Zhao Yun is not afraid, bright silver gun shake, clap horse then welcome up.

"System prompt: Zhao Yun is fighting Liuchang. Liu Chang has 97 basic force, 1 point increase in weapons and 98 points in comprehensive force. "

"Zhao Yun's basic force was 99, and the king of war, King A and mount increased by 5 points, triggering the stunt" king of guns ". Because the other party also made long guns, he himself increased 3 points of force and suppressed the other party by 2 points of force."

"Under the influence of special effects, Zhao Yun has 107 comprehensive force at present. The comprehensive force of Liuchang is 96. "

Although Zhao Yun is slightly inferior to Liuchang, but when it comes to shooting, why is it better?

He saw the other side of the long gun is heavy, when attacking, waving, smashing, splitting and other moves more than stab, lift, pick, trapped and other techniques, so he raised strength and avoid short, attack its weakness.

His seven probe snake plate gun method, the first weight is flexible and changeable, direct attack key, seems to be less powerful than each other, but the way to win.

The two men only exchanged hands, Zhao Yun shot Liu Chang's right leg, even if he was rough and thick, and had armor, he was cut out of a wound, blood also came out.

But Liu Chang saw his injury, not only did not panic, but the look became a little crazy.

He licked his lips, his eyes like jackals saw their prey, and he stared at Zhao Yun tightly, making Zhao Yun feel very uncomfortable.

"Jie Jie It is wonderful, it is really wonderful. I have been in high and low for more than ten years, never lost to others in the shooting. I don't want to be stabbed by you today only ten harmonies. Good, very good. "

Zhao Yun looks at this as mad enemy, but his heart is very strange.

"Quick battle, first cut this person, then capture the Lee Mang, the overall situation can be determined."

He has seen that Liuchang is not as good as himself, and can not care why the other party will react so. He added three points of strength on his hands and frequently launched attacks on the key points of the other party.

However, in view of the various tricks that Li mang showed before, Zhao Yun unconsciously went to his side to pay attention to one or two from time to time. He saw that Li mang still looked pale, and his mouth was rising, and he looked like a man with a bright heart. This made Zhao Yun feel puzzled.

"What else is the plan for this limang to come and harm me?"

He was thinking, suddenly felt the power that passed through his hand, suddenly empty, which surprised Zhao Yun, instinctively flashed, and swept the bright silver gun forward.

Liu Chang's shooting method somehow changed from kaidahe to exquisite. Zhao Yun swept out the gun and he used the gun to swing it. He struck the shot, and the gun head came close to him and stabbed Zhao Yun in his stomach.

"A very tricky blow." Zhao Yun secretly surprised himself, and hurriedly blocked the gun head of the other party with the bright silver gun.

"System prompt: Liuchang triggers" anti system "stunt - when his force is weakened by enemy stunt, it can not only offset the special effect, but also increase the attribute equivalent to twice the weakened value, with a maximum of 6 points and simultaneously counteracting one point of force of the other party

"Liuchang was weakened by 2 points of force, and was affected by special effects, increased by 4 points of force, while 2 points of weakened force was invalid, and the comprehensive force became 102. Zhao Yun's comprehensive force has changed to 106. "

This sudden change, so Zhao Yun temporarily also some measures, Liu Chang took advantage of this opportunity, launched a continuous offensive, even forced Zhao Yun to continue to retreat.

"Liu Chang is my first gun master in Gaogouli. Can you only have this ability?" Li mang muttered to himself? Hum, Zhao Yun, Zhao Yun. How can you escape this time? "

Zhao Yun was forced back for several steps. The thousands of gaoguri soldiers who had been around watching war were approaching at the same time.

A sharp weapon, from behind the stabbing Zhao Yun.

Liu Chang also appeared a smile of treachery. His heavy black gun stabbed at Zhaoyun's face, chest and abdomen. Zhao Yun was surrounded by enemies all around, and he was totally separated from the skill.

He turned his hand and picked up several gaoguri soldiers, and his shoulder was also hit by Liuchang. Although he had a gold armor, he didn't pierce it, but his shoulder blades were almost broken by the heavy force.

"Hissing..." Zhao Yun took a breath of cold pain, but the enemy did not give him a chance to breathe. Liu Chang and the soldiers soon attacked again.

Although these soldiers were not concerned, their cooperation with Liuchang, strange tacit understanding, like training for a long time, and long-term fighting together, can have such a heart to heart.

Liu Chang looked at Zhao Yun, who had only the remaining power to return his hand, and sneered: "hum, let me know, these thousands of people are soldiers of a family who have been practicing for many years. They are going to fight north and South with me. For the first time, a family has been fighting for many years. It is the first time you need to work with your own soldiers. You should be honored to deal with only one person. "

After all, the attack in his hands was getting more and more fierce, and the surrounding soldiers also stepped up the attack.

