Only later did they realize how funny and unrealistic their idea was.

Zhang Fei also thought of this matter, and he realized that he really should make some appropriate actions at the right time, so soon, a very arrogant thought appeared in his heart, that is, hurry up Let Yuan Shao give some expressions.

What makes them suffer here, they may set themselves on fire at any time. For example, before they received the tragic attack from Cao Yu, they were frozen into sculptures in this place. Isn't this an obvious meaning of playing with fire and setting themselves on fire? ?

They only felt that their hearts had been attacked a lot, as if they were a dispensable tool in front of Yuan Shao, and they had no meaning at all.

It turned out that they were just such a joke, and their embarrassed expressions were fiercely displayed on their faces.

Being able to feel the pain in their hearts right now, Zhang Fei next to him also clearly explained to everyone that as long as they continue to persevere for a while, if Cao Yu still doesn't give any example.

Then they can go back and spend the winter peacefully in their own blankets. Under such painful and cold conditions, they really don't want to suffer any more blows.

Whether it's nature's harm to them, or the lack of food makes them unable to live at all, they are just a group of ordinary people who just want to live this life in peace, why is it so painful?

Zhang Fei expressed it to them, saying that no matter what, everyone's life will be left behind, like those who are almost frozen, like a sculpture.

He could only let the soldiers around him carry out the first rescue and send him to a warm place, but the information that came a few minutes later really made him very sad.

It is said that this guy has no medicine to save, and finally died. The scene they witnessed was the most painful. During the process of talking, their emotions were too excited, and one couldn't help but collapse there. burst into tears.

The embarrassed emotions were quickly shown on their faces, and they wiped the tears from the corners of their eyes in pain, "I saw my brother die in front of me, slowly without any breathing. 々 ".

""'He was really frozen into a sculpture state, and I also slowly reached out to him with a trembling hand. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have thought that he would die in my lifetime. In front of me, there is actually such a picture!

"We used to each have ridiculous fantasies about what it would be like to die in the future? I would also tell each other very confidently at the time that I would not die (promise), and I would definitely be able to live. To a hundred years old!"

But later he realized how funny his idea was, so he smiled bitterly and said that if he lived to be 100 years old, he would die before he was 20 years old.

"They cheered me up. People who didn't know thought that something happened. You are so sentimental, I don't know what made you wrong!"

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