That being the case, he had better think about it himself! In the blink of an eye, both of them had left the place with their hands behind their backs.

Watching the two brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei leave Liu Bei like this, his heart is still very complicated. He knows that he is like this, and he is only talking about soldiers on paper.

If there is one person between the two of them who can help, then he will already be happy, but he also knows that this kind of thing is unrealistic.

The taste of heartache and suffocation came to my face again and again.

"Are you sure you want to be right with me like this, have you forgotten all the vows we said before?"

Suddenly, Liu Bei inexplicably asked such a bizarre remark, and the pace 510 under their feet suddenly stopped at that place, and at the same time, they looked at the guy behind him with a speechless expression.

"We have come over and over again to dissuade you, but you don't listen, so what can we do? I can only say that you are a very interesting person, but you seem to be coming over at any time to beat us up.

That being the case, they don't want to waste their great youth and years here. It is better to train the army and do some meaningful things when they have this time.

The general idea is like this, they no longer want to talk nonsense so much, so they are very determined to leave, this is a heart-wrenching place.

Unexpectedly, when they turned their heads, they would be severely reprimanded. They were helpless and had a headache.

Now, all that needs to be done has been done, and some people still naively think that they can solve all problems.

For such a person, they can only say that they silently shut their mouths, and try not to say anything else, otherwise this person may rush over at any time and clean up you.

When Liu Bei heard such a heart-wrenching remark, he closed his eyes in pain, and then just looked at the people beside him, leaving him one by one.

Of course he is (cadg) unwilling to accept this fact, but the reality is like this.

First of all, when he heard that Cao Yu's side had begun to set up camp and even made a sure-fire plan, he began to panic again. He naively thought that Cao Yu was nothing more than that.

I didn't expect the slap in the face to come so suddenly, or how to say don't be too confident in yourself, now is a good example.

If you say you don't regret it, of course it's a lie, and now the intestines are already to the extent of regret, but so what?

When he took this step firmly, he should have thought about what kind of consequences would happen, even if so many things happened now.

He can still hold the attitude that he should have unswervingly, but now, he feels that he may not be so confident?

First of all, there is no way out for his army, so what can we do? So he silently packed up his things.

Looking at the map scattered on the ground, he didn't know what his brain was doing at that time? He did such a stupid thing when his brain was hot.

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