Three Kingdoms: The Feudal Alliance, I was Exposed by the Holy List

Chapter 44 Huang Gai: Hua Xiong, it's too deceiving! (2, ask for flowers)

"Hua Xiong is a jerk! It's too much to deceive people!"

In Sun Jian's camp, the first to pop up were Huang Gai and Huang Gongfu.

He lined up his iron whips and walked straight to Sun Jian's side.

"My lord, at the end of the day, I will kill Hua Xiong to avenge Zu Mao!"


Han Dang, who is good at riding and archery, is also unwilling to follow: "My lord, the last commander will also go!"

"It is necessary to take down Huaxiong's dog's head!"

Only Cheng Pu was motionless at the moment, but his eyes were equally fiery.

Are they going?

Sun Jian himself has to go!

"go together!"

After a pause, Sun Nut broke the opening, looking like he didn't care.


What is this bullshitting?

Seeing this, Cao Yu couldn't help sighing.

They are afraid that revenge is real, and it may not be fake if they want to grab the first prize.

However, it has to be said that Hua Xiong's move was really effective, and now the anger of Sun Jian's department has been stirred up by him.

If he goes into battle rashly and makes his move with hatred, it is inevitable that there will be some gaps and confusion compared with usual, and Hua Xiong can take the opportunity to enter and make meritorious deeds.

Good trick!

Cao Yu was thinking about whether to do it now.

The relationship between pros and cons needs to be taken rightly.

Because in addition to the angry Sun Jian and others, he also saw Liu Bei who was eager to try.



Seeing him meditating, Liu Bowen, Mr. Qingshan, moved slightly, and whispered from the side, "Isn't it time for us to start?"

"hold on."

Cao Yu answered very succinctly.

Liu Bowen's eyes flashed, "I think it's the captain of the Colonel... I'm afraid there will be some action?"

Cao Yu smiled lightly, but what he said was in line with his thoughts. At this time, if Cao Cao didn't speak, he would be sorry for his name as a manipulator behind the scenes.

Inviting him with his eyes, Cao Yu cast a glance at Cao Cao.

Liu Bowen looked at it obediently, and sure enough, he was about to speak.


"Brother Wentai!"


Cao Cao laughed and walked quickly to them, and unintentionally blocked Sun Jian.

"I, Cao Cao, understand your thoughts."

"Vengeance is certain!"

"However, at present, our two armies are at a standstill. There must be a charter, right?"

"Besides, Hua Xiong must have planned to come here, and he specially invited the head of the deceased to stimulate you all. If he rushed out like this, wouldn't he just fall for his evil?"

As Cao Cao spoke, he held the hilt of the sword with one hand, while the other hand rested on the handle of Sun Jian's ancient ingot.


Sun Jian frowned, puzzled.

Cao Cao continued to smile and said: "Wentai, standing here, I can feel the killing intent on your weapon."

"So I hope my brother will temporarily suppress his anger and slow down his emotions, and then go to fight Na Huaxiong!"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao suddenly turned around and saluted Yuan Shao.

"Leader, Cao thinks that, apart from Wentai, none of us present has seen Huaxiong's ability."

"So the leader of the alliance might as well send a soldier to test him first, and I will wait for the result here when I can."

"It's best if you can kill him directly, if you can't..."

After a pause, Cao Cao turned to Sun Jian, but this time, there was a more consoling smile on his face.

"Then it's up to you to see Wentai."

"The tiger of Jiangbiao, the majesty is thrown at you."


Cao Cao's last words comforted Sun Jian, took a deep breath, and nodded slowly.

"Okay, that's what Mende said."

Cao Cao's favor for saving him the last time was still there, and Sun Jian had actually just been angry just now.

Although Hua Xiong is a bastard, his ability is true.

If he really wanted to play one-on-one, he couldn't tell what the result would be.

Can't let this group of people beat him?

Although he hated him, Sun Jian still had to ask for this face.


Under Cao Cao's persuasion, Sun Jian and others returned to their seats.

Taking this opportunity, Yuan Shao hurriedly put on the stance of the leader of the alliance and asked the crowd, "Everyone, who would like to fight?"

Everyone heard the words, you look at me, I look at you.

They were all discussing quietly, only Cao Yu watched from the sidelines.

At this moment, in Bao Xin's camp, a person who looks similar to him jumped out.

He was still babbling: "Brother, don't pull me!"

The man said that he had come before the crowd.

"Leader, someone is willing to go!"

Yuan Shao fixed his eyes and saw that this man was actually Bao Zhong, the second brother of Bao Xin, the minister of Jibei.

Yes, Not Bad.

Yuan Shao had some impressions of this person.

There are three brothers in the Bao family, the eldest brother Bao Xin, the second child Bao Tao, and the third is this Bao Zhong.

Because their family was born under the edict, when He Jin summoned various places to build their own armed forces, it was considered a threshold for them to enter the official career.

Among the three brothers, the most fierce is Bao Zhong.

He made a golden rod, powerful and brave, and was a good general.


"it is good."

Yuan Shao nodded slightly, this was the first time he had dispatched princes in a real sense, and the feeling in his heart was naturally different from usual.

"General Bao Zhong, then it's up to you."

"I wish the general victory."

Bao Zhong threw his fists and stood up: "Don't worry, the leader of the alliance."

"Everyone, let's see Bao Zhong go to meet Hua Xiong."

"Come on, get weapons!"

Immediately, a squire brought in his main battle weapon from outside the door.

"Good guy."

Cao Yu looked at the golden tang, the style of which was carved in reverse. At first glance, it must have weighed at least 20 to 30 pounds.

"Everyone, Bao Zhong, go!"

Carrying Jin Tang, Bao Zhong walked away like a shooting star.


Following his battle, immediately in the camp of the princes, the drums of war roared and the horns rang.

In the Central Army, the cries of the soldiers outside could be vaguely heard.

"Meng De, you say this Bao Zhong, can you do it?"

Taking advantage of the current time, Yuan Shao asked Cao Cao.

"This...I don't know either."

Cao Cao shook his head slightly, his face expressionless: "Let's wait and see."

"I just……"

Before he could finish his words, he heard the sound of frantic footsteps outside the tent.

"Report! No, General Bao Zhong, he was beheaded by Hua Xiong!"

"Hua Xiong hangs his head again!"


As soon as these words came out, the heroes were surprised.

Bao Xin wailed even more, suffocating his heart and lungs, and passed out on the spot.

"This Huaxiong is too powerful!"


"I see we..."

Among the heroes, you said a word to me, and the discussion continued, as if sighing.

But there were a few people present who were not surprised, first of all, of course, Cao Yu.

Because he knows how the process is going, not only Bao Zhong will die today, but there will be more people.

Secondly, Cao Cao is not surprised, after all, compared with Sun Jian and Zu Mao, Bao Zhong is simply an incompetent rat.

Let him go, just to test the water.

Of course, Sun Jian thought so too.

There is another indifferent, that is Yuan Shao.

He didn't care about Bao Zhong's life or death. If he died, he would cut off his dissidents and eliminate the strength of each family. If Bao Zhong made a contribution, he would also kill for him, the leader of the alliance, and he would not pay for it.

The feudal lords have their own thoughts. Cao Cao has already asked people to carry the news report out for treatment. Now it is time to choose. Who will be the next to fight against Huaxiong?

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