Zhao Yun hurriedly responded, and soon he was a little bit of a pinch, and his physical strength was also rapidly consuming. He was in a state of great anxiety, but he was helpless.

"Today, Zhao Yun should be buried here.""It's done." Li mang not far away clapped his hands, relieved.

At this critical juncture, a sharp arrow came across the sky and was shooting at Liu Chang's face.

Liu Chang quickly gave up the stab to Zhao Yun's one shot and shot at the sharp arrow.

"Dang..." After a light sound, the arrow fell to the ground, and Liu Chang was shocked to a standstill.

Taking advantage of this very short gap, Zhao Yun swept the long gun and pulled the reins. The white dragon horse directly crossed the head of a group of soldiers again. Zhao Yun opened the way with a bright silver gun, and in a twinkling of an eye, he got out of the tight encirclement.

"Who's the rat? He's so sneaky and has the courage to fight a certain family for 300 rounds."

Seeing that he was about to kill Zhao Yun, Liu Chang was angry.

"Bah, you hooligans, who plot against Zi long by intrigue, deserve to say that others are rats? Come and have a taste of Deng's shooting. "

A figure appeared a hundred paces away, and Zhao Yun was overjoyed: "Ziyang..."

Deng yuan galloped to his horse and said, "Zi long, stop being flustered. The people have safely withdrawn to the city. Now you and I join hands to kill all these hooligans."

Zhao Yun was also inspired: "well, you and my brother, we have been fighting with each other for many years, but we have never had the opportunity to fight against the enemy side by side. Today is just one or two proofs."

Two spears, one in front of the other, entered the thousands of Koguryo army.

"Hum, who should I be? It's just Deng yuan. His martial arts and shooting skills are not as good as Zhao Yun's. It's not a worry at all."

Li mang breathed a sigh of relief and called out to Liu Chang: "General Liu, although his shooting skill is superb, it is far inferior to Zhao Yun. The general need not worry. Although he will let go of the war, he must take his two heads back. His majesty will surely have a great reward."

Liu Changnai is the first time to come to the battle field of Youzhou. He has heard that Zhao Yunyong is not suitable among the army of Youzhou. However, he seldom hears about Deng yuan and knows little about it. Only then did he see that his shooting skill was successful. His hands were hurt and his heart was alert. Now Li mang said this, and his heart was suddenly relieved.

"Hey, it's just a pussy. Well, someone killed you first, and then Zhao Yun. With your two heads, you can achieve a great reputation."

With a wave of his spear, he attacked again.

"It's just a barbarian. How dare you be so arrogant? I don't know the height of the earth. Zilong, you attack the left and I attack the right. If you don't kill this fire today, I'm afraid I can't eat any more."

Deng yuan was very angry. After shouting to Zhao Yun, he first confronted him with the nine hook hanging cloud gun.

Zhao Yun saw this, and quickly followed: "Ziyang, be careful. This man's marksmanship is not vulgar, his strength is very strong, and you can't underestimate the enemy."

Two spears, flying up and down, killed the thousands of soldiers, and screamed.

After a burst of fighting, more than 100 soldiers died under their guns. Liu Changdu was surprised by the speed of killing.

"Good guy, the tacit understanding between these two people is still above me and my own soldiers."

Even if he was like this, the thousands of his own soldiers were naturally frightened. Although they had experienced a lot of battles, they did not have the intention of retreating, but the attack in their hands was inevitably slowed down.

In this way, Zhao Yun and Deng yuan were more powerful and soon killed in front of Liu Chang.


"Hu Gou has his life."

The two spears attack each other from the left to the right, and stabbed Liu Chang's two ribs respectively.

Although Liu Chang had been prepared, he thought that even if he was defeated, he would be able to deal with it for a while. When his relatives and soldiers came back from all sides, he would naturally win.

However, to his surprise, his power increased several times under the joint efforts of the two men. He only insisted on the three in one, and was scratched in the left shoulder by Zhao Yun. After the two combinations, he was stabbed into the right leg by Deng yuan's gun head. Fortunately, he counterattacked in time and forced back the other party, which made the gun not penetrate too deep.

After only five rounds, he was injured in two places. Liu Chang was angry and resentful, and looked back at Li mang with resentment.

"This What's going on? " Li mang was also greatly surprised.

According to the information he inquired about and what he had seen in the previous battles, Deng yuan's shooting skill was much worse than Zhao Yun's. even if they joined hands, it should not be such a situation. According to the theory, Liu Chang can at least support ten or twenty matches, which is enough for thousands of soldiers to surround and kill.

