If the point just now was just a nameless anger, then now his anger is on the verge of breaking out. I heard that Li Cunxiao has led their powerful army and came over in minutes.

And it was the kind that came overnight. Thinking of the painful situation, Guan Yu felt that he was really a little too complimented.

First of all, he really doesn't have a little bit of self-confidence in himself, plus he feels that there may be a very big gap between his strength and Cao Yu, without this Li Cunxiao and Cao Yu, both of these guys are is an old fox.

If there is really a life-threatening problem at that time, he feels that his head has fallen, and that kind of thing is a trivial matter, and it is very likely that these brothers around him will suffer with him.

When Zhang Fei came to tease him in that yin and yang tone, his face turned very dark on the spot, "You are the only one who can say such things so easily now, I think we Can be considered a grasshopper in a boat, if I can't solve this problem at the moment.

"Even after I die, you have to rush forward fiercely! In this way, both of us are nothing but the same role, and you still look at me with such teasing eyes, how did you do this? degree?"

I can feel that Guan Yu is indeed very angry.

Just from the angry look between his brows and eyes, you can see how painful he is. However, Zhang Fei's attitude has not changed in any way, and the smile from beginning to end has not disappeared.

And a little bit of sarcasm, "please, that kind of thing that fails is not going to happen to you, it's totally impractical to me, so you don't need to come here and remind me again and again , instead of worrying about me here, you might as well worry about yourself!"

Also, Zhang Fei has always been more vigorous and resolute in doing things. As long as he wants to do, there is nothing he can't do, and it has always been the same.

And in the process of talking with Cao Yu some time ago, if these people around him were not holding him back, maybe he would have succeeded directly.

So that when Guan Yu said this sentence, there was a lack of confidence in his heart, and his eyes were somewhat erratic.

Because he really doesn't have a little bit of self-confidence now, for fear that something unexpected will happen at that time.

This Zhang Fei is indeed capable, but if the two of them can join forces, then of course it would be better. When it came to this question, he suddenly started to choked up a little, and then his eyes snapped. 293 laps around.

His purpose was quickly revealed on his face. That's right, he just wanted to tell the people around him, can Zhang Fei come over to support him? At the moment when this idea rushed out, he also felt Somewhat embarrassing myself.

If there is no way, now I can only say that I do it like this, "I have done everything I should say and do, and now I really feel exhausted."

"If anything happens to be life-threatening, I don't think I need to stay in this place now, I'll still say that."

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