When Wang Biao and the others heard this, they regretted it in their hearts.


Just now they were just hiding, afraid of being seen by the drought.


Whether Li Anping dies or not has nothing to do with them.

But it's different now.

Li Anping didn't die, and like a god, he pressed the drought directly to the ground and rubbed it.

And if they do this, they will lose the opportunity to get close to Li Anping.

This moment.

Not to mention how much I regret it!

That's when it happened.

Li Anping smiled slightly, and said to everyone: "What do you think now, continue to go deeper, or go home directly?"

Everyone was stunned.


That sounds like ......


Isn't ......

This is not the end of the


Zhou Yu narrowed his eyes and asked suspiciously, "Brother Li, do you mean, there is a way in this?"

"Hmm!" "

This drought, it should only be in this thing." "

The real treasure is inside.

Li Anping took a deep breath and said slowly. "But the current situation, everyone has also seen, even if you find the treasure, there is no way to transport it, so you talk about your thoughts. As

soon as these words came out.

Zhou Yu groaned directly and said, "Brother Li, I will listen to your instructions."

When Wang Biao heard this, he immediately shook his wit, and hurriedly echoed: "I...... We are too!"

Li Anping was silent for a while, and then said: "I don't know if there are other dangers in the future, if you don't want to die, it's better to stay here." "

Brother Li, don't say anything.

"Since I'm with me, it's impossible to watch you venture alone. "

Even if you go out, you have to go out together!" Zhou

Yu took a deep breath and said calmly.

Wang Biao and the others on the side also nodded, looking like they were at home.

Li Anping hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, and then warned: "Having said that, I suggest that you must listen to my arrangements at that time, otherwise if something happens, I really can't save you." "


He also has a time when he is exhausted, and he can't save others at all.


Wang Biao and others are too sinister.


Leaving these things aside, the life and death of these people has nothing to do with him.

If he really ignored these people, there was nothing they could do.


Now Li Anping doesn't want to do this.


you really control the black scarf camp, then it will be of great benefit to yourself in the future.

Think about it.

Li Anping plans to give these people a chance.



Wang Biao heard this, he hurriedly nodded and said: "Don't worry! This time, whoever dares to move his hands and feet will be the first to chop him!" As

he spoke, his face tensed up, and he looked full of righteous indignation.

Li Anping narrowed his eyes and stared at Wang Biao for a few seconds before nodding and saying, "That's okay, that's it, everyone come with me." "

After that.

Li Anping walked in the direction of the main hall.

That's right.

The entrance is in the main hall, but not somewhere else!

Wang Biao's face was happy, and he immediately hurriedly greeted everyone and walked inside.

Zhou Yu also followed directly and didn't say anything.

He expressed it directly in action.


The group re-entered the main hall and walked towards the location of the golden coffin.

At this moment.

The hall was already in tatters.

There are ruins everywhere, and it is particularly miserable.


Li Anping walked straight forward and walked in the direction of the coffin.

That's right.

This is the location.


The golden coffin over there had been blown into mud, and pieces were extremely blackened.


But the people saw it.

On that charred face, there were still traces of residual charms.

That is to say......

The reason why the drought was pressed in this golden coffin was completely dependent on such runes and the power of the coffin.


The overall look is quite remarkable.


The crowd came to the location of the golden coffin.

only to find out.

At this point, there was a staircase heading downward

! Yes,

it was a staircase!

It was so dark that there was nothing to be seen.

Wang Biao swallowed his saliva and couldn't help but ask, "Sir, is this...... Are we going down down here? In other words, this is the real entrance?"

"This is the entrance.

"Remember, no matter what you see, you are not allowed to touch it, just follow me closely!" Li

Anping glanced at Wang Biao and the others, emphasizing again.

Wang Biao and the others nodded again and again, where did they dare to say a word?

Li Anping stopped talking nonsense and walked directly down the stairs.

It's just that.

As soon as you step in, you will feel a chill that sweeps from the bottom of the steps, and goosebumps begin to appear on the surface of your body.

Li Anping took a deep breath and suppressed this weird feeling.

And then.

Little by little, walk downward.

Seeing this, Zhou Yu followed directly to Wang Biao and others.

As he went deeper, the surrounding surge became more and more narrow, but Li Anping continued to go deeper.

In fact, he already understood the layout and structure of this place.

This huge object standing in the middle of the abyss actually acts as a staircase, allowing people to go to the bottom of the abyss!

As for the charm on the door, it is not for the purpose of warding evil spirits, but for ......

That's right.

It's something that is arranged for the unsealing of the drought.

Only when the lockdown is lifted will the drought fish wake up, and the ghost bee will only be a victim.


Li Anping really couldn't figure it out.

Who set up such a strange situation, and

what is it for?

It's just to hide some treasure?

Obviously, it's not that simple.

After all.

Whether it's a drought, a ghost bee, or a ghost coffin maze outside, it's all carefully arranged.

Most importantly.

The picture scroll that Li Anfang just got ......

What is the origin of the case

? Why was he able to repair his injuries and transform the Thousand Machines Umbrella?

Li Anping had already checked it.

Today's Thousand Blades had already jumped several levels, and it was even more magical than the highest level of Thousand Machines Umbrella he could buy in the Exchange Area now.


Li Anping was puzzled.


When he asked the system, the system didn't have any answer, just answered Li Anping with "I don't know".

This moment.

Everything is like a mystery, which makes people feel strange and uneasy.

Li Anping fell into a solemnity.

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