When he heard this sentence, Cao Yu's face was also black, it couldn't be darker, what else could he do?

He really doesn't have any way at present, the key is that this Yuan Shao is not what it used to be.

At that time, he really didn't realize this right in the hands of the other party, and he had begun to become stronger and stronger without knowing it. What kind of situation is this?

Why has no one ever reported this news to themselves? Isn't this equivalent to showing a big loophole?

No wonder there is such a situation today, there must be an inextricable relationship between them, if Cao Yu is not angry, then of course it is fake, and scolded all of his 20 people at the first time After a while, I scolded them, even a dog.

Up to now, it still gives him a headache, such a big thing, but they have never heard them say, even if it is all at once, it is okay, but it has never been, what kind of situation is this?

"Let's do it! Let Liu Xie decree Yuan Shao and deprive him of his ancestral glory. This old fox dares to oppose me. 99

"Then he has to pay, he should pay the price, listen to me, let me arrange according to this direction, but I want to see what kind of response Yuan Shao can make! 55

A method like Cao Yu's can be said to be very ruthless, and it is nothing more than the equivalent of directly eliminating Yuan Shao's rights. Then such a situation is definitely something that everyone does not want to see.

So everyone is on the lookout, for fear that something unexpected will happen at that time. Wouldn't this Yuan Shao use some methods to impress them thoroughly?

However, being able to make such a decision at the moment must be a desperate point. It seems that Cao Yu has no other way to solve it, so he shouted this sentence out of necessity.

Cao Yu had a triumphant smile, and his heart was also very arrogant, but he didn't know that Yuan Shao seemed to have unknowingly become arrogant to a point that caught him off guard.

Because as the days passed, the other party still did not give any reply, it was as if he did not see the news from his messenger, even from the information sent by the messenger over there.

The treatment he received there was very unfair. To know the identity of the messenger, it meant that Cao Yu met in person, so what did Yuan Shao want? Could it be that he really wanted to give himself a slap in the face? Underfoot?

247 is simply unreasonable. At this moment, Cao Yu is already in a state of splitting headaches. He knows that a person may be very mad, but he did not expect this Yuan Shao to reach this level.

If you don't give anyone a reply under this situation at this moment, it will only make this old fox even more arrogant!

In front of Cao Yu's eyes, he still dares to be presumptuous, doesn't this guy mean he is courting death? Soon, he angered the biggest firework in Cao Yu's heart, and slapped a hand on the table on the spot.

To the messengers around him, he ordered: "I don't care how you solve these things for me at the moment.""

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