Youzhou, Liaodong County, Xiangping city.

Although Liaodong county was originally under the control of the Han Dynasty, it was invaded by the barbarians all the year round. Most of the whole Liaodong county was occupied by Koguryo.

After Gongsun Du became the prefect of Liaodong, he attacked the powerful, consolidated the power, reorganized the military equipment, and marched to Koguryo. In a few years, he recaptured the territory of the whole county. Later, the Princes Rose together, and the world was in chaos. He took Xiangping city as his place of governance, and he named himself the Marquis of Liaodong. He became a real local emperor in the northeast of Youzhou.

Because of this, Xiangping city was repaired several times by him, and became a solid big city. Two years ago, when Tian Yu was the prefect of Liaodong, he attached great importance to guarding against foreign enemies. He wrote to Liu Yu, who was familiar with the situation of Youzhou. Later, while developing Hu City in Liaodong, he appeased Fuyu's small and medium-sized tribes and scattered Xianbei tribes, while vigorously building defense fortifications and training the army. In the past two years, it has been quite effective.

There are only two cities in Youzhou with Wengcheng. One is Zhuoxian, the capital of Youzhou, and the other is Xiangping county.

Relying on such a solid foundation, Zhao Yun, Tian Yu and Tian Chou were able to resist the 200000 enemy troops in this city.

On the outer tower of the urn City, three generals are looking nervously at the fierce situation ahead.

The 200000 troops surrounded the whole city. The South Gate in front of everyone was the main attack place of the enemy. There were 70000 troops gathered, and Li Mang, the commander-in-chief of Koguryo, was personally in charge.

Tian Chou worried: "we lost sight of several cities. Now Xiangping is surrounded, and the grain and grass in the city is only enough for ten days. If Xiangping is lost, a county in Eastern Liaoning will fall into the hands of chieftain Hu. The people will suffer and the court will be humiliated. How can we face your majesty?"

Tian Yu also said: "this general of Koguryo is also a man of profound military strategy. It has been seven days since they captured several counties and came to Xiangping. The enemy's attack is tight during the day and the camp defense is orderly at night. We want to attack at night, but we don't have the opportunity. It's really a headache."

Both of them seem to be very pessimistic about the current war. Zhao Yun, though dignified, has been staring at the enemy without saying a word.

Tian Chou and Tian Yu saw the situation and asked, "General Zhao has been pondering for a long time. Has he got a plan to break the enemy?"

Zhao Yun shook his head: "cloud is just a martial arts man. What's your plan? However, the three of us sent an urgent report to the court for help. They thought that they should have arrived in your Majesty's hands five days ago, and the reinforcements would arrive soon. Yun just wondered whether we should do something to cooperate with the reinforcements at home and abroad. "

"General Zilong's concern is indeed reasonable." Tian Yu nodded his head and said: "in the next few days, I have been thinking about countermeasures. However, it is not easy for the enemy to seek vitality because of its great potential, multiple forces and even more capable generals. "

Three people all can't think of any good policy, for a moment, then fell into silence.

"Well, it's really tight." After a long time, Zhao Yun couldn't help but hit the wall.

"Instead of being trapped in the city, it's better to fight with your own hands, or you can die and survive."

As soon as Zhao Yun mentioned the Dragon gall bright silver gun, he turned around and wanted to go downstairs.

Tian Chou stopped him: "General Zhao, don't act rashly. There are only 80000 soldiers and soldiers in our city, and we should guard against four gates. The maximum number of people who can go out of the city to attack and kill is only 20000 or 30000. There are many strong generals among the enemy troops. It is not a good strategy to rush out of the city like this. "

Zhao Yun thought about it and felt reasonable, but he was so depressed that he directly stabbed a pillar next to him.

At this time, a cry came from under the tower.

"Han on the tower will listen..."

The voice attracted the three people to look at the past at the same time, and saw a Koguryo general riding forward, came about 200 steps away from the city gate, and pointed a big axe at Zhao Yun and others.

"My general is grateful for the wisdom and courage of the three and their extraordinary martial arts. I would like to give them a way to live. As long as you surrender and surrender to Koguryo, my majesty will not only forgive the three of them, but also grant them the land of Eastern Liaoning, and order you to guard the border areas for our country without any hereditary substitution. "

"Pooh Tian Yu's spit flew out.