But the current situation, clearly let him have to believe.

"System Tip: Zhao Yun and Deng yuan activate the temporary combination of special effects" dragon and tiger double guns ". When they fight the enemy hand in hand, their force increases by 1 point each."

"Affected by this, Zhao Yun's comprehensive force has become 107 points. Deng yuan's comprehensive force is 98 points. "

Liu He, who got the hint tone, was also a little surprised.

"Dragon and tiger two guns? When did they have such a combination stunt? It's strange. "

However, surprised to return to surprise, Liu he thought carefully, also think this is reasonable.

Zhao Yun and Deng yuan got to know each other since they pursued Lv Bu on the mountain road outside Huguan. Since then, they have been serving as generals in the same army. On weekdays, they exchange martial arts and exchange experiences. When they go to war, they often work hand in hand. Over time, it is reasonable to realize such a combination of special skills."With this combination of stunts, it is not difficult for them to kill Liu Chang and Li mang. It seems that the battle situation in Youzhou will soon be solved. I should plan to send out soldiers Yu and Koguryo. Without the exception of these two countries, the northern border is unstable, and it is difficult for me to concentrate on the southern expedition. "

Liu he was well aware that the sudden invasion of the two countries at this time must have been written by Cao Cao. Cao Cao knew that his strength was still inferior to Liu He. Therefore, he was bound to restrain his troops more in order to make him win more points in the battle field of Yuzhou. What Liu he needed, of course, was to pacify the north and keep all ethnic groups in order to allow him to launch a large-scale campaign and unify the whole country.

Although the abilities of Li Mang and Liu Chang were beyond Liu He's expectation, they were far from enough to change the situation in Youzhou. Therefore, Liu he did not pay attention to them after a short period of surprise.

Zhao Yun and Deng Yuan went hand in hand with each other. Liu Chang was defeated and had no strength to fight back. Even though some of the soldiers around him wanted to help his general out, they were killed by a flash of cold light before they could even stab out their weapons.

After repeated this for several times, even though the soldiers were elite in the Koguryo army, they began to appear some timid people who did not dare to move forward.

"General, be careful..."

A man who looked like an assistant general flew out from the side and chopped a big axe into Deng yuan's forehead in an attempt to save Liu Chang, who was about to be killed.

Deng yuan sneered: "bang, look for death."

He shot a spurt and hit the big axe. He shot out the assistant general who was jumping in mid air.

"Die." A move just passed, the second move followed, will the vice general a shot in the throat.

"Little dog..."

The man's blood splashed on Liu Chang's face, making him angry.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Liu Chang fell into a complete madness this time. The black spear only attacked but could not defend it. He wanted to die with both of them.

Zhao Yun complexion congeals heavy way: "Zi Yang is careful, this Hu will go mad."

"Don't worry, he's not crazy. If he wants to become a devil, he must die under the gun of your brother and my brother today."

Deng Yuan said, biting his teeth, remembering the 500 skulls rolling around the gate of the city before, he could not help but feel a nameless fire in his heart. He would like to tear all the Hu people into pieces before he could relieve his hatred.

Liu Chang became crazy. Although he was able to temporarily improve his power, his shooting skills were soon disordered. Zhao Yun kept his eyes on his attack while fighting.

The emperor did not fail the man who had a heart. He soon found the flaw. Zhao Yun suddenly murmured: "ah!"

The bright silver spear shot out at a high speed, just sticking to the barrel of Liu Chang's long gun which had already attacked Deng yuan, and rubbed out a little spark.


Before Liu Chang had time to react, the head of the bright silver gun had penetrated deeply into his abdomen.

However, Zhao Yun's seven probe snake plate gun, known as one of the top gun techniques in the Han Army, is naturally not limited to this.

He held the barrel of the gun in both hands and turned it vigorously. The head of the gun stirred directly in his opponent's abdomen. In a flash, his liver and intestines were broken and blood flowed like a stream.

"Wow..." Liu Chang's blood spurted out directly, but his spear still didn't fall. Instead, he swept back Zhao Yun and Deng yuan.

He clenched his teeth and quickly turned around to evacuate. Deng yuan exclaimed, "Hu gouxiu, go away and take another shot from me..."

Deng Yuanyi pats his horse and pursues him relentlessly. Zhao Yun shouts: "be careful, Ziyang. Li mang has many tricks..."

However, Deng yuan hated the sky, and before he finished speaking, he had already driven his horse to chase him dozens of steps away. Zhao Yun saw this and had no choice but to quickly follow up.

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