"In the forging Manual of eighteen kinds of magic weapons, because of insufficient points, we didn't exchange the forging Atlas of sword. This time, we'll make up for the deficiency of last time."

"There is also a collection of all kinds of armor analysis and improved forging atlas" is also necessary. The more than 1000 people of the Anmin army always need armor equipment. Our martial arts are not afraid of any enemy, but we should give them more protection. As generals, we only care about ourselves, regardless of the soldiers, which also affects the morale. "

"Ah, and also, this is very important. We must have a handbook of improved varieties and cultivation of vegetables. After the popularization of vegetables, we can not only save food, but also balance nutrition and improve our taste."

At one breath, I exchanged three things and spent 490 points directly.

"Well, in an instant, I became a poor man with only 78 points. Lack of money in previous life, lack of points in this world, it is really painful ah! When can I spend points with extravagance? "

Liu he kept howling in his heart, but could not get any response from the system.

"Forget it, it's no use complaining. Looking at the moonlight and stars, tomorrow should be a good day. Let's take a day off to relax. Well I haven't been hunting for a long time. I'd like to go up the mountain and have a hunting competition tomorrow. I'll also take some game to reward so many brave soldiers. "

Since Zhang Yu was pregnant, Liu he changed training every three days to one training a day. Although everyone was very conscious and didn't complain, Liu he felt that ordinary soldiers were really hard. So he took more game and had a grand banquet to relax the family and boost their morale.

At breakfast the next day, Liu He gave his father Liu Qian the three things he had exchanged last night, and sent them to the five wolf Valley to three blacksmiths. Guan Yu and other people were invited to talk about the idea of hunting on holiday with other people, which immediately won the support of the public.

Cheng Liang exclaimed that he must also fight a wild boar back this time. He could not lose to his fifth brother Zhu Ye. Zhu Ye immediately said that he would fight a tiger. They did not give in to each other, and the atmosphere was extremely happy.

After that, Liu he asked Zhang Yu and Xu's family to gather together some village women to prepare for the evening feast. They agreed happily.

After breakfast, Liu He and other six people went to Wulang Valley, visited the next three blacksmiths and dozens of hard-working miners, and informed everyone about the dinner party.

The workers, who had been tired for a long time, cheered and cheered, and the fatigue color on their faces disappeared.

After finishing this, the sun was close to the middle of the sun. Liu He and other six people took some dry food, followed a dozen village brave followers, took weapons and set out into the mountain.

The mountain bandits who originally lived in this area often went hunting. A few years ago, the mountain bandits were captured by the Anmin army, and there were few people hunting within 200 Li. Therefore, in the past few years, there are a lot of game in the mountain forest, which is not far from the legendary level of "beating the water deer and scooping the fish".

In this mountain forest, whether it is gentle small animals or fierce wild animals, are not rare, even a few years ago, Liu He and his people did not dare to go too deep, but now it is different.

The so-called master of Arts is bold. Several people think that their martial arts have been greatly developed and their cooperation with each other is also very proficient. Even if they meet an adult tiger, they can not pay attention to it. Under this kind of psychology, the 16 people in this line of business unconsciously go to the deep mountain forest.

Liu He looked around and saw that the trees around him were much thicker and thicker than before.

According to a rough estimate, it's more than 20 Li from the location of Wulang valley. After looking at the sky, it's estimated that it will be around Shenshi according to the direction of the sun.

"Big brother, today's harvest is not small. Look at the sky, we should go back."

Guan Yu suggested.

Liu He looked at a dozen or so rural braves behind him with a lot of booty in their hands, thinking it was time to stop work.

"OK, let's go back to..." However, just half of Liu He's words, suddenly came a roar of fierce animals in the wind, which scared the village braves.

"Oh..." This roar, even Liu He six people also in the heart of a surprise.

However, after recovering from their surprise, Cheng Liang and Zhu ye are immediately in a state of elation.

"Ha ha! Finally there are beasts! I've been fighting rabbits and deer for a long time. It's boring! Listen to this voice, it must be a tiger! "

Two people fight for each other, do not give in to each other, want to do a good performance, to fight a tiger!

"Well, well, don't argue, gentlemen. Since you all want to fight, let's follow the sound and find out what to do with it until we find it. "

Now that Liu He has spoken, Cheng Liang and Zhu Ye dare not say anything more.

The ten or so rural brave men behind him were still a little afraid, but when they saw these powerful generals who were like gods coming down to earth in their eyes, the fear in their hearts disappeared and they followed up without hesitation.The group groped along the direction for more than two quarters of an hour. Although the sound was very close, there was still no sign of any beast.

"Oh! It seems that this fierce tiger is extraordinary. Our brothers have found out four or five li. Actually, we only hear the sound, but we can't see the tiger shadow. We can all hear the tiger roaring in such a far away place. It seems that this guy is not small at all

Guan Yu pondered, and his voice was slightly excited. It seems that all the fierce generals like fighting beasts.

"Hey, the bigger the better! It's a small one. I'm not enjoying it yet. "

Zhu Ye licks his lips excitedly. He wants to fly to the tiger with his wings. Then he speeds up his pace and runs forward.

"Fifth, don't rob. You've already beaten a boar. This time the tiger has to let the third brother come!"

Cheng Liang shouts Zhu ye, but he doesn't want to fall behind.

Liu He and others shook their heads helplessly and ran together.

After walking for a while, Zhang Yong's eyes were sharp and he found out what he found first. He called out to him in a low voice: "stop! Everybody stop! Watch out! It's ahead

Hearing the speech, the crowd stopped and hid behind the big trees. They fixed their eyes and looked in the direction pointed by Zhang Yong. It doesn't matter if they don't look at it. This sight directly shocked everyone and took a breath of cold air.

In front of a huge rock, 134 big gray wolves formed a half circle, and the wolf in the middle was obviously bigger.

At this time, all the wolves were grinning, and some of them were still bloodstained. The whole group was so murderous that Liu He and others could not help fighting a cold war even though they were so far away.

But this is not the most attractive to their eyes. What really attracted their eyes was the big guy surrounded by the wolves, and a very strong tiger!

The tiger is very big. It is not much worse than a buffalo. All the muscles that can be seen everywhere in the tiger show its powerful and incomparable strength. Just the majestic momentum emanating from the tiger's body frightens the wolf pack from going forward for a while.

The most important thing is that the appearance of this tiger is very different from the ordinary tiger!

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