"You Koguryo, you are just a barbarian. How can I be deceived by you? If you are such a villain, you should not be arrogant if you succeed in your treachery for a moment. When the army of the imperial court comes, you will be destroyed. "

"Well said!" Tian Chou said: "if you are wise enough, you can still save your life if you surrender your equipment. If not, when the heavenly soldiers arrive, you will be killed in an instant."

The general of Koguryo was so insulted by them that he became angry.

"Han will be bold and dare to speak up when he dies. If we don't surrender again, when the city is destroyed, there will be no massacre in the whole city

"Dare you

Zhao Yun was so angry at this sentence that the whole person was instantly killed and rushed to the sky.

"If you have the courage to attack the city, we Zhao Yun, a good man, can't be greedy for life and fear death and serve the thief with his knees, even though his jade is broken.""Pa pa pa pa pa..."

A clapping voice suddenly faintly came from behind the Koguryo general. The voice is not very loud. It is so far apart that ordinary people can't hear it. However, Zhao Yun's three are all skilled in martial arts, and their ear power is also very comparable. Only in this way can we hear them.

I saw a rather tall man dressed in armor, from the back of the horse forward.

"Li mang!"

All three recognized this man at the first time. This was the general of the army who was on the expedition of Koguryo. He was skillful in halberd technique and had a good sense of military strategy. Even Zhao Yun was defeated by him, which shows his talent.

Seeing him come out, the three people can't help but mention the highest guard in their hearts.

Li mang looked up at the three men and exclaimed, "the three are really loyal and righteous. You, the son of heaven, are really enviable to have such officers and men."

Zhao Yun said in a cold voice: "if you fight, you will fight. If you sell your mouth here, what do you want to do? All of us are heroes and heroines. It would be a waste of effort to persuade us to surrender with a pair of good tongues. "

"Well, General Zhao misunderstood."

Li mang smiles very heartily. People who don't know it will think that he is a straightforward man just by looking at his face and smiling face.

He said: "I just have some doubts in my heart. I want to ask the three generals to help me

Zhao Yun frowned: "do you have any doubts?"

Li Mang, holding his fists and doing his courtesy, said: "I have read your poetry since I was a child. I know that there is an Asian saint in your country, Meng Laofu Zi. He once said that the people are precious, the country is the second, and the monarch is the least. It is because of this that the people of the hills are the emperor, the emperor is the princes, and the princes are the doctors. "

Tian Yu sneered and said, "the words of the sage, from your barbarian mouth, are really the crowns of monkeys."

Li mang didn't care about his sarcasm. He said to himself, "I'm very curious. All three are generals of the Han Dynasty. Naturally, you are not allowed to surrender. But if the people and people in your country ask you to wait for Kaicheng to surrender, I wonder if you are subject to the orders of the emperor or the people? "

Three people smell speech, for one Leng.

"What do you mean by that?"

With a smile, Li mang clapped his hands three times, followed closely. A group of Koguryo soldiers escorted a group of unarmed and ragged people from the rear to the front of the two armies.

"Stop fighting Stop fighting... "

"General, help..."

"Come and help us..."

"My parents have been killed by these murderous thieves. The general wants to avenge them..."

"Wuwuwu Mother My mother... "

One by one, these people were crying, crying, or wailing. Their appearance was so miserable and inexplicable that Zhao Yun and others were worried. A very bad premonition rose from their hearts.

Li mang again called out, "there are three thousand people here, all of whom were captured by our army a few days ago. Some of these prisoners are dead, some serve as labor, and others commit suicide because of their humiliation. Only these 3000 people are old, weak, sick and disabled women and children. They can't carry their shoulders and hands, and it's useless to keep them. "

"However, I think that heaven has a good life, so I will escort them here. As long as you wait for the city to surrender, these 3000 people will be able to save their lives. If you do not, hum, see? Every other time, my general will kill 500 of them until all of them are killed. "

"Beast, dare you!" Three people at the same time angrily shout.

Li mang spread his hands: "I dare not, after a stick of incense, the three will know, OK, point incense."

Several soldiers carried a table and put it in front of Leon. They put a censer on it and lit the incense.

Three thousand Koguryo soldiers put a sword with a shining cold light on their necks. Zhao Yun and others have no doubt that as soon as time comes, 500 of them will land at the same time.

"This How dare you How dare you

Tian Chou's face was flushed with anger, and his fists were tightly held, but he was helpless.

