Three Kingdoms: The Feudal Alliance, I was Exposed by the Holy List

Chapter 199 Dong Zhuo sacrifices to the sky, the opportunity has come!


Hearing this, Cao Yu smiled faintly in his heart.

He knew that Liu Bowen's mind must be exactly the same as his.

Wang Yun was really loyal to the Han court.

Even in a certain respect, he was more loyal to the court than Xun's uncle and nephew.

Xun's two, when they had to, he would jump out of the court to make himself detached.

But Wang Yun did not.

It's not that he didn't have a chance, but he gave up on his own. Instead, he had to stay immersed in the water that was disturbed by Dong Zhuo in the imperial court, and never tire of it.

Perhaps, he has also sunk because of this, and he will also feel tired.

But he persevered!

This kind of person deserves respect!

But for Cao Yu, it may also be trouble in the future!

"Good. 39

Nodding slightly, Cao Yu agreed with him: "Bowen, you are right, then this matter will be done as you said "three five zeros".

"Do you know how to arrange it?"

Liu Bowen smiled: "My lord, I fully understand what you mean, and there will be a very good explanation for Miss Diaochan.

"But it depends on the Jinyi guards, whether they work hard enough.

Are you asking for money?

Cao Yu suddenly laughed.

Because since arriving at Chenliu, the management of Jin Yiwei has fallen to Liu Bowen.

At the beginning, Cao Yu was worried that he would have some difficulty, but who knew that this Liu Ji would usually not want this or that.

No power whatsoever!

It's just that as soon as this Jinyiwei fell into his hands, he seemed to be a different person at that time, and everything was easy for him.

After a long time, Jin Yiwei completely obeyed him.

"How much do you want?"

Cao Yu was very direct, and Liu Bowen didn't pretend to be fake, just forgot it and said: "If possible, I would like to get a golden one.

A dendrobium is a unit of measurement, and it is not too little.

Or a lot at all!

Too much!

It's just that Cao Yu didn't even think about it, so he nodded and agreed.

He would never feel bad about throwing money at the army, and he would give as much as he wanted.

Inside Chang'an City!

Tomorrow is the day when Dong Zhuo sacrifices to the sky, and Lu Bu is still preparing. Because he has obtained the Li Ru token, he plans to make more arrangements.

After careful consideration, and after consulting with Zang Ba.

Lu Bu finally decided to deploy 100 of his personal guards in the field of sacrifice to the sky.

These are all selected by him from thousands of troops, and it is definitely not empty words to fight one against ten.

In addition, Zang Ba will also connect with Gao Shun, lead the existing two thousand soldiers from the trapped camp, and deploy them in every corner of Chang'an City, closely monitoring any Dong Zhuo army except them.

No matter who it is, if there is a slight change, it must respond immediately.

This time, Zang Ba is really attentive.

And Lu Bu will not let him down.

Sleepless night, tomorrow morning!

Chang'an under the morning light really has a different kind of beauty.

And I don't know what happened today. Under the light of the morning sun, Chang'an City has a more peaceful atmosphere.

Could it be that this is the last peace before the storm?

Lu Bu didn't know, and he didn't want to know either.

An hour later is the time for the old thief to set off. He must take a step first, and then go to the shrine to wait for Dong Zhuo's arrival!

The golden drums are ringing!

Leopard tail gun soaring into the sky!

With the opening of the gate of the palace, the people in Chang'an City knelt down on the side of the road one after another.

Amid the congratulations from the crowd, Dong Zhuo rode out slowly in the chariot.

At this moment, he was the only one in his car.

Bai Xi is still in the palace, she can't leave, now is the critical time, she must hear Dong Zhuo's dead letter with her own ears before she can make any plans.

while driving.

Dong Zhuo looked down at the people kneeling on the left and right, and his heart was filled with pride.

This is what a man should have, no matter how beautiful Bai Xi likes us.

Just this scene, I don't know how many people have never dared to dream of it all their lives.

Dong Zhuo is really proud.

"People, then listen carefully. 35

"Our family went out this time to pray for you.

"National Peace and Peace!"

Everyone can say anything at the scene, and Dong Zhuo is the same. Under his encouragement, the people are even more "cheered".

Because they don't know what the consequences will be after showing a little bit of dissatisfaction.

Although there is no precedent, they do have a reference.

It's the guy behind the crowd just now.

Just because when he was shouting long live, his voice was not loud enough, and he was immediately greeted with punches and kicks from the guards.

Others suggested that his limbs should be cut off.

But what happened to the young man, no one knows..0

Just after he got a good beating, he was dragged away.

No trace!

With such a terrifying scene happening right in front of us, who would dare not listen to me?

So Dong Zhuo went all the way to the top, and all he heard were congratulatory speeches like mountains and tsunamis, which were much better than the words he had ever heard.

Dong Zhuo was very satisfied.

He doesn't care if it's true or not, as long as it sounds good!

Nothing else matters!

The platform of sacrifice!

Because this time Dong Zhuo came to sacrifice to the sky in place of the emperor, he was very powerful, and everything was arranged and deployed according to the emperor's etiquette.

At this moment, the civil and military officials are divided into left and right columns, arranged from top to bottom according to the size of the official position.

The sacrifice platform is a high platform.

The higher the official position, the higher the standing.

Dong Zhuo stepped down from the frame, Li Jue and Guo Si were on the left and right beside Majestic and were guarding.

Today, the two generals are also well-armored and powerful.

"I'm waiting to meet the Grand Master!"

As Dong Zhuo got off the bus, the civil and military officials began to pay homage.

Dong Zhuo is quite useful.

"Hahaha, everyone, get up, get up!

"Our family is here to worship heaven."

While speaking, he had already stepped on the altar.

But as he moved forward, the more he panicked.

Dong Zhuo didn't know what the reason was. When he was in Luoyang before, he also sacrificed for the emperor for 3.6 days, but he never felt that way.

Could it be that he has been playing a little too much with Bai Xi these days?

Must be!

Dong Zhuo would find a reason for himself to settle down, and he stepped onto the altar step by step.

According to Jitian's request, even though Li Jue and Guo Si were his guards, the two of them had to stop on a stage before reaching the summit.

Dong Zhuo came to the stage by himself

Staring at the huge bronze square tripod that was burning with raging fire, Dong Zhuo's heart was agitated.

Wang Yun is the Situ, the third prince of the imperial court, and the great sacrifice to the heaven this time, so he came forward at this moment.

Dong Zhuo looked at him and smiled a little. If it were based on his seniority, Wang Yun was half his father-in-law now.

That's why Dong Zhuo smiled so kindly at this moment: "Wang Situ, read the sacrificial text to our family!

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