Liu he kept thinking in his mind what his children would look like, a man of both literature and martial arts, or a heroine of the same talent and appearance as Zhang Yu.

"Oh, no! It's April now, and there are eight months left in October of pregnancy. That is to say, soon after the birth of my child, I will just catch up with the outbreak of yellow scarves

With this idea, Liu Hutton's belief in guarding Huangshui Township and even langdiao county has become extremely firm. Once langdiao county is lost, a village in Huangshui township will certainly not be able to defend it. At that time, he will have to take his wife and children to flee everywhere, which makes Liu he feel terrible.

"No! Never let that happen! "

Liu He's brain is spinning rapidly. It seems that he has lived for 48 years. His brain has never been used so well.

But as the so-called care is chaotic, originally also considered more intelligent Liu He, at this time in the heart of a hurry, on what ideas are out.

"I will try to inform the county magistrate tomorrow and ask him to strengthen his guard. Although the Taiping Road is well-known now, the dog officer may not listen to it, but he must fight for it! In addition, the practice of the Anmin army should be stepped up. In the future, the training should be changed from one training every three days to one training every day! We should also pay close attention to mining and casting soldiers! "

Liu he didn't intend to disclose this incident. On the one hand, he would not be trusted by others. On the contrary, he might attract gossip. Secondly, the Taiping Road is very powerful. If the news reaches their ears, they will come to the door and try to kill people. It will be troublesome.

In addition, Liu Heben also thought that taking advantage of the outbreak of the Yellow turban rebellion, he might have the opportunity to control the wolf tune County, thus completing the hidden task.

However, as far as his wife and children are concerned, Liu He has no scruples and worries. Even if he has a chance, he will never let go of it. He must strive for a safe environment as far as possible. As for the system task, if it can't be completed, it will be pulled down. Nothing is as important as his wife or as important as his children.

The next morning, Liu He sent an alert and eloquent Xiang Yong to explain carefully, and sent to the county magistrate to report the matter of Taiping Road.

When the messenger finished, he told Liu He's account in detail. He really scared the county magistrate, and quickly called the civil servants of the government to come to discuss.

Yang Zhe, the county magistrate of langtiao County, is a man who is about 30 years old and looks like a scholar. He was originally a descendant of a poor family. A few years ago, he sold his family property that had already been defeated, and donated such a county magistrate's position.

Fortunately, since he was a child, he has some knowledge and ability, and he can barely be competent. Therefore, he has been sitting steadily in this position for several years.

He didn't care about the village brave army organized by Liu He's several people. However, in recent years, the village brave army has attacked again and again, eradicating thousands of bandits, small and large Shanzhai, making him a county magistrate.

In addition, the county magistrate falsely submitted his merits to the higher authorities and received many rewards. Therefore, he still had a good feeling for Liu He and others. If not, he would not have listened to the news sent by Liu He, or even would not have met the messenger at all.

But the news was too big, too frightening, too big to be decided by his level at all, so all the officials in the county were called.

At this time, Yang zhe was sitting on the main seat of the assembly hall, with a sad face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Liu He, the brave villager of Huangshui Township, sent someone to deliver a shocking news to this county. I don't know how to deal with it. Please come and discuss it."

The seven or eight people sitting below looked at each other, not knowing what kind of news could make the magistrate panic like this.

"It's so important that we don't know whether we should believe it or not, and even if it's true, it's not something we can fight against."

"Well, Liu he said that the Taiping Road led by Zhang Jiao, a great virtuous teacher in Jizhou, has recently shown signs of dispatching troops. In addition, if the bandits in Taiping mountain stronghold have been lobbying for a long time, they will not be able to follow the way of Taiping mountain stronghold, and they will not be able to follow the way of Taiping mountain stronghold. So Liu he came to report to me and asked the county to report to the imperial court and make a good response. "

As soon as Yang county magistrate said this, the seven or eight officials below almost fell off their seats.

"This How could that be possible? That horn is just a preacher who does something to cure the sick and save people. Even though there are many disciples and believers are widely distributed in the world, they are just ordinary people. How can they have the courage to fight against the imperial court? "

No one obviously believed, or could not believe, the news.

These people are all aristocratic family leaders in langdiao County, or local powerful people. Naturally, they have read books, and this insight still exists.

There is a Taihang mountain range between Bingzhou and Jizhou. In recent years, the development of Taiping Road has been very rapid. It has been spread all over Hebei, Youqing, Yanzhou and other states. Although there is no trace of Taiping Road in Bingzhou for the time being, all the surrounding states and counties are full of believers of Taiping Road. Once they open their horns and make a fuss in Bingzhou, they are used to sitting on the heads of the common people and make a great influence Happy people, good days will naturally come to an end, perhaps even life can not be saved.Yang county magistrate took a look at these people's expressions. He was angry in his heart and cursed "rubbish". Then he turned his eyes to his good friend, Yan Chi, who had followed him to this wolf tune county.

Although Yan Chi had no official position, he was a wise man. He had been with him for more than ten years and won his trust. All the other county officials should give him a small face.

Yan Chi looks at his old friend's eyes and knows that now he must stand up and speak.

As soon as they saw him come out, they were all quiet.

"Cough Well... " Yan Chi cleared his throat and said, "this matter is of great importance. In fact, we need not worry about it. We should report it to the governor directly and give it to him for decision."

Yang county magistrate frowned slightly when he listened to it. He didn't think about it, but he still had his own worries.

"I've thought about it for my brother, but I also know that I'm a county magistrate, and I don't have family background to support me. I don't know how many sons of aristocratic families have been staring at my position over the years. It's only because the county is not rich, and there's no fault for my brother. Even by taking advantage of Liu He's bandit fighting skills, I get the reward of the grand guard 。 If it turns out to be false after the matter is reported to the police, I'm afraid that... "

Yang county magistrate did not go on, but the meaning is very clear.

Yan Chi and he have known each other for many years. Of course, they are very clear about what their old friend is thinking. As soon as they turn their eyes, they think of a way.

"My Lord, I have a way. If what Liu he said is true, the final credit is due to the adults. If it is false, adults don't need to worry about being implicated. "

Yang county magistrate and other officials immediately came to the spirit.

"Good brother, tell me quickly!"

"It's easy, recruit!" Yan Chi said his idea.

"Recruitment? What do you mean Yang county magistrate did not know why. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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