
Li Anping was dazed for a second, and then his scalp was numb.

When is it

? This Daddy Kim is releasing a task at such a juncture?

How can people refuse?

But the problem is that although he learned Ling Bo Weibu, his force value has increased a lot.


But he is not skilled at all, so he can't just rush out to find death like a second ha, right?

Li Anping wiped the rain from his face, and his heart became restless.

But that's just the hesitation.

The crisis was tossing and turning, and I saw that Li Sheng was about to stop cooking.

At this moment, this reckless man has been suppressed by several big knives, and he has no power to parry.

Once the strength is exhausted, he will inevitably be hacked

to death with a knife! The crisis is imminent!


!" "Dong Zhuo, I can be stoned to death, am I afraid of a few killers?"


Li Anping was in a hurry, and angrily stepped on Ling Bo's micro steps, kicked each other with his feet, and rushed up with the momentum, and the thousand machine umbrellas in his hands were even more spread out in the void.

And this movement, the Cai family killer was naturally immediately aware of it.

They were startled and quickly turned their heads to look behind them.

But see.

A young man rose up like a crane in the clouds and swept towards them!

It's a person with excellent martial arts!

" This son has an internal response and is a master, everyone be careful!"

The killer was shocked and hurriedly shouted angrily.

And then.

Picking up the swords in their hands one by one, they no longer cared whether Li Sheng was alive or dead in the rear, and immediately swung towards the void and towards the figures they fell.


That's when it happened.

"Thousands of moves!"

Li Anping burst into the void, and the thousand machine umbrella in his hand suddenly turned up.

The next second.

"Whoosh!" "

Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh


Pieces of umbrellas like swords pierced the rain curtain from the sky and attacked the Cai family killer.

That scene was simply overwhelming

! That scene can be described as thrilling!

"Despicable and shameless!" The

Cai family killer's face changed greatly, and he scolded angrily, then waved the sword in his hand, wanting to shake those umbrellas away.


Li Sheng behind him resisted angrily, and the long knife in his hand swept across the back of these killers.

Hearing a "snort", a wound was torn open on the backs of the killers by long knives, and blood spurted out like a spring.

The killer of the Cai family was in pain, and the movements in his hands stopped.

The next second.

He was pierced by the endless umbrella and fell in a pool of blood.

Even the horses around them suffered without exception.


Li Anping landed on the ground, and there was only one rod left in the bare Qianji umbrella in his hand, which was quite suitable for playing golf.


With a flick of his wrist.

The umbrellas that were originally scattered in the four fields immediately trembled slightly, and they rose from the potholed earth and returned to the Qianji umbrella.

Diao Chan also ran out of the grass at this moment and came to Li Anping.

But see.

Li Anping's face turned a little white, and he suddenly asked nervously: "Li Gongzi, are you okay?" Li Anping

gently stroked the umbrella of the Qianji umbrella, as if he was caressing himself, making his face a little better.


The owner of this skin has also killed a lot of people, and even has violent tendencies, and most importantly, not long ago, he stoned Dong Zhuo's old thief to death because of an accident.


Li Anping still can't stand it.

But fortunately, with the lessons of the past, he quickly calmed down, and then squeezed out a smile at Diao Chan, signaling that she was okay.


![Mission Completed: Save Li Sheng, Get 3000 Destiny Points!]

The system prompt sounded suddenly, which made Li Anping feel better.

Completing the task is not in vain!


he also suddenly figured it out.

In the turbulent times, if you want to survive, you can only adapt.


In the future, we will have to face things like today, and there will only be more, not less!

"Bang!" Li

Sheng opened his mouth, the long knife in his hand fell to the ground suddenly, and his body fell down.

Seeing this, Li Anping hurriedly stepped forward and helped him up.

The results ......


guy has several hideous wounds on his abdomen, and his intestines are faintly visible.

It should have been injured by the Cai family's killer during the brawl, and because he didn't have time to rescue, he bled too much, which led to his life.

This made the corners of Li Anping's mouth twitch constantly.

What kind of thing is this

? He tried his best to save people, but he ended up saving a dead man?

That task was fortunately completed, otherwise Li Anping would have been uneasy.


"Li Gongzi, this person seems to be dead......"

Diao Chan also squatted beside him, frowned slightly, and said softly.

Li Anping nodded, shook his head and said, "Dig a pit and bury him, and then we'll hurry." "


Diao Chan's beautiful eyes flowed and nodded slightly.

And Li Anping stepped forward and carried Li Sheng's body.


A piece of paper fell from the other's arms.

Fortunately, Li Anping's eyes were quick, he lifted it with his feet and grabbed it with one hand.

And then.

When I turned it over, I saw two words, but I couldn't understand it.


Li Anping sighed with emotion, then stuffed this letter into his arms, found a place with Diao Chan, and buried Li Sheng.

This is also the end of benevolence, right?

Although he didn't save the adult, he had a whole corpse.

"This world is too chaotic, and after Dong Zhuo took power, the people were not happy.

"If you want to live a peaceful life, it's a luxury.

Diao Chan wiped her wet bun and muttered softly.

For what happened to Li Sheng, she also thought about her fate.

Li Anping looked at Li Sheng's tombless tomb, sighed, shook his head and said: "It's really a special mess, why was this kid ......?"

He suddenly thought of the words of the Cai family's killer before, and then remembered that this Li Sheng had nothing valuable on him except for a few pennies.

All right.

In order to hurry later, he searched Li Sheng's things and the things on those killers.

Of course.

That's not the point!

Why did these killers insist on killing such a poor young man?

His eyes narrowed, he thought of the letter, and then reached into his bosom and pulled it out.

Followed by.

He just opened it and took a look.


I couldn't read a word again, and those words were like earthworms, which made Li Anping feel a big headache!

That's when it happened.

Seeing this, Diao Chan looked for it, and then he was shocked, and said dumbly: "This is a marriage letter

?" "Marriage book?"

Li Anping was slightly stunned, and immediately handed it to Diao Chan and asked. "You know how to read, help me explain?"

Diao Chan took the marriage book and read it roughly, only then did she frown slightly and whispered. "This person's ancestors saved the Cai family in Chenliu County in the early years, and the Cai family left this marriage book, so that after he became an adult, he went to Chang'an to complete his daughter's marriage with him, but there was no name written on it, only a seal, which is a bit strange.


?" "The Cai family in Chenliu County?"

Li Anping's eyes flashed slightly.

If he's not mistaken.

Isn't the Cai family in Chenliu County the family of Cai Wenji

? Could it be that this kid is Wei Zhongdao?

No, no, no, ......

This kid is obviously called Li Sheng

! Damn!

What the hell is going on? The history of the Three Kingdoms period is all out of order?

Li Anping was one head and two big on the spot.


That's when it happened.

[System task released

!] [Go to the Hou Mansion of Gaoyang Township, Chang'an, set a marriage with Cai Yan with a marriage book, reward 1W Mandate of Heaven points, and reward a number of all-attribute points

!] [Take Diao Chan to the palace, receive merit from Wang Yun, reward 5000 Mandate of Heaven points, and reward politics +10!] [

Free action, no reward!].

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