Directly to the hearts of the people caused a very big blow.

They all stared at the scene in front of them in stunned eyes. That face had already turned pale and pale. If he could, he would already have the feeling of swearing. Of course, these people are crazy and are constantly struggling. on.

"You people who have always liked to oppress us, is this kind of thing particularly open to you? Because you have a sense of accomplishment in your heart.

"I knew it. Could it be that if we die one day? You feel very at ease in your hearts, but you have been carrying so many lives on your shoulders, you have a little conscience in your heart, won't it hurt?

They really couldn't bear it anymore. He shouted this sentence out. If it was before, they might have just turned a blind eye to the past.

It's really unbearable, because this Liu Bei is a very warm-hearted person in everyone's heart, but you don't know what kind of operation he will make in the next second, anyway, you have to regret it more. Much regret.

In fact, I didn't say any special regret, because this kind of thing is also a matter of time for them, and they will make such a move one day sooner or later.

It is impossible to say that seeing their own life in danger and being threatened to a certain extent, they can pretend that they don't care about anything and that they are very comfortable. They really can't stand that kind of thing.

It's not even possible to do it at all, so thinking about it makes them start to look a little distorted.

Because of their personality, they are the more unrestrained and free, so basically they hold the power in their hands, and then all of them are put to death.

They've been struggling there all the time, but in a sense it's just to no avail!

"What are we going to do with these people next?

They asked what was in their hearts the most.

In fact, seeing these ordinary people, they really feel special pain.

Because from them, they think of themselves, and maybe they will experience the same thing in the future. So it was there that the influence couldn't help but started to cry, these ordinary people are so pitiful..0

When faced with such a situation, they simply have no ability to resist, not even the possibility of struggling.

"Actually, I don't think we need to feel sad about this kind of thing. Because when you made such a move, you should have been fully prepared in your heart. 39

"Because there may be life-threatening situations at any time, it seems that you still don't care about this issue. Now you are starting to regret it, right?"

They were already very heartbroken, not to mention that when they heard this sentence, the face at that time started to become a little ugly.

Even the 3.6 kinds of feeling that their entire faces are pale and pale, in fact, to put it bluntly, they feel that this kind of thing is a problem sooner or later, but they will still do it.

Because they don't want to be that kind of ordinary people who are being slaughtered, if they can, they still hope to struggle.

"Although some words are indeed said, we will not admit defeat."

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