Even if they mustered all their strength, and even at the end, recoiled, many things caught you off guard, and they were embarrassed to express their true thoughts, but it was true, they did not have the confidence to do so.

But when faced with Cao Yu, how dare they show all those thoughts? Isn't this the equivalent of courting death? How much Cao Yu is looking forward to their performance, and how eager he is now Don't say such ridiculous things in their mouths!

Hurry up and arrange the formation, and even plan everything, try to be able to rush into their den under such circumstances, this time must succeed, not fail, Cao Yu's attitude is also very tough .

The way he showed from the beginning to the end seems to have already written his current thoughts, and his face is also full of various irritable emotions, because after looking at the situation, he feels that it is indeed a bit not good~ wonderful .

That has caused such serious consequences, the problem is who, it is not because they are really incompetent, and they dare not even think about the idea of ​​easily confronting others. You said that such people were not from the beginning. Just - have you fallen for it?

So now, Cao Yu also gave all of them a hard education to cheer them up.

Don't feel that it is dark and windy at night, it seems that they are particularly lacking in physical strength. As long as they work hard to move forward, in fact, all the problems at the moment can be completely eliminated, right?

What he said was quite reasonable, but they didn't want to listen to it at all. How could it seem like an understatement? Cao Yu didn't participate in their event this time, so he didn't know what happened this time. How terrible the battle can be.

It's not that they don't have that ability, but they are very self-aware in their hearts, knowing that it may not be so easy for them and this Jizhou to succeed. Preparation.

In the future, it will only be more painful. Thinking of such a situation, it really makes people feel complicated. Everyone dares not say anything. They can already express their fearful gestures. The truest idea.

··0 Flowers...  

That is, they really do not have that ability, but they dare not boldly express the most arrogant thoughts in their hearts in front of Cao Yu, saying that they really do not have any participation in this battle, I hope Cao Yu Yu can let them go.

If you don't want to die, you'd better clean up your terrible thoughts, otherwise he will die miserably.

How could he know that their battle had not yet started, and at the same time, he heard a piece of news that caught him off guard, saying that the main force of Yuan Shao's army had defeated Gongsun Zan in Yijing, and the territory had greatly increased.

Hearing this news, Cao Yu's reply was only two words, that is trash, and he really didn't want to give any more evaluation except this.

A Yuan Shao has already been defeated, what kind of concept is this? It means that this guy is really incompetent, trash is trash, and the opponent will play after he has played.

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