Three Kingdoms: The Feudal Alliance, I was Exposed by the Holy List

Chapter 213 1 of the Worst Emperors: Emperor Xian Liu Xie

In the camp!

When Cao Yu walked out of the barracks, he happened to meet Cao Cao.


Leaning slightly, Cao Yu asked, "What is your father doing?"

Cao Cao sighed: "I just came back from the emperor's place, and now he doesn't trust you and my father and son.

"I always say, I want to go back to Chang'an."

"Changan? 95

Cao Yu smiled disdainfully: "Father, it seems that he hasn't figured it out yet, the current situation, the land of Chang'an, has completely bid farewell to him.

Why doesn't Cao Cao know?

It's just that he can't say it.

At least can't tell the emperor so directly?

But he looked at Cao Yu,− as if he meant it.

"Yu'er, don't you really think so?"

Cao Yu smiled: "Why can't my father tell him directly?"

"It's not good to keep it a secret from him, it's better for him to know sooner than to collapse afterwards.

"Well, you go back to rest first, and I'll try to see if I can talk to him. 35

Speaking of which, what else can Cao Cao do?

"Okay, Yu'er, you go.

Saying goodbye to his father, Cao Yu strode to the barracks where the emperor was.

Looking at his back, Cao Cao's mood was very complicated.

He still felt that he was useless as a father.

If it is useful, it is not necessary to ask my son to help.

The emperor's tent was right next to Cao Cao's army, and the surrounding guards were all arranged by Cao Yu.

The same goes for the queen.

Cao Yu must ensure their safety, which not only includes the attack of outsiders, but also the self-harm they may do themselves.

Whatever it is, Cao Yu will not allow it to happen.

So he asked Luo Cheng, the cold-faced king, to stay outside the emperor's tent, and Huang Zhong was in charge of the queen's side.

At the same time, outside the two camps, Cao Yu also installed Jin Yiwei guards to "protect" continuously for twelve hours.

"I have seen my lord!

Luo Cheng was standing guard outside the camp with a silver gun, and when he saw Cao Yu, he immediately fell down.

"stand up."

With a slight smile, Cao Yu said, "How about it, is the emperor still normal?

Luo Cheng nodded: "My lord, everything is normal, except when he eats, he has no appetite."5

This point, Cao Yu understands very well, after all, he probably knows that he has become a prisoner.

"If you work hard for a few days, we'll be arriving at Chenliu soon."

Luo Cheng clenched his fists and bowed: "Don't worry, lord, you won't be tired at the end.

"it is good.

Without further words, Cao Yu stepped into the barracks.

Liu Xie was leaning on the animal skin in a daze at the moment.

"See Your Majesty.


After a pause, Liu Xie hurriedly got up: "It turned out to be Young Master Cao."

"Your Majesty is polite.

Cao Yu came to him slowly: "How, has your Majesty rested well these days? 35

"Not good. 39

Liu Xie shook his head slightly, now he misses both his home and his daughter-in-law, and he has to worry about the future. How can he rest well?

Cao Yu knew his thoughts.

"Your Majesty, whether it's Chang'an or Luoyang, it's just yesterday, even if you miss it, you can't go back.

"This time, it is equivalent to the second time to move the capital, your Majesty can rest assured.

"As long as my father and son are here, I will never let you have an accident."

"As for the Empress, Your Majesty should wait until Chen Liu before we meet again."

With a few words, Cao Yu put everything to death for him.

Liu Xie couldn't help feeling lonely for a while, like a walking corpse.

He had no illusions at all, and knew that he had just passed from Dong Zhuo to another "Dong Zhuo".

"Young Master Cao, thank you very much."

Cao Yu smiled indifferently, the emperor did not say much, which means that he has accepted the status quo.

Next is the second question, about Cao Cao's appointment.

"His Majesty.

After a short pause, Cao Yu stared at him half-smiling.

"On this trip, my father and son went from Chen Liuyuan to Chang'an to rescue the driver. Not to mention the hard work and merit, it should also be regarded as a pommel horse, right?

Liu Xie nodded stiffly, and wanted to say something, just point it out.

"My Han court has clearly defined rewards and punishments for merits and demerits since ancient times, and it has been passed down to this point."35

"Your Majesty, do you understand? 35

Liu Xie wants to cry now!


This is exactly the same as what Dong Zhuo said before, even more gloomy than what Dong Zhuo said.

This emperor is really indescribable.

Liu Xie sighed his fate in his heart, but said on his mouth: "Young Master Cao, I know what you mean by saying this, but what else do I have to reward you now?

"Just alone.

Cao Yu shook his head slightly: "Not really, His Majesty still has the power.

"The Great Han River and Mountains are still in your hands, the Ninety-Five Supreme, who controls the world, how can you say that you are alone?

··0 Flowers·


Liu Xie secretly probed, knowing that he was always asking for an official position.

All right, all for you.

"What the son said is that I ignored it."

"Cao Cao, the cavalry school commander, has done a great job in saving the driver, so he should be promoted to the captain of the guard to protect the palace guards.

"What do you think, son?"

After Liu Xie finished speaking, he looked carefully at Cao Yu, for fear that he would be a little unhappy.

However, Cao Yu was quite satisfied with the position of Weiwei.

Anyway, it is a transition, and the post of Weiwei, who is in charge of guarding the palace, can be considered appropriate at this moment.

"it is good.

After thinking for a while, Cao Yu bowed to Liu Xielue: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Cao Cao thus obtained the status of Weiwei. Although he was not very high, he was better than his previous Xiaoqi captain.


The army was still going on, and in a blink of an eye, a few days passed, and they finally returned to Chenliu!

Chen Liu outside the city.

Zhang Miao is leading the civil and military officials of the prefectural government to welcome the emperor here.

Drums blared loudly, and colorful flags flashed.

Under the dazzling light and shadow, Cao Cao and his party approached.

Zhang Miao received Cao Cao's letter in advance, so he was able to prepare so well.

"My minister Zhang Miao, led Chen to stay in civil and military affairs, and greeted His Majesty's holy chariot.

"Long live my emperor, long live!"

At this moment, Zhang Miao led the civil and military officials to worship, very pious.

And Liu Xie, who was sitting in the car, was heartbroken when he heard this sentence.

Is he also a king?

It's just a fake name!

At this moment, Liu Xie felt like a doll in someone else's hand, letting others pinch it.

But he had no choice.

"His Majesty.

At this moment, Cao Yu suddenly came to the side of the car and said softly: "You should get all the ministers to get up, and then we will enter Chenliu.

"This has prepared the imperial palace for you. Although it is not as grand as Chang'an and Luoyang, it can also make your stay comfortable.

"And I promise, it's only temporary."

For the future, Cao Yu had already thought about it.

It's just that it's not right to say it yet.

Liu Xie didn't dare to go against his words, he sat in the car and said something flat, and then he didn't say any more.

After Cao Cao heard this, he didn't respond. He raised his whip forward and led the team directly into Chen Liu! The emperor, at this moment, has become a power play in the hands of their father and son.

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