Under the tower, the 3000 people kept crying and calling for help. Not only were Zhao Yun's three people stuck in their throats, but the defenders in the city were also affected and their morale was in great turmoil.

Between Zhao Yun's eyebrows and eyes, a fierce look flashed: "good Li Mang, this is a psychological plan. If our army goes out of the city to rescue, we must be ambushed. If you don't save it, you will not only damage the reputation of the court and your majesty, but also your morale and the city will be destroyed. "

Tian Yu and Tian Chou also understand this, but in the current situation, they are in a dilemma. To save is to die, not to save or to die.

But Li mang himself retreated under his umbrella, got off his horse, sat on a soft carriage, and ate the fruit leisurely.

"Damn it!" Zhao Yun watched the incense burning shorter and shorter. He was very anxious.Watching that incense burning about two-thirds, suddenly, a stone thrown over, impartial, is hitting the incense, will be broken on the spot.

"Oh, it's really unfortunate that Li threw a stone at him, but he didn't want to smash the stick of incense. It's the will of God. It's God's wish that the incense would be burned up quickly."

"You You are shameless Zhao Yun three people's Congress scolded.

Li mang put his hands on the cushion, and his face suddenly became fierce.

"Since the three refused to surrender, there is no blame for Li. Listen to the common people of the great men. It is your own general who killed you today. Don't come to avenge yourself after your death. "

Then, he replaced the knife with his hand and made a chopping gesture.

"Thief! How dare you... "

Zhao Yun's words are not finished. Five hundred broadswords fall at the same time, followed by 500 heads, rolling down.

"Ah Help... "

"General, how can you not save yourself from death?"

"Surrender, surrender, general..."

"We want to live, we want to live, general, surrender quickly..."

"You have killed us. You are not worthy to be a general of a great man. You are not worthy of it!"

The remaining 2500 people, one by one, yelled at the tower.

"General, let the last general go out of the city to save them back!"

"General, the last general is willing to go."

"I will go with you at the end of the day."

Many generals on the tower petitioned one after another.

At this time, Zhao Yun's lips have been bitten by himself. In his eyes, he can almost spit out fire and stare at Li mang.

Tian Yu looked at his face and seemed to have guessed something. He seized him: "Zilong, don't be rash. This matter should be discussed carefully."

"There is no need to consult."

Zhao Yun shook off him: "Tian Chou, Tian Yu, listen to the order!"

Two people a Leng, then immediately embrace fist way: "end will be in."

"Tell you two to hold on to the gate, and do not give the enemy any chance to take advantage of it. The general led his cavalry out of the city to rescue the people. "

"What? It must not be They immediately declined.

"I am not discussing with you two. This is a military order!"

Zhao Yun looks very firm. Among the three, Zhao Yun was the highest official. He said that Tian Yu and Tian Chou, even if there were still many words in their belly, were choked by this sentence.

"This Even if you want to go out of the city to rescue the people, you should not go to the general. I will give the last general a troop and let him go on behalf of general Tian Yu. "

Zhao Yun waved his hand and said, "No. Although you and Zitai are still very skillful at shooting, if you fight among the thousands of troops, you will still have no strength. This battle must be fought by our general personally. There is no need to fight again. "

Two people smell speech, look at each other, know that they can't persuade him.

"Well I will take orders. "

"Zilong..." A general ran over and said, "if Zilong wants to fight out of the city, can he not take me with him?"

Zhao Yun looked at the man and looked puzzled: "Ziyang, your wife is about to give birth. This soldier is fierce and dangerous. You still..."

Before he finished, Deng yuan immediately turned over: "what do you mean by this? If you go out of the city, you can save the people. If I go out of the city, I will seek my own way of death. Is my shooting so unbearable? Besides, you are also a new father soon, you also came to me? Since we met in the Shangdang at the beginning, we have been fighting side by side in every war. How can you leave me now? If you will allow me to go to war, if not, I will jump down from this tower

With that, he made a gesture and really wanted to jump down. Zhao Yun stopped him in a hurry.

"Well, well, in that case, you will come out of the city with me. But remember to be careful and to protect yourself. "

"Ha ha, this is my good brother Deng yuan!" Deng yuan slapped Zhao Yun on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, all these dogs are useless. They don't have the ability to take my head. I'll go back to Luoyang and name my second child in person. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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