Three Kingdoms: The Feudal Alliance, I was Exposed by the Holy List

Chapter 42: Luo Cheng's Battle Against Huaxiong (4 More Flowers)

Even though Xiliang Xiaoqi's amplitude was only increased by 10%, 10% was enough for Hua Xiongle for half a day.

"God help me too!"

"God help me too!"

Hua Xiong held a glass of wine and laughed.

"Everyone has seen it, just now the reward of Heavenly Dao, I, Xiliang Xiaoqi, was heroic, and now I am rewarded by Heavenly Dao, it is even more violent."

"Xu Rong."


Xu Rong couldn't bear to look at his feigned madness, but he still responded, there was no way to kill him at the first level of the magistrate.

Hua Xiong stared at him disdainfully and raised the volume deliberately.

"You have heard it just now. The rewards of heaven are like this. If I don't check the team, it will be against the will of heaven!"

"The best way to check, of course, is to put actual combat first. This time, you shouldn't have anything to say, right?"


Hua Xiong's appearance at the moment, it can be said that he tried his best to show ridicule and disdain.

Xu Rong felt resentment in his heart and didn't say anything more.

Since you are courting death yourself, what does it have to do with others!

But in this way, Hua Xiong insisted on fighting, and his persuasion was unsuccessful, then Hulao was closed, and changes were bound to be made.


With this in mind, Xu Rong has already sat down and decided.

He wants to repair a book and send it to Li Ru to know the situation here. Of course, this is not only a report, but also his promotion certificate for Xu Rong.

He figured it out, as long as he sent this letter, when Hua Xiong died, the position of the general of the Hulao Pass would belong to him!


It was night, the coalition garrison, where Cao Yu was.

Inside the tent, the lights were dim at the moment.

This time, the main generals who came along with Cao Yu are all there.

Li Cunxiao, Ran Min, Dian Wei, and Luo Cheng were sitting in two rows, with Cao Yu in the middle, and Liu Bowen, the man in green shirt, standing respectfully behind him.

At this moment, Cao Yu rarely showed an extremely serious look in front of them.

Therefore, everyone did not dare to say much, and were all waiting for his orders.

The bonfire crackled, and after a long pause, Cao Yu suddenly said in a low voice, "You have all seen today's Heavenly Dao list."

"Sure enough, it still has my name on it."

"Do you know what that means?"

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and no one speaks.

In the end, he was still thin, but the king of Wu Miao, Ranmin, who was very intimidating just at a glance, spoke slowly.

His pair of eyebrows, against the firelight, seemed to be burning.

"My lord, could it be that your name can't be hidden anymore?"

Cao Yu glanced at him, nodded slightly, and shook his head again.


Ran Min, courtesy name Yongzeng, nicknamed Jinu, was a native of Huang County in Wei County, and the founding emperor of Ran Wei.

His first name was Shi Min, and he was the adopted grandson of the later Zhao emperor Shi Hu. Shi Hu treated him like his own grandson.

He has been decisive and keen since childhood and is known for his bravery. Later, Zhao was appointed a guerrilla general, and he was appointed Marquis of Xiucheng. Number from the conquest, repeated military exploits. After Shi Hu died, he set up a stone mirror, and then slaughtered Hu to destroy the stone.

In the first year of Qinglong, he ascended the throne and became emperor, restored the surname Ran, established the state of Wei, known as Ran Wei in history, and changed to Yuan Yongxing.

He is a real horse emperor, and he has spent his entire life in battle, and his hands are stained with blood.

It is his thin body, but it is solid and unshakable.

Killing Hu Ling, deterring the world, Ran Min's name swept across the eight wastelands, causing aliens in the world to vent their fears and dare not act rashly.

Even after being defeated by the Murong family, he was still regarded as a hero and passed down through the ages.

And his death triggered a vision of heaven and earth.

Murong Jun sent him to Longcheng, and beheaded him on Mount Yixing. All the vegetation on the left and right sides of the mountain withered, and locusts swarmed. There was no rain from May until December. Murong Jun sent messengers to worship Ran Min, who was given the posthumous title of King Wu Miao, and it snowed heavily that day.

From this, it can be seen that he is the blessing of God.


Ran Min was an emperor, so naturally his vision was different.

"So the lord is worried that someone will guess about you?"

"If that's the case, I think it would be better to kill him first!"

It is worthy of being the founder of Killing Hu Ling, and there has always been a bloody atmosphere between the actions.

Cao Yu waved his hand slightly, his plan was not feasible.

"Ran Min, if you follow what you said, there are too many people to kill."

"At least now we can't kill it."

"What does the lord think it should be?" Ran Min asked.

Cao Yu thought for a while and revealed his plan to kill Huaxiong.

This is good, the four tools in front of him are vying for the first.

This is a rare opportunity for them to go into battle!


Li Cunxiao waved his hand, he was the most powerful of the four: "Three, since you want to kill the enemy and cut generals, I don't think you need to fight. Who is more suitable than a certain?"

"That's not right!"

Dian Wei quit his job: "Old Li, you have already gone out to fight a battle before, and this time it will be our buddy's turn!"

"Young master, give me this battle!"

Dian Wei volunteered.

Of course Li Cunxiao refused, but before he could say anything, Ran Min also came to fight.

"My lord, Ran Min thought it was a Hua Xiong, but I heard that he doesn't seem to be all from the Central Plains, right?"

Ran Min's words were right, and Cao Yu could hear a little bit of deliberateness.

Seeing what he meant, I'm afraid he's going to mention killing Hu Ling again, but isn't Hua Xiong from the Central Plains?

When he said that, Cao Yu was really confused.


But it doesn't matter, even if he is a bastard, it doesn't matter.

Ran Min looked at him eagerly, but helplessly, Cao Yu couldn't agree.

Because it's just a war!

Even if Cao Yu knew that any of them could unscrew Hua Xiong's head, there was still a difference between whether it was appropriate or not.

So at this moment, Cao Yu set his sights on Luo Cheng!


Although Luo Cheng also wanted to fight this battle, he did not take the initiative to ask Ying.

Mainly because of his character, Luo Cheng is a cold person, not good at words, rarely speaks, and does not show any emotions too much.

It's just that he didn't expect that Cao Yu would actually plan to give him the task.


"My lord, you are..."

Luo Cheng asked dumbly, but Cao Yu smiled and said, "Don't you understand what I mean?"

"I want to give you this task. If we need to kill Hua Xiong, I hope you will take off his head!"


Luo Cheng, of course I am willing!

He immediately got up to answer, but this time, the other three were a little confused.

These people basically have half a pound of strength, except for Li Cunxiao.

For, Cao Yu has to choose Luo Cheng?

Dian Wei was the most straightforward, and immediately asked, "Young Master, why did you give the task to Brother Luo Cheng, but is he any special than us?"

Cao Yu knew Dian Wei, so he knew that he would ask questions, and he naturally prepared an answer waiting for him.

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