng Jian's face changed and he wanted to say more, but he was stopped by Liu He.

"Well, I will divide these 50000 books into 100 copies. The price of different books ranges from 200000 yuan to 600000 yuan such as the Analects of Confucius and the book of changes. Each book, as many as a few, as little as tens of millions of dollars, more than a few hundred million yuan, and then sold separately among the business firms, and the rest, depending on their ability to compete. "

"Your Majesty's holiness, this is the great fortune of the world." Wang Yun and many ministers praised him.

However, Wang Yun did not intend to stop at this point, he continued: "reply to your majesty, I still have a request."

Liu he frowned: "what else can I do for you?"

"The old minister thought that his majesty could print a batch of books every other period of time, without handing them over to the firms, but selling them directly to the first batch of investors. As long as they have not committed any crime, such trading can form a long-term practice. Your majesty can sit in the palace to collect money, grain, money and silk, and make commerce and trade more prosperous. At the same time, he can share the benefits with his subjects, so that all the people in the world will appreciate his Majesty's kindness more and more. In this way, it can be regarded as a sacred act for all ages to return to one's heart. "

"This one..." Liu he hesitated a little.

Qian Li said, "Your Majesty, I think it is too early to say whether this can be a precedent. After the completion of the first batch of transactions, it is not too late to make a final conclusion after listening to the opinions and observing the actions of many investors. "He said this, and Liu He's spleen and stomach: "then, according to the word of the Tao, the ministers will do it."


Outside the palace gate, many ministers surrounded Wang Yun one after another.

"Situ, how can I divide these 100 cent books?"

"Yes, there are not a few ministers in the imperial court who are covetous about it. This is because there are more wolves than meat."

Wang Yun laughed confidently: "don't worry. I have already bought the Duke Hong in the palace, several royal guards, and even the shopkeeper of Anhan business in the city, and I have many contacts with him. As long as these 50000 books are out of the palace, I will know the news. All my colleagues and officials are waiting in my house. Once we get the news, we will go to the business house and ask the shopkeeper to prepare more copies for us. What's the difficulty? "

"It turns out that situ had been prepared for this, so we can rest assured."

The ministers were relieved.

Wang Yun's face suddenly became more serious: "however, I have a word in advance. This is the first time to sell. You should not rush for quick success and instant benefit, and do anything that is insulting to your character. Everything is arranged by me. If anyone is greedy for a little bit of small profits and spoils our big plan, hum, I can't blame my ruthlessness. "

"Don't worry. We won't have to. In order to gain the monopoly right to sell this book for a long time in the future, we must follow the lead of situ and never dare to act arbitrarily. "

"That's good." Wang Yun was very proud.

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