Three Kingdoms: The Feudal Alliance, I was Exposed by the Holy List

Chapter 215 No 1 dares to point out the identity of Cao Yu

Exposing his identity, Cao Yu thought about it for a day, after all, according to the current situation, it is impossible to keep concealing it.

Besides Yuan Shao, Cao Yu couldn't calculate how many other princes had guessed his true identity.

Everyone is not stupid, who is indifferent to what has happened?


Knowing, but not breaking it, they are now trying to maintain a balance as much as possible.

Those who take the lead in breaking the balance are bound to suffer a drastic change.

"Berwin. 35

After dropping the teacup, Cao Yu leaned back, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "For the time being, there is no need to worry about the capture of Xu County.

"After I explain it to my father, I'll just do the calculations."

"What I am most worried about at the moment is the attitude of all parties after welcoming the emperor back.

Cao Yu is right, since the last time this group of people will not join forces and merge, so it is impossible to attack Cao with a large number of troops.

But if there are really a few who are not afraid of dying and come to make trouble, it is also a bad thing.

Among them, Cao Yu was most worried about Liu Bei.

That's a very restless guy.

This has been the case in 20 years of history, and Cao Yu has seen it with his own eyes.

"Lord. 55

After a pause, Liu Bowen lowered his body very low: "Actually, the attitudes of all parties are not important."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the attitude of the princes from all sides is just a group of dogs screaming at the moon, and they won't dare to do anything until he dies."

"But if we want to reduce the trouble, we can also make a plan first.

Cao Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at him sideways: "Bowen, so you have a good idea?

In fact, Cao Yu has some plans in his heart, but he doesn't want to say it yet.

Liu Bowen didn't hesitate and spoke bluntly.

"That's it, this minister thinks that since the emperor has settled in Chenliu now, I might as well ask your majesty to issue an imperial decree asking all the princes in the world to dress lightly and come to worship.

"At that time, no one will dare to come here. At that time, the lord can send a letter to the princes and heroes. If they are not present, they can send a letter to congratulate your majesty. In this way, the emperor will stay in Chenliu, and then is a legal thing.

"The above table of the princes is your weapon to suppress them.

Liu Bowen's move was said to have gone to Cao Yu's heart.

He thought so too.

Lightly dressed and simply walking, is to ask the princes to come alone.

Whoever dares to lead an army is violating the imperial edict. Cao Yu can act decisively and lead an army to attack.

Secondly, the so-called listing is equivalent to forcing the princes in disguise to admit the legitimacy of the emperor's presence in Chenliu. Since the listing is an admission, if there is trouble because of this, first of all, if the world fails to talk about it, they will also let them slap their own face. .

The princes all want face, and a slight loss of face will shake the foundation of their establishment.

In addition, if there are people who are not up to the table, it is still the old way, Cao Yu can take advantage of the situation to label them as traitors, and then send troops to attack.

And in the same way, as long as Cao Yu makes his move, there will definitely be other princes who will raise troops for their own purposes, even if they want to occupy more territory, they will do the same.

So absolutely no one dares to do that!

Liu Bowen had a clever plan, exactly as Cao Yu thought.

This is the best strategy right now, bar none.

Cao Yu couldn't stop nodding, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Berwin your plan is good. 99

"I'm just afraid that even the lord has thought of this.

Liu Bowen said this very frankly: "If the lord really has no countermeasures, I am afraid that you will not ask your servants.

This is a bit of a jerk.

Cao Yu pointed at him with a smile: "Well, I admit, I think so too.

Speaking of this, Cao Yu paused: "But other than that, I have another plan. 55


Hearing this, Liu Bowen asked curiously, "What is the other plan of the lord?"

Cao Yu smiled even more, and gently rolled up his cuffs: "I also plan to directly ask the emperor to issue an imperial decree to Kong Shen, the prefect of Yuzhou, to encircle Xuxian, and to give Li Min an imperial decree to let him leave the city. Welcome to the Emperor.""

"If he agrees, I will wait for the soldiers to enter the city gate without bloodshed."

"If it refuses, I will be just as you said, and I will send troops to conquer!"

Having said that, the heavy smile on Cao Yu's face became a little more serene.

"This time, I just want to see how many people in the world are willing to contribute to the imperial court.

Liu Bowen nodded his head, also to see how many people would go against your will.

Cao Yu thought for a while and made arrangements for other things.

"My big marriage and identity, I think, will be placed after the imperial edict. 35

"I need to know the attitude of people in the world to decide every step in the future.

"But before that. 55

After a pause, the senility on Cao Yu's face all leaked out, and he turned to a happy look.

"I think it's better to send someone to Zhongshan and go to Zhen's house to pick up a relative.

"At least at my wedding, there must be a few family members present."

Liu Bowen understood that Cao Yu had to have an inner face and make everything a reality.

"In this way, the minister thought that Fang Xuanling could shoulder this responsibility.

Cao Yu nodded.

"Let Fang Xuanling work hard, but let Dian Wei accompany him. 35

"He needs to be escorted along the way, and the Zhongshan Zhen family should also let them have some understanding of me.""

Liu Bowen bowed his body, he understood everything.

"Don't worry, my lord, this minister will make arrangements later.

"it is good.

Cao Yu stood up and moved his muscles.

"Then the two of us will bloom."

"You go to 410 to arrange these things, and you can advertise the emperor's removal to Chen Liuzhi.""

"I'll bring Cunxiao with me and ask him to accompany me to the palace for a walk. I'll go talk to His Majesty the Emperor, the imperial decree, and ask him to come out."

Before he finished speaking, Cao Yu took out the jade seal.

"This thing is unknown, I will return it to the little emperor later. 99

Cao Yu is about to bloom with Liu Bowen this time, but before he goes to see the emperor, there is one more thing to do.

It is to make his own ideas clear to Cao Cao.

When he told Cao Cao everything, he got an affirmative answer and firm support.

"Yu'er, do everything according to your wishes.

At this moment, Cao Cao twisted his long beard: "No matter what you do, your father will support you."


Suddenly, Cao Cao became a little lonely: "Uncle Xiao, your son, has met Xun Yu and Xun You, the uncles and nephews, and it also shows our intentions.

"But Xun Yu doesn't seem to be willing to agree to our invitation.

"As a result, some things may not be easy to handle."

Xun Yu would not agree?

Cao Yu knew about this matter faster than becoming a father, but he didn't care.

Because the invitation this time is just for a front stand, the one who can really bring Xun Yu to Cao Cao's camp is the emperor!

"Father, don't worry, the child does have plans for this matter. 39

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