The moment Zhang Fei rushed out without hesitation, the people around him were worried, but he quickly reacted and regained his strength.

At present, this physical strength is constantly being overdrawn, and the state is very bad. At the beginning, I thought that I could continue to persevere.

Only then did they realize how embarrassed they were, the whole person seemed to be worse off than death, and one of his legs was just hit, and a heart-piercing pain suddenly hit his face.

"I'm going... These guys seem to be very weak and can't help the wind, I didn't expect one to be more vicious than one person~!

From the very beginning of this small battle, they had always been at a disadvantage. This situation was very bad. What should I do? Zhang Fei was not a person who would sit still. "

"He felt like he should keep getting his spirits up, there's nothing he can't fix unless he doesn't want to.

"Stand up for me, hear you, look at you stupid guys, this little injury scared you, are you guys a little too weak.

As soon as these words were said, the rest of them seemed to have been beaten by chicken blood, and suddenly felt that their whole body was full of motivation.

On the spot, like a ferocious bull, they rushed over fiercely. At the beginning, they were always at a disadvantage, so they always felt that they were likely to end in defeat.

It is conceivable that something unexpected happened to them later.

On the spot, they directly noticed that an army was running from the direction behind them. If they guessed correctly, this time the army seemed to want to help them.

Sure enough, their idea quickly got a proof, and that's it, they directly joined the smoke of this war without saying a word, and in a short while, they had settled everything.

Fortunately, with these, the rescue army that suddenly appeared in front of them came to them for the first time.

Judging from their current posture, it seems that they want to come and help themselves, but the question of which side they are, still needs to let Zhang Fei think about it in his heart for a while.

··0 Seeking flowers.....

But now the situation is very urgent, he doesn't have time to think about some inexplicable things there, and he hastily led those around him who were already staggered and fell to the ground.

Even the group of guys who have started vomiting blood, quickly leave this place and flee to the back, so that they can also have room for recovery, otherwise these two will look extraordinarily embarrassed!


"The general just said that we are too embarrassing. I didn't expect that we would do things like this. Now I have no face to face you anymore. I can't wait to find a hole to get in. The idea is already there, it's really embarrassing."

When they were pulled over fiercely by Zhang Fei, their emotional emotions had already begun, and they kept spreading in their hearts.

Because at that time, they had already made up their minds in the last second, wanting to say, life is just like this, if you die, you will die? They have completely dared not continue to struggle.

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