This may be the feeling that Cao Yu wants. His thoughts have always been so simple, and his attitude is to first completely break their defenses little by little, and finally wipe them out.

He has been listening to the news outside these days, and when he knew that Liu Bei had done some particularly vicious things, he felt scornful.

"It's true that someone like him would make such a move, but it doesn't matter, this kind of thing doesn't matter, it's not something we can decide.35

"Based on what I know about Liu Bei, the old fox, he probably wanted to use this method to show off his power to the people, and at the same time, it was also to facilitate some aspects of his future, but 570 everything went well.

Although this is what he said, isn't Liu Bei's method equivalent to conspiracy to usurp the throne? It is estimated that he really has that kind of idea in his brain.

He can't say that he used this method to forcefully use various methods on the people. The final result will always be the same, maybe there is a feeling of overlord bowing, and those people will never give in.

Of course, when they heard Cao Yu's remarks, they couldn't help but show an incredible (cadg) expression. In fact, they wanted to ask a question at the time, that is, did Cao Yu do the same thing before? move out.

So how could he be so embarrassed to say it in such a way? Their princes all looked like they were laughing and not saying a word, and they didn't want to talk too much for a long time.

This kind of thing is not something they can decide. Sometimes they still keep their mouths shut. This kind of thing is better than anything else.

It is not so easy to seek power and usurp the throne. In this process, you will encounter many people's instructions. If you get to the back, the consequences will be very serious.

After thinking about it, they didn't dare to think about it anymore. This kind of thing is not something they can decide, so they feel helpless when they think about it.

First of all, if they have the strength to do such a thing, they may be a little more courageous, and it is incredible to think about it.

Maybe this guy Liu Bei is more daring, and he intends to lead these troops into a fierce confrontation in the next time, but when he encounters this problem, he begins to encounter a bottleneck again.

The black-faced man on the spot couldn't be darker, so he just sat there silently.

The light released from that gaze was also extremely terrifying, and the others around them were completely afraid to say a word.

Mainly because they felt very embarrassed, especially in such a situation, they all held their breath subconsciously, for fear that any problems would arise at that time, but at this time there is nothing they can do if they don't say anything.

So these people start to feel indecisive for a while when you are hesitant.

"We don't have anything to say, and everything follows the orders. If we can, we will do our best to solve all this problem as much as possible, but at present, the situation seems to be a little tense.

So thinking of this, they also began to hesitate a bit